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max-degterev /
Created November 2, 2018 01:13
Solves the airport wifi time limit problem. Don't forget to `sudo chmod +x`.
# Getting interface name
read -p "Interface please (default en0): " otherinterface
[ -n "$otherinterface" ] && interface=$otherinterface
# Generating new MAC adderess
newmac=$(openssl rand -hex 6 | sed 's/\(..\)/\1:/g; s/.$//')
const got = require('got');
const sendMail = require('../mailer');
const render = require('./template');
const recipients = [
// is new to the internet and wants every user of the API identify himself with a correct
// user agent 🙈 Let's see how they block these.
max-degterev / maybe-buzz-music.js
Created January 1, 2021 20:22
Sort of plays sound
const { Gpio } = require('pigpio');
const NOTE_B0 = 31;
const NOTE_C1 = 33;
const NOTE_CS1 = 35;
const NOTE_D1 = 37;
const NOTE_DS1 = 39;
const NOTE_E1 = 41;
const NOTE_F1 = 44;
const NOTE_FS1 = 46;