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Last active April 13, 2022 09:00
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"# The school location problem\n",
"Max Kapur | []( | Apr. 13, 2022\n",
"Video supplement:\n",
"## Introduction\n",
"The school location problem is a kind of [facility location problem]( The city needs to build $n$ schools to serve $m$ families. Each family's location (in Euclidean space) is given by $p_j$, and their children will attend the school *closest* to home, so the distance they travel to school is \n",
"$$\\min_{i = 1 \\dots n}\\left\\{\\lVert x_i - p_j \\rVert_q \\right\\}.$$\n",
"Here $x_i$ is the location of school $i$ and $\\lVert \\cdot \\rVert_q$ is some $p$-norm. In this demonstration, we will use the 2-norm or Euclidean distance, but the 1-norm or taxicab distance may be more appropriate in an urban context. \n",
"Our goal is to choose the $x_i$ that *minimize,* in some sense, the distance between families and schools. Since we already assume that families attend the nearest school, this means we are dealing with some kind of \"minimin\" problem. \"Minimin\" and \"maximax\" problems tend to be more computationally challenging than \"minimax\" or \"maximin\" problems because of the [convexity/concavity]( of the max/min operators. Often, the most effective way to formulate a minimin problem is by adding binary variables that identify the minimum. \n",
"In the school location problem, we will define the [social cost]( as the *longest* distance that any student travels to school. The reason is that in a public planning problem such as this, it is important to prevent jealousy among the families. By minimizing the longest distance, we ensure that no single family has a longer commute than everyone else. (To see why this is true, suppose that some plan does give a single family the longest commute. Then their commute defines the social cost for this plan, and by nudging their school infinitesimally closer to them, we can decrease the social cost; therefore this plan is not optimal.) The plan that minimizes the average distance, for example, typically does not have this property.\n",
"## Problem formulation\n",
"Incorporating the social cost function above, we can now write the school location problem. It has a delightful \"minimaximin\" form:\n",
"$$\\text{minimize}\\quad \\max_{j = 1 \\dots m} \\Bigl\\{ \\min_{i = 1 \\dots n}\\left\\{\\lVert x_i - p_j \\rVert_2 \\right\\} \\Bigr\\}$$\n",
"To get this into a form that our solver can handle, we first let the variable $t$ stand in for the maximal distance:\n",
"\\text{minimize}\\quad & t \\\\\n",
"\\text{subject to}\\quad &t \\geq\\min_{i = 1 \\dots n}\\left\\{\\lVert x_i - p_j \\rVert_2 \\right\\}, &j = 1 \\dots m\n",
"Since $t$ is greater than or equal to all of the inputs to the maximum, it is greater than or equal to the value of the maximum itself. And since this is a minimization problem, $t$ will be decreased \"automatically\" until it equals the value of the value of the maximum.\n",
"On the other hand, because this is *not* a maximization problem, the same trick doesn't work for getting rid of the minimum. Instead, let's introduce a binary variable $s_{ij}$ that equals one if family $j$'s children attend school $i$, and zero otherwise. Now we can write the problem as follows.\n",
"\\text{minimize}\\quad & t \\\\\n",
"\\text{subject to}\\quad &t \\geq \\lVert x_i - p_j \\rVert_2 - M (1 - s_{ij}), & i = 1\\dots n,~j = 1 \\dots m \\\\\n",
"& \\sum_{i=1}^n s_{ij} \\geq 1, & j = 1\\dots m \\\\\n",
"& s_{ij} \\in \\{0, 1\\}, & i = 1\\dots n,~j = 1 \\dots m\n",
"Here $M$ is a large, positive constant. If $s_{ij} = 0$, then the first constraint is vacuous; if $s_{ij} = 1$, the first constraint activates as required. The second constraint simply says that everyone must attend at least one school. By the minimization argument, it is easy to see that this constraint will hold with equality \"automatically.\"\n",
"We will use the [Splitting Conic Solver]( (SCS) to solve the relaxations of this problem. The first constraint in the problem above is already convex, but the solver will process it more efficiently if we input it in the following conic form:\n",
"\\text{minimize}\\quad & t \\\\\n",
"\\text{subject to}\\quad &\n",
"\\begin{bmatrix}d_{ij} \\\\ x_i - p_j \\end{bmatrix} \\in C_2, & i = 1\\dots n,~j = 1 \\dots m \\\\\n",
"& t \\geq d_{ij} - M (1 - s_{ij}), & i = 1\\dots n,~j = 1 \\dots m \\\\\n",
"& \\sum_{i=1}^n s_{ij} \\geq 1, & j = 1\\dots m \\\\\n",
"& s_{ij} \\in \\{0, 1\\}, & i = 1\\dots n,~j = 1 \\dots m\n",
"Here $C_2 = \\bigl\\{(h, y) \\in \\mathbb{R}^3 : h \\geq \\lVert y \\rVert_2 \\bigr\\}$ is known as the *second-order cone.* \n",
"## Solving the problem in Julia\n",
"We will use Julia and the [JuMP]( modeling language to express this problem as a second-order conic program (SOCP). We will use SCS to solve the relaxations, and the [Juniper]( package to handle the binary variables."
