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mattsgarrison / _post.html.erb
Created May 9, 2012 15:35
Adding Gists to RefineryCMS-Blog
<%-# This is the default way the file puts post content on the page. %>
<%= @post.body.html_safe %>
<%-# This is the replacement for that line. %>
<%= raw @post.body.html_safe.gsub(/\[gist:(\d+)(\,)(.+)\]/,"<script src='\\1.js?file=\\3'></script>") %>
mattsgarrison / Rakefile
Created June 2, 2012 18:29
RubyMotion Rakefile configured for submitting to the App Store.
require 'motion/project'
require 'bubble-wrap'
Motion::Project::App.setup do |app|
# Use `rake config' to see complete project settings. = 'Chatoms'
app.version = "2.0"
app.deployment_target = '5.1'
app.identifier = "com.iconoclastlabs.chatoms"
mattsgarrison / dump.m
Created June 12, 2012 03:12 — forked from gavingmiller/dump.m
Objective-C Dump Views
static void dumpViews(UIView* view, NSString *text, NSString *indent)
Class cl = [view class];
NSString *classDescription = [cl description];
while ([cl superclass])
cl = [cl superclass];
classDescription = [classDescription stringByAppendingFormat:@":%@", [cl description]];
mattsgarrison /
Created August 16, 2012 13:34
Stripe Credit Card Processing
jQuery ->
subscription =
setupForm: ->
$('#new_subscription input[type=submit]').click ->
$(this).attr('disabled', true) #disable to prevent doubleclicks·

With Heroku's new JRuby support you may have already seen that you can run TorqueBox Lite on Heroku. But, that only gives you the web features of TorqueBox. What about scheduled jobs, backgroundable, messaging, services, and caching?

With a small amount of extra work, you can now run the full TorqueBox (minus STOMP support and clustering) on Heroku as well! I've successfully deployed several test applications, including the example Rails application from our Getting Started Guide which has a scheduled job, a service, and uses backgroundable and messaging.

The version of TorqueBox you'll be running on Heroku is almost identical (two commits newer) than TorqueBox 2.2.0. We had to expose a small extra flag to control when TorqueBox actually binds to the HTTP port since Heroku uses that as the trigger that your application is up and ready to serve reque

mattsgarrison / crystal_report.rb
Created January 5, 2013 01:47
This is a rough proof of concept just to see if it was feasible to run one of my workplace's legacy Crystal Reports through JRuby and eventually scheduled and queued through a Torquebox app. The particular .rpt I was playing with had DB connection info required, but no parameters passed into it. This was just a class file I tossed in the /lib fo…
class CrystalReport
require 'java'
# Some cargo cult programming inclusions.
# This is just every jar file provided as part of the runtime package here:
require 'vendor/jars/crystal/com.azalea.ufl.barcode.1.0.jar'
require 'vendor/jars/crystal/commons-lang-2.1.jar'
mattsgarrison / welcome_helper.rb
Created May 21, 2013 02:42
Rails image_tag helper for when an image may or may not exist.
def image_tag_or_default(image_name, options = {})
if RailsApplicationName::Application.assets.find_asset("#{image_name}").nil?
end :root_style do
style :label,
text: "Label",
backgroundColor: :gray,
font: :bold.uifont(15),
textColor: :white,
shadowColor: :black,
textAlignment: :right,
layer: {
mattsgarrison / pg_backup.rake
Created December 17, 2013 15:32
A couple rake tasks to back up and restore Postgres databases in Rails using your Rails Environment variable.
namespace :db do
desc "Runs pg_dump against the environment's database."
task pg_dump: :environment do
db_config = Rails.application.config.database_configuration[Rails.env]
system "pg_dump -U #{db_config['username']} #{db_config['database']} -f dump_#{Rails.env}.sql"
desc "Loads a pg_dump file into the environment's database."
task pg_restore: :environment do
db_config = Rails.application.config.database_configuration[Rails.env]
module RubyMotionQuery
module Stylers
class UIPageControlStyler < UIControlStyler
# Your custom styler methods here
def current_page
def current_page=(value)