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Max Countryman maxcountryman

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(ns locksmithing.queue-model-test
(:require [clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]]
[clojure.test :refer :all]
[knossos.core :refer [linearizations
[locksmithing.queue :refer [queue]])
(:import [locksmithing.queue Node]
[java.util.concurrent.atomic AtomicReference]))
;; A simple mark-and-sweep implementation over a toy VM
(ns broom.core
(:clojure-refer :exclude [pop]))
;; Maximum stack size
(def ^:const STACK-MAX 256)
;; Virtual Machine global ref
(def ^:private vm (ref {:max-objs 10
(def gt? (comp pos? compare))
(def lt? (comp neg? compare))
(definterface INode
(getLeft [])
(getRight [])
(setLeft [n])
(setRight [n])
(getKey [])
;; Greater-Than and Less-Than comparator->bool helpers
(defn gt? [x y]
(case (compare x y)
1 true
0 false
-1 false))
(defn lt? [x y]
(case (compare x y)
(defn combinations
([s] (combinations s (list ())))
([s acc]
(if-not s
(let [combos (map #(conj % (first s)) acc)]
(recur (next s) (concat acc combos))))))
maxcountryman /
Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
A Clojure-inspired generator trampoline decorator.
import functools
import types
def gentramp(gen):
def unroll(g):
while isinstance(g, types.GeneratorType):
g =
return g
def trampoline(func):
def decorated(*args):
f = func(*args)
while callable(f):
f = f()
return f
return decorated
def fact(n, acc=1):
length ::
List a
-> Int
length Nil = 0
length (_ :. xs) = 1 + length xs
-- >> length infinity
-- *** Exception: stack overflow
(declare permutations)
(defn permute [s x]
(let [ps (permutations (remove (partial = x) s))]
(map #(cons x %) ps)))
(defn permutations [s]
(if (-> s (count) (= 1))
(list s)
(mapcat (partial permute s) s)))
(ns datastructures.queue
(:refer-clojure :exclude [compare-and-set! pop])
(:import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference))
(defn- compare-and-set! [^AtomicReference aref oldval newval]
(or (.compareAndSet aref oldval newval)
(throw (RuntimeException. ::loop))))
(defmacro with-contention
[& body]