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"using Plots\n",
"using JuMP\n",
"using Juniper, SCS\n",
"using LinearAlgebra\n",
"using Test"
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"Let's generate a fake instance of the problem with $m = 20$ families and $n = 3$ schools. The plot shows the location of each household."
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"<path clip-path=\"url(#clip410)\" d=\"M2067.43 154.143 L2067.43 157.685 L2063.35 157.685 Q2061.06 157.685 2060.16 158.611 Q2059.28 159.537 2059.28 161.944 L2059.28 164.236 L2066.29 164.236 L2066.29 167.546 L2059.28 167.546 L2059.28 190.162 L2055 190.162 L2055 167.546 L2050.92 167.546 L2050.92 164.236 L2055 164.236 L2055 162.43 Q2055 158.102 2057.01 156.134 Q2059.03 154.143 2063.4 154.143 L2067.43 154.143 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip410)\" d=\"M2082.78 177.129 Q2077.61 177.129 2075.62 178.31 Q2073.63 179.49 2073.63 182.338 Q2073.63 184.606 2075.11 185.949 Q2076.62 187.268 2079.19 187.268 Q2082.73 187.268 2084.86 184.768 Q2087.01 182.245 2087.01 178.078 L2087.01 177.129 L2082.78 177.129 M2091.27 175.37 L2091.27 190.162 L2087.01 190.162 L2087.01 186.226 Q2085.55 188.587 2083.38 189.722 Q2081.2 190.833 2078.05 190.833 Q2074.07 190.833 2071.71 188.611 Q2069.37 186.365 2069.37 182.615 Q2069.37 178.24 2072.29 176.018 Q2075.23 173.796 2081.04 173.796 L2087.01 173.796 L2087.01 173.379 Q2087.01 170.439 2085.07 168.842 Q2083.15 167.222 2079.65 167.222 Q2077.43 167.222 2075.32 167.754 Q2073.22 168.287 2071.27 169.351 L2071.27 165.416 Q2073.61 164.514 2075.81 164.074 Q2078.01 163.611 2080.09 163.611 Q2085.72 163.611 2088.49 166.527 Q2091.27 169.444 2091.27 175.37 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip410)\" d=\"M2120.23 169.213 Q2121.83 166.342 2124.05 164.977 Q2126.27 163.611 2129.28 163.611 Q2133.33 163.611 2135.53 166.458 Q2137.73 169.282 2137.73 174.513 L2137.73 190.162 L2133.45 190.162 L2133.45 174.652 Q2133.45 170.926 2132.13 169.12 Q2130.81 167.314 2128.1 167.314 Q2124.79 167.314 2122.87 169.514 Q2120.95 171.713 2120.95 175.509 L2120.95 190.162 L2116.66 190.162 L2116.66 174.652 Q2116.66 170.902 2115.35 169.12 Q2114.03 167.314 2111.27 167.314 Q2108.01 167.314 2106.09 169.537 Q2104.16 171.736 2104.16 175.509 L2104.16 190.162 L2099.88 190.162 L2099.88 164.236 L2104.16 164.236 L2104.16 168.264 Q2105.62 165.879 2107.66 164.745 Q2109.7 163.611 2112.5 163.611 Q2115.32 163.611 2117.29 165.046 Q2119.28 166.481 2120.23 169.213 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip410)\" d=\"M2146.22 164.236 L2150.48 164.236 L2150.48 190.162 L2146.22 190.162 L2146.22 164.236 M2146.22 154.143 L2150.48 154.143 L2150.48 159.537 L2146.22 159.537 L2146.22 154.143 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip410)\" d=\"M2159.4 154.143 L2163.66 154.143 L2163.66 190.162 L2159.4 190.162 L2159.4 154.143 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip410)\" d=\"M2172.57 164.236 L2176.83 164.236 L2176.83 190.162 L2172.57 190.162 L2172.57 164.236 M2172.57 154.143 L2176.83 154.143 L2176.83 159.537 L2172.57 159.537 L2172.57 154.143 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip410)\" d=\"M2207.91 176.134 L2207.91 178.217 L2188.33 178.217 Q2188.61 182.615 2190.97 184.93 Q2193.35 187.222 2197.59 187.222 Q2200.04 187.222 2202.34 186.62 Q2204.65 186.018 2206.92 184.814 L2206.92 188.842 Q2204.63 189.814 2202.22 190.324 Q2199.81 190.833 2197.34 190.833 Q2191.13 190.833 2187.5 187.222 Q2183.89 183.611 2183.89 177.453 Q2183.89 171.088 2187.31 167.361 Q2190.76 