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Last active August 15, 2023 11:35
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Evaluate Instant NGP on a dataset created with BlenderNeRF
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
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"# Install Instant NGP"
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"Check your assigned NVIDIA GPU"
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"Download and install packages"
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"!apt update && apt install build-essential git python3-dev python3-pip libopenexr-dev libxi-dev libglfw3-dev libglew-dev libomp-dev libxinerama-dev libxcursor-dev\n",
"!pip install --upgrade cmake"
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"Clone the Instant NGP repository"
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"!git clone --recursive ngp\n",
"%cd /content/ngp/"
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"Build the project with cmake (and disable GUI, as not supported in python notebooks) **~ 10 min**"
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"!cmake . -B build -DNGP_BUILD_WITH_GUI=OFF\n",
"!cmake --build build --config RelWithDebInfo -j `nproc`"
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"Install package requirements"
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"!pip3 install -r requirements.txt\n",
"%cd /content/"
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"Replace code chunk incompatible with `transforms_test.json`"
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"ngpfile = '/content/ngp/scripts/'\n",
"textin = 'f.get(\"transform_matrix\", f[\"transform_matrix_start\"])'\n",
"textout = 'f[\"transform_matrix\"]'\n",
"readf = open(ngpfile)\n",
"content =\n",
"content = content.replace(textin, textout)\n",
"writef = open(ngpfile, 'w')\n",
"# incompatible with\n",
"# currently master branch (15.08.2023)"
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"# Upload and Prepare Data"
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"You can upload and access your **BlenderNeRF** dataset either via Google Drive (fast uploading) or directly by dragging your zip file to the *Files* panel on the left\n",
"WARNING : the dataset is expected to contain a `train` folder with training images, alongside `transforms_train.json` and `transforms_test.json` files"
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"# @title Select your uploading type\n",
"# @markdown Upload your zipped data and edit `<>` in either **gdrivePath** or **colabPath** to match the relative path to the dataset\n",
"uploadType = 'google_drive' # @param ['google_drive', 'colab_drive'] {allow-input: false}\n",
"gdrivePath = '/content/drive/MyDrive/\\>' # @param {type: 'string'}\n",
"colabPath = '/content/<>' # @param {type: 'string'}"
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"Extract the archived dataset"
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"source": [
"import os\n",
"datasetPath = gdrivePath if uploadType == 'google_drive' else colabPath\n",
"gdrive = False\n",
"if uploadType == 'google_drive' and not gdrive:\n",
" from google.colab import drive\n",
" drive.mount('/content/drive/')\n",
" gdrive = True\n",
"if not datasetPath.endswith('.zip'):\n",
" raise Warning('Please provide a valid dataset path ending in .zip')\n",
"datasetDir = '/content/' + os.path.basename(datasetPath.split('.zip')[0]) # /content/<datasetName>/\n",
"!unzip $datasetPath -d $datasetDir"
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"Split data into `traindata` and `testdata` folders, and set the parameters as defined with **BlenderNeRF**"
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"metadata": {
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"source": [
"import json\n",
"%cd $datasetDir\n",
"!mkdir -p traindata testdata\n",
"!mv train traindata\n",
"!mv transforms_train.json traindata\n",
"!mv transforms_test.json testdata\n",
"f = open('testdata/transforms_test.json')\n",
"testdata = json.loads(\n",
"testWidth, testHeight = int(testdata['w']), int(testdata['h'])\n",
"testDir = os.path.dirname(testdata['frames'][0]['file_path'])\n",
"trainPath = os.path.join(datasetDir, 'traindata')\n",
"testPath = os.path.join(datasetDir, 'testdata', testDir)\n",
"testJson = os.path.join(datasetDir, 'testdata/transforms_test.json')\n",
"%cd /content/"
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"# @title Set parameters\n",
