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mawillcockson /
Created January 26, 2018 00:53
Proof of identity for

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am mawillcockson on github.
  • I am mawillcockson ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASDtn4sIGl7SslZu-ioUZwJ0JWd_6HC49F14VxV4YDP7kAo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

mawillcockson /
Created December 30, 2020 12:11
Compare Manhattan distance calculations implemented in python
echo "sum(map(abs, map(operator.sub, p, q)))"
python -m timeit \
-s "import operator;p=q=range(-10_000, 10_000, 1);" \
-s "def manhattan_distance(p, q): return sum(map(abs, map(operator.sub, p, q)))" \
"manhattan_distance(p, q)"
echo ""
echo "sum(abs(x - y) for x, y in zip(p, q))"
python -m timeit \
mawillcockson /
Created February 7, 2021 22:23
[Python] subclass pathlib.Path
example of subclassing pathlib.Path
the current downside is repr() shows a PosixPath or WindowsPath
mypy --strict is satisfied by the call to cast(), and as long as the __new__()
method returns an object of type pathlib.Path, everything else should work,
since the created object will be the same as if it were created with pathlib.Path
mypy will complain, as it does not like the Path type on the last line
mawillcockson /
Last active February 7, 2021 23:06
[Python] practical subclassing of pathlib.Path
NOTE: This sort of "subclassing" only allows modifying how the object is instantiated.
Other methods added to deriving classes aren't present on the instance.
For example, the following fails with an AttributeError:
class Example(StrictPath, Path):
"example subclass with a method"
def method(self) -> None:
mawillcockson /
Created February 8, 2021 04:18
[Python] linting bug
neither pylint nor mypy catch this error, even with the most stringent checks
def func() -> int:
"raises an exception"
raise RuntimeError("i can't do it :(")
mawillcockson /
Created February 9, 2021 00:44
[Python] bug in black
black --version
black, version 20.8b1
comments indicate how black reformats the above line
all of these are treated as valid in Python 3.6+
from typing import List, Tuple
name: List[Tuple[float]] = []
mawillcockson /
Created March 5, 2021 20:39
what binary operations on positive integers result in a value that's equal to the count of characters in the names of the numbers in the calculation
# mypy: allow-any-expr
usage: add_number_phrase [[start] stop]
finds binary operations of addition, subtraction, division, or multiplication
that result in a value that's equal to the number of letters of all of the
names of the numbers used in the calculation
start: number to start at (1 if not specified)
stop: number to stop at
mawillcockson /
Last active March 13, 2021 16:10
Extremely basic cli timer
tells the time difference between input events
import math
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import List
def now() -> datetime:
"returns a timezone-aware object for the time when it's called"
mawillcockson /
Created March 19, 2021 23:44
An attempt at timing the difference checksumming makes when downloading hugo
set -eu
setup() {
GITHUB_WORKSPACE="$(mktemp -d)"
DOWNLOADS="$(mktemp -d)"
eval "$(curl -fsSL '' \
| jq --compact-output --raw-output '.assets |
mawillcockson /
Last active April 13, 2021 22:12
Install virt-bootstrap on debian
# This is a very dumb script: run it more than once, and it will mess things up.
# This is meant to be run from as a regular user.
# At the end, when the command virt-manager is run from bash, virt-manager will
# be launched with access to virt-bootstrap.
# To uninstall, remove the following directories and files:
# ~/.local/lib/virt-bootstrap