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<img src="" width='250px'>
<img src="" width='250px'>
Build a web page for your portfolio or use your digital space to promote a cause.
Use free frameworks and plugins that will give your website a professional looking style and the ability to easily push your work to an audience.
<h2>Making Tech Easy.</h2>
Making Tech Easy.
Build a web page for your portfolio or use your digital space to promote a cause.
Use free frameworks and plugins that will give your website a professional looking style and the ability to easily push your work to an audience.
<h1> TechJam </h1>
$('.facebookPhotos').append("<img src='' />");
FB.api('/me/friends', function(response) {
for (var i=0;i<5;i++){
$('.container').append('<img src="'[i].id+'/picture?type=large">');
}); //FB.api
FB.api('/me/friends', function(response) {
for (var i=0;i<5;i++)
//stuff you want to happen after getting data goes here