"# @markdown Keep the width and height at 0 to use the resolution defined in **BlenderNeRF**\n",
"# @markdown **spp** = samples per pixel (larger means less noise, but slower rendering)\n",
"width = 0 # @param {type:\"integer\"}\n",
"height = 0 # @param {type:\"integer\"}\n",
"iterations = 2000 # @param {type:\"slider\", min:100, max:20000, step:100}\n",
"spp = 16 # @param {type:\"slider\", min:1, max:64, step:1}\n",
"# resolution\n",
"width = width if width else testWidth\n",
"height = height if height else testHeight\n",
"# warnings\n",
"if width < 0 or height < 0:\n",
" raise Warning('Width and height cannot be negative')\n",
"if iterations <= 0:\n",
" raise Warning('The number of training iterations must be strictly positive')\n",
"if spp <= 0 or spp > 64:\n",
" raise Warning('The number of samples per pixel must be > 0 and ≤ 64')"
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"# Run NeRF"
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"Training might take from seconds to a few minutes depending on your assigned GPU. Rendered test images are stored under `<datasetPath>/testdata/`"
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"source": [
"%cd /content/ngp/\n",
"!python scripts/ --scene $trainPath \\\n",
" --save_snapshot ./snapshot.ingp \\\n",
" --screenshot_transforms $testJson \\\n",
" --screenshot_dir $testPath \\\n",
" --screenshot_spp $spp \\\n",
" --width $width \\\n",
" --height $height \\\n",
" --n_steps $iterations\n",
"%cd /content/\n",
"# load snapshot with the below flag\n",
"# --load_snapshot ./snapshot.ingp"
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"# Save Output"
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"Encode the rendered test frames into a video, stored under `<datasetPath>/testdata/`"
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"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {
"cellView": "form",
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"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# @title Encode the rendered test frames into a video\n",
"# @markdown **fps** = frames per second\n",
"# @markdown **quality** = quality constant rate factor (lower is better quality)\n",
"fps = \"24\" # @param [1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 24, 25, 30, 50, 60, 120, 240]\n",
"fps = int(fps)\n",
"quality = 20 # @param {type:\"slider\", min:1, max:50}\n",
"output = 'video.mp4' # @param {type:\"string\"}\n",
"# warning\n",
"if quality < 0 or quality > 51:\n",
" raise Warning('The quality level must be >= 0 and ≤ 30')\n",
"if fps <= 0:\n",
" raise Warning('The frame rate (fps) cannot be negative')\n",
"if not output.endswith('.mp4'):\n",
" raise Warning ('The output filename must end in .mp4')\n",
" raise Warning('Please provide a valid dataset path ending in .zip')\n",
"ext = os.listdir(testPath)[0].split('.')[-1]\n",
"digits = len(os.listdir(testPath)[0].split('.')[0])\n",
"input = os.path.join(testPath, f'%0{digits}d.{ext}')\n",
"output = os.path.join(testPath, output)\n",
"# encode video\n",
"!ffmpeg -framerate $fps -i $input -crf $quality -pix_fmt yuv420p -y $output"
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"Compress the test data and copy the archived file to your gdrive. The file can otherwise be downloaded from the left *Files* window"
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"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {
"cellView": "form",
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"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# @title Compress and save the test data to Google Drive\n",
"# @markdown Set a valid **filename** for the test data. If **save** is ticked, the archived file will be stored to **savePath** (by default your gdrive home path)\n",
"filename = '' # @param {type: 'string'}\n",
"savePath = '/content/drive/MyDrive/' # @param {type: 'string'}\n",
"save = True # @param {type:\"boolean\"}\n",
"# compress\n",
"folder = filename.replace('.zip', '')\n",
"!mkdir -p $folder\n",
"!cp -r $testPath/* $folder\n",
"!zip -r $filename $folder\n",
"!rm -rf $folder\n",
"# save to drive\n",
"if save and not gdrive:\n",
" from google.colab import drive\n",
" drive.mount('/content/drive/')\n",
" gdrive = True\n",
"if save and not os.path.isdir(savePath):\n",
" raise Warning('savePath must be a valid folder location on your gdrive')\n",
"if save:\n",
" !cp $filename $savePath"
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