163.611 2196.59 163.611 Q2201.83 163.611 2204.86 166.99 Q2207.91 170.347 2207.91 176.134 M2203.65 174.884 Q2203.61 171.389 2201.69 169.305 Q2199.79 167.222 2196.64 167.222 Q2193.08 167.222 2190.92 169.236 Q2188.79 171.25 2188.47 174.907 L2203.65 174.884 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip410)\" d=\"M2231.43 165 L2231.43 169.027 Q2229.63 168.101 2227.68 167.639 Q2225.74 167.176 2223.65 167.176 Q2220.48 167.176 2218.89 168.148 Q2217.31 169.12 2217.31 171.064 Q2217.31 172.546 2218.45 173.402 Q2219.58 174.236 2223.01 175 L2224.47 175.324 Q2229 176.296 2230.9 178.078 Q2232.82 179.838 2232.82 183.009 Q2232.82 186.62 2229.95 188.726 Q2227.1 190.833 2222.1 190.833 Q2220.02 190.833 2217.75 190.416 Q2215.51 190.023 2213.01 189.212 L2213.01 184.814 Q2215.37 186.041 2217.66 186.666 Q2219.95 187.268 2222.2 187.268 Q2225.21 187.268 2226.83 186.25 Q2228.45 185.208 2228.45 183.333 Q2228.45 181.597 2227.27 180.671 Q2226.11 179.745 2222.15 178.888 L2220.67 178.541 Q2216.71 177.708 2214.95 175.995 Q2213.19 174.259 2213.19 171.25 Q2213.19 167.592 2215.78 165.602 Q2218.38 163.611 2223.15 163.611 Q2225.51 163.611 2227.59 163.958 Q2229.67 164.305 2231.43 165 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /></svg>\n"
"execution_count": 2,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"m = 20 # number of families\n",
"n = 3 # number of schools\n",
"ndims = 2 # number of Euclidean dimensions in which points are embedded\n",
"# Generate points approximately on the unit circle\n",
"ps = map(1:m) do _\n",
" p = randn(ndims)\n",
" normalize!(p)\n",
" p += 0.1*randn(ndims)\n",
" return p\n",
"pl = plot(size=(600,600), xlim=(-1.5, 1.5), ylim=(-1.5, 1.5))\n",
"scatter!(pl, [tuple(p...) for p in ps], m=:square, c=:black, msc=:auto, label=\"families\")"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"id": "066a8a68-2803-41a0-bf1c-7d1046260764",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Now we can start building the model in JuMP. \n",
"To ensure that the model is numerically stable, it is important to choose a value of $M$ that is [as small as possible](\n",
" without breaking the logic of the constraints. In our case, it is sufficient to have $M \\geq \\lVert x_i - p_j \\rVert_2$ for all $i$ and $j$. It is obvious that, in an optimal plan, the distance between any school and any household will not exceed the largest distance between any two households. So, we can set \n",
"$$M = \\max_{i \\neq k} \\bigl\\{\\lVert p_i - p_k \\rVert_2\\bigr\\}.$$\n",
"In the code below, I use the 1-norm here to make it easy for the reader to try using the 1-norm as the distance criterion. This is a conservative choice since the 1-norm is guaranteed to be larger than the 2-norm. "
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 3,
"id": "9a68d918-3441-49d2-b260-b99b8a8571eb",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"execution_count": 3,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"# Set SCS as the solver for the relaxation problems. \n",
"nl_solver = optimizer_with_attributes(SCS.Optimizer, \"verbose\"=>0)\n",
"# Wrap SCS in Juniper to enable integrality constraints.\n",
"mdl = Model(\n",
" optimizer_with_attributes(\n",
" Juniper.Optimizer,\n",
" \"nl_solver\"=>nl_solver,\n",
" \"atol\"=>1e-3,\n",
" )\n",
"# Set the value of big M, which needs to be an upper bound on d[i, j]. \n",
"M = maximum(norm(ps[i] - ps[k], 1) for i in 1:m for k in i+1:m)"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"id": "6b95cbe1-30bf-4e71-b55b-1293ed996a41",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Now we declare our variables and constraints. Notice how easy it is to enter the conic constraint using JuMP's `MOI.SecondOrderCone()` notation."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 4,
"id": "688a8d40-5498-452a-aeb8-371a85c53316",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"A JuMP Model\n",
"Minimization problem with:\n",
"Variables: 127\n",
"Objective function type: VariableRef\n",
"`AffExpr`-in-`MathOptInterface.GreaterThan{Float64}`: 80 constraints\n",
"`Vector{AffExpr}`-in-`MathOptInterface.SecondOrderCone`: 60 constraints\n",
"`VariableRef`-in-`MathOptInterface.ZeroOne`: 60 constraints\n",
"Model mode: AUTOMATIC\n",
"CachingOptimizer state: EMPTY_OPTIMIZER\n",
"Solver name: Juniper\n",
"Names registered in the model: d, s, t, x"
"execution_count": 4,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"@variable(mdl, t)\n",
"@variable(mdl, d[1:n, 1:m])\n",
"@variable(mdl, s[1:n, 1:m], Bin)\n",
"@variable(mdl, x[1:ndims, 1:n])\n",
"for j in 1:m\n",
" for i in 1:n \n",
" @constraint(mdl, [d[i, j]; x[:, i] .- ps[j]] in MOI.SecondOrderCone(ndims+1)) \n",
" \n",
" # To use one norm (taxicab distance) instead\n",
" # @constraint(mdl, [d[i, j]; x[:, i] .- ps[j]] in MOI.NormOneCone(ndims+1)) \n",
" # s[i, j] = 1 ⟹ d[i, j] ≤ t\n",
" @constraint(mdl, t ≥ d[i, j] - M * (1 - s[i, j]))\n",
" end\n",
" @constraint(mdl, sum(s[i, j] for i in 1:n) ≥ 1)\n",
"@objective(mdl, Min, t)\n",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"id": "0ce3b60a-3846-4ebf-b44c-3d751867a93f",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Here is where we actually solve the model. Depending on your computer, this cell may take several minutes to run. You can reduce the number or families and/or schools if you are impatient."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 5,
"id": "456ac181-46f4-49e4-80b8-65996a286aea",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stderr",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"┌ Warning: Only almost solved\n",
"└ @ Juniper /home/max/.julia/packages/Juniper/OUSNz/src/BnBTree.jl:89\n"
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"* Solver : Juniper\n",
"* Status\n",
" Termination status : LOCALLY_SOLVED\n",
" Primal status : FEASIBLE_POINT\n",
" Dual status : FEASIBLE_POINT\n",
" Message from the solver:\n",
"* Candidate solution\n",
" Objective value : 0.7316442405728293\n",
" Objective bound : 0.7316156410382292\n",
"* Work counters\n",
" Solve time (sec) : 89.21828\n"
"execution_count": 5,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"cell_type": "markdown",
"id": "9c95b17b-253b-413b-9aed-95fd5e7fba98",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Read out the solution and verify its correctness. Each entry of `xs` gives the coordinates of one school, and we store the index of the $j$th family's nearest school as `attend_school[j]`. We verify that this is correct in two ways:\n",
"- First, we check the `d[i, j]`-values and ensure that each `attend_school[j]` is the minimum of the corresponding column. (Note that the `d[i, j]` values only give the correct Euclidean distance to the *closest* school. If `s[i, j] == 0`, it is not necessarily true that `d[i, j] == norm(xs[i] - ps[j])`, because the corresponding big-$M$ constraint is not necessarily binding.)\n",
"- Next, we check that the `1` in each column of `s` occurs at the `attend_school[j]`th position. "
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 6,
"id": "ac4fa1d0-429c-4249-94de-2c63e9b4823f",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"\u001b[32m\u001b[1mTest Passed\u001b[22m\u001b[39m\n",
" Expression: attend_school == map(argmin, eachcol(value.(d))) == map(argmax, eachcol(value.(s)))\n",
" Evaluated: [2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 1, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2] == [2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 1, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2] == [2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 1, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2]"
"execution_count": 6,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"xs = [value.(x[:, i]) for i in 1:n]\n",
"attend_school = map(ps) do p\n",
" argmin(i -> norm(p - xs[i]), 1:n)\n",
"@test attend_school == map(argmin, eachcol(value.(d))) == map(argmax, eachcol(value.(s)))"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"id": "2bc6aceb-8a86-4e17-b718-f4d67797dd32",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"Finally, we make a plot showing the school locations and each family's local school. "
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 7,
"id": "progressive-suspension",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"image/svg+xml": [
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" \"/>\n",
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167.222 2011.32 169.861 Q2009.03 172.476 2009.03 177.222 Q2009.03 181.967 2011.32 184.606 Q2013.61 187.222 2017.75 187.222 Q2019.61 187.222 2021.41 186.736 Q2023.24 186.226 2025.04 185.231 L2025.04 189.166 Q2023.26 190 2021.34 190.416 Q2019.44 190.833 2017.29 190.833 Q2011.43 190.833 2007.98 187.152 Q2004.54 183.472 2004.54 177.222 Q2004.54 170.879 2008.01 167.245 Q2011.5 163.611 2017.57 163.611 Q2019.54 163.611 2021.41 164.027 Q2023.29 164.421 2025.04 165.231 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip450)\" d=\"M2044.23 177.129 Q2039.07 177.129 2037.08 178.31 Q2035.09 179.49 2035.09 182.338 Q2035.09 184.606 2036.57 185.949 Q2038.08 187.268 2040.65 187.268 Q2044.19 187.268 2046.32 184.768 Q2048.47 182.245 2048.47 178.078 L2048.47 177.129 L2044.23 177.129 M2052.73 175.37 L2052.73 190.162 L2048.47 190.162 L2048.47 186.226 Q2047.01 188.587 2044.84 189.722 Q2042.66 190.833 2039.51 190.833 Q2035.53 190.833 2033.17 188.611 Q2030.83 186.365 2030.83 182.615 Q2030.83 178.24 2033.75 176.018 Q2036.69 173.796 2042.5 173.796 L2048.47 173.796 L2048.47 173.379 Q2048.47 170.439 2046.53 168.842 Q2044.6 167.222 2041.11 167.222 Q2038.89 167.222 2036.78 167.754 Q2034.67 168.287 2032.73 169.351 L2032.73 165.416 Q2035.07 164.514 2037.27 164.074 Q2039.47 163.611 2041.55 163.611 Q2047.17 163.611 2049.95 166.527 Q2052.73 169.444 2052.73 175.37 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip450)\" d=\"M2061.5 154.143 L2065.76 154.143 L2065.76 190.162 L2061.5 190.162 L2061.5 154.143 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip450)\" d=\"M2106.27 165 L2106.27 169.027 Q2104.47 168.101 2102.52 167.639 Q2100.58 167.176 2098.49 167.176 Q2095.32 167.176 2093.72 168.148 Q2092.15 169.12 2092.15 171.064 Q2092.15 172.546 2093.29 173.402 Q2094.42 174.236 2097.85 175 L2099.3 175.324 Q2103.84 176.296 2105.74 178.078 Q2107.66 179.838 2107.66 183.009 Q2107.66 186.62 2104.79 188.726 Q2101.94 190.833 2096.94 190.833 Q2094.86 190.833 2092.59 190.416 Q2090.35 190.023 2087.85 189.212 L2087.85 184.814 Q2090.21 186.041 2092.5 186.666 Q2094.79 187.268 2097.04 187.268 Q2100.04 187.268 2101.66 186.25 Q2103.29 185.208 2103.29 183.333 Q2103.29 181.597 2102.1 180.671 Q2100.95 179.745 2096.99 178.888 L2095.51 178.541 Q2091.55 177.708 2089.79 175.995 Q2088.03 174.259 2088.03 171.25 Q2088.03 167.592 2090.62 165.602 Q2093.22 163.611 2097.98 163.611 Q2100.35 163.611 2102.43 163.958 Q2104.51 164.305 2106.27 165 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip450)\" d=\"M2133.1 165.231 L2133.1 169.213 Q2131.29 168.217 2129.47 167.731 Q2127.66 167.222 2125.81 167.222 Q2121.66 167.222 2119.37 169.861 Q2117.08 172.476 2117.08 177.222 Q2117.08 181.967 2119.37 184.606 Q2121.66 187.222 2125.81 187.222 Q2127.66 187.222 2129.47 186.736 Q2131.29 186.226 2133.1 185.231 L2133.1 189.166 Q2131.32 190 2129.4 190.416 Q2127.5 190.833 2125.35 190.833 Q2119.49 190.833 2116.04 187.152 Q2112.59 183.472 2112.59 177.222 Q2112.59 170.879 2116.06 167.245 Q2119.56 163.611 2125.62 163.611 Q2127.59 163.611 2129.47 164.027 Q2131.34 164.421 2133.1 165.231 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip450)\" d=\"M2162.06 174.513 L2162.06 190.162 L2157.8 190.162 L2157.8 174.652 Q2157.8 170.972 2156.36 169.143 Q2154.93 167.314 2152.06 167.314 Q2148.61 167.314 2146.62 169.514 Q2144.63 171.713 2144.63 175.509 L2144.63 190.162 L2140.35 190.162 L2140.35 154.143 L2144.63 154.143 L2144.63 168.264 Q2146.16 165.926 2148.22 164.768 Q2150.3 163.611 2153.01 163.611 Q2157.47 163.611 2159.77 166.389 Q2162.06 169.143 2162.06 174.513 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip450)\" d=\"M2180.6 167.222 Q2177.17 167.222 2175.18 169.907 Q2173.19 172.569 2173.19 177.222 Q2173.19 181.875 2175.16 184.56 Q2177.15 187.222 2180.6 187.222 Q2184 187.222 2185.99 184.537 Q2187.98 181.851 2187.98 177.222 Q2187.98 172.615 2185.99 169.93 Q2184 167.222 2180.6 167.222 M2180.6 163.611 Q2186.16 163.611 2189.33 167.222 Q2192.5 170.833 2192.5 177.222 Q2192.5 183.588 2189.33 187.222 Q2186.16 190.833 2180.6 190.833 Q2175.02 190.833 2171.85 187.222 Q2168.7 183.588 2168.7 177.222 Q2168.7 170.833 2171.85 167.222 Q2175.02 163.611 2180.6 163.611 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip450)\" d=\"M2209.6 167.222 Q2206.18 167.222 2204.19 169.907 Q2202.2 172.569 2202.2 177.222 Q2202.2 181.875 2204.16 184.56 Q2206.15 187.222 2209.6 187.222 Q2213.01 187.222 2215 184.537 Q2216.99 181.851 2216.99 177.222 Q2216.99 172.615 2215 169.93 Q2213.01 167.222 2209.6 167.222 M2209.6 163.611 Q2215.16 163.611 2218.33 167.222 Q2221.5 170.833 2221.5 177.222 Q2221.5 183.588 2218.33 187.222 Q2215.16 190.833 2209.6 190.833 Q2204.03 190.833 2200.85 187.222 Q2197.71 183.588 2197.71 177.222 Q2197.71 170.833 2200.85 167.222 Q2204.03 163.611 2209.6 163.611 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip450)\" d=\"M2228.56 154.143 L2232.82 154.143 L2232.82 190.162 L2228.56 190.162 L2228.56 154.143 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip450)\" d=\"M1842.66 199.122 L1842.66 250.322 L1893.86 250.322 L1893.86 199.122 L1842.66 199.122 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" stroke=\"none\"/>\n",
"<path clip-path=\"url(#clip450)\" d=\"M1980.72 205.983 L1980.72 209.525 L1976.64 209.525 Q1974.35 209.525 1973.45 210.451 Q1972.57 211.377 1972.57 213.784 L1972.57 216.076 L1979.58 216.076 L1979.58 219.386 L1972.57 219.386 L1972.57 242.002 L1968.29 242.002 L1968.29 219.386 L1964.21 219.386 L1964.21 216.076 L1968.29 216.076 L1968.29 214.27 Q1968.29 209.942 1970.3 207.974 Q1972.31 205.983 1976.69 205.983 L1980.72 205.983 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip450)\" d=\"M1996.06 228.969 Q1990.9 228.969 1988.91 230.15 Q1986.92 231.33 1986.92 234.178 Q1986.92 236.446 1988.4 237.789 Q1989.91 239.108 1992.48 239.108 Q1996.02 239.108 1998.15 236.608 Q2000.3 234.085 2000.3 229.918 L2000.3 228.969 L1996.06 228.969 M2004.56 227.21 L2004.56 242.002 L2000.3 242.002 L2000.3 238.066 Q1998.84 240.427 1996.67 241.562 Q1994.49 242.673 1991.34 242.673 Q1987.36 242.673 1985 240.451 Q1982.66 238.205 1982.66 234.455 Q1982.66 230.08 1985.58 227.858 Q1988.52 225.636 1994.33 225.636 L2000.3 225.636 L2000.3 225.219 Q2000.3 222.279 1998.36 220.682 Q1996.43 219.062 1992.94 219.062 Q1990.72 219.062 1988.61 219.594 Q1986.5 220.127 1984.56 221.191 L1984.56 217.256 Q1986.9 216.354 1989.1 215.914 Q1991.29 215.451 1993.38 215.451 Q1999 215.451 2001.78 218.367 Q2004.56 221.284 2004.56 227.21 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip450)\" d=\"M2033.52 221.053 Q2035.11 218.182 2037.34 216.817 Q2039.56 215.451 2042.57 215.451 Q2046.62 215.451 2048.82 218.298 Q2051.02 221.122 2051.02 226.353 L2051.02 242.002 L2046.73 242.002 L2046.73 226.492 Q2046.73 222.766 2045.42 220.96 Q2044.1 219.154 2041.39 219.154 Q2038.08 219.154 2036.16 221.354 Q2034.23 223.553 2034.23 227.349 L2034.23 242.002 L2029.95 242.002 L2029.95 226.492 Q2029.95 222.742 2028.63 220.96 Q2027.31 219.154 2024.56 219.154 Q2021.29 219.154 2019.37 221.377 Q2017.45 223.576 2017.45 227.349 L2017.45 242.002 L2013.17 242.002 L2013.17 216.076 L2017.45 216.076 L2017.45 220.104 Q2018.91 217.719 2020.95 216.585 Q2022.98 215.451 2025.79 215.451 Q2028.61 215.451 2030.58 216.886 Q2032.57 218.321 2033.52 221.053 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip450)\" d=\"M2059.51 216.076 L2063.77 216.076 L2063.77 242.002 L2059.51 242.002 L2059.51 216.076 M2059.51 205.983 L2063.77 205.983 L2063.77 211.377 L2059.51 211.377 L2059.51 205.983 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip450)\" d=\"M2072.68 205.983 L2076.94 205.983 L2076.94 242.002 L2072.68 242.002 L2072.68 205.983 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip450)\" d=\"M2085.85 216.076 L2090.11 216.076 L2090.11 242.002 L2085.85 242.002 L2085.85 216.076 M2085.85 205.983 L2090.11 205.983 L2090.11 211.377 L2085.85 211.377 L2085.85 205.983 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip450)\" d=\"M2121.2 227.974 L2121.2 230.057 L2101.62 230.057 Q2101.9 234.455 2104.26 236.77 Q2106.64 239.062 2110.88 239.062 Q2113.33 239.062 2115.62 238.46 Q2117.94 237.858 2120.21 236.654 L2120.21 240.682 Q2117.91 241.654 2115.51 242.164 Q2113.1 242.673 2110.62 242.673 Q2104.42 242.673 2100.79 239.062 Q2097.17 235.451 2097.17 229.293 Q2097.17 222.928 2100.6 219.201 Q2104.05 215.451 2109.88 215.451 Q2115.11 215.451 2118.15 218.83 Q2121.2 222.187 2121.2 227.974 M2116.94 226.724 Q2116.9 223.229 2114.97 221.145 Q2113.08 219.062 2109.93 219.062 Q2106.36 219.062 2104.21 221.076 Q2102.08 223.09 2101.76 226.747 L2116.94 226.724 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip450)\" d=\"M2144.72 216.84 L2144.72 220.867 Q2142.91 219.941 2140.97 219.479 Q2139.03 219.016 2136.94 219.016 Q2133.77 219.016 2132.17 219.988 Q2130.6 220.96 2130.6 222.904 Q2130.6 224.386 2131.73 225.242 Q2132.87 226.076 2136.29 226.84 L2137.75 227.164 Q2142.29 228.136 2144.19 229.918 Q2146.11 231.678 2146.11 234.849 Q2146.11 238.46 2143.24 240.566 Q2140.39 242.673 2135.39 242.673 Q2133.31 242.673 2131.04 242.256 Q2128.79 241.863 2126.29 241.052 L2126.29 236.654 Q2128.66 237.881 2130.95 238.506 Q2133.24 239.108 2135.48 239.108 Q2138.49 239.108 2140.11 238.09 Q2141.73 237.048 2141.73 235.173 Q2141.73 233.437 2140.55 232.511 Q2139.4 231.585 2135.44 230.728 L2133.96 230.381 Q2130 229.548 2128.24 227.835 Q2126.48 226.099 2126.48 223.09 Q2126.48 219.432 2129.07 217.442 Q2131.66 215.451 2136.43 215.451 Q2138.79 215.451 2140.88 215.798 Q2142.96 216.145 2144.72 216.84 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><circle clip-path=\"url(#clip450)\" cx=\"1868.26\" cy=\"276.562\" r=\"23\" fill=\"#dc143c\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" stroke=\"none\"/>\n",
"<path clip-path=\"url(#clip450)\" d=\"M1982.64 268.68 L1982.64 272.707 Q1980.83 271.781 1978.89 271.319 Q1976.94 270.856 1974.86 270.856 Q1971.69 270.856 1970.09 271.828 Q1968.52 272.8 1968.52 274.744 Q1968.52 276.226 1969.65 277.082 Q1970.79 277.916 1974.21 278.68 L1975.67 279.004 Q1980.21 279.976 1982.11 281.758 Q1984.03 283.518 1984.03 286.689 Q1984.03 290.3 1981.16 292.406 Q1978.31 294.513 1973.31 294.513 Q1971.23 294.513 1968.96 294.096 Q1966.71 293.703 1964.21 292.892 L1964.21 288.494 Q1966.57 289.721 1968.86 290.346 Q1971.16 290.948 1973.4 290.948 Q1976.41 290.948 1978.03 289.93 Q1979.65 288.888 1979.65 287.013 Q1979.65 285.277 1978.47 284.351 Q1977.31 283.425 1973.36 282.568 L1971.87 282.221 Q1967.92 281.388 1966.16 279.675 Q1964.4 277.939 1964.4 274.93 Q1964.4 271.272 1966.99 269.282 Q1969.58 267.291 1974.35 267.291 Q1976.71 267.291 1978.8 267.638 Q1980.88 267.985 1982.64 268.68 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip450)\" d=\"M2009.47 268.911 L2009.47 272.893 Q2007.66 271.897 2005.83 271.411 Q2004.03 270.902 2002.17 270.902 Q1998.03 270.902 1995.74 273.541 Q1993.45 276.156 1993.45 280.902 Q1993.45 285.647 1995.74 288.286 Q1998.03 290.902 2002.17 290.902 Q2004.03 290.902 2005.83 290.416 Q2007.66 289.906 2009.47 288.911 L2009.47 292.846 Q2007.68 293.68 2005.76 294.096 Q2003.86 294.513 2001.71 294.513 Q1995.86 294.513 1992.41 290.832 Q1988.96 287.152 1988.96 280.902 Q1988.96 274.559 1992.43 270.925 Q1995.92 267.291 2001.99 267.291 Q2003.96 267.291 2005.83 267.707 Q2007.71 268.101 2009.47 268.911 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip450)\" d=\"M2038.42 278.193 L2038.42 293.842 L2034.17 293.842 L2034.17 278.332 Q2034.17 274.652 2032.73 272.823 Q2031.29 270.994 2028.42 270.994 Q2024.98 270.994 2022.98 273.194 Q2020.99 275.393 2020.99 279.189 L2020.99 293.842 L2016.71 293.842 L2016.71 257.823 L2020.99 257.823 L2020.99 271.944 Q2022.52 269.606 2024.58 268.448 Q2026.67 267.291 2029.37 267.291 Q2033.84 267.291 2036.13 270.069 Q2038.42 272.823 2038.42 278.193 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip450)\" d=\"M2056.97 270.902 Q2053.54 270.902 2051.55 273.587 Q2049.56 276.249 2049.56 280.902 Q2049.56 285.555 2051.53 288.24 Q2053.52 290.902 2056.97 290.902 Q2060.37 290.902 2062.36 288.217 Q2064.35 285.531 2064.35 280.902 Q2064.35 276.295 2062.36 273.61 Q2060.37 270.902 2056.97 270.902 M2056.97 267.291 Q2062.52 267.291 2065.69 270.902 Q2068.86 274.513 2068.86 280.902 Q2068.86 287.268 2065.69 290.902 Q2062.52 294.513 2056.97 294.513 Q2051.39 294.513 2048.22 290.902 Q2045.07 287.268 2045.07 280.902 Q2045.07 274.513 2048.22 270.902 Q2051.39 267.291 2056.97 267.291 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip450)\" d=\"M2085.97 270.902 Q2082.54 270.902 2080.55 273.587 Q2078.56 276.249 2078.56 280.902 Q2078.56 285.555 2080.53 288.24 Q2082.52 290.902 2085.97 290.902 Q2089.37 290.902 2091.36 288.217 Q2093.35 285.531 2093.35 280.902 Q2093.35 276.295 2091.36 273.61 Q2089.37 270.902 2085.97 270.902 M2085.97 267.291 Q2091.53 267.291 2094.7 270.902 Q2097.87 274.513 2097.87 280.902 Q2097.87 287.268 2094.7 290.902 Q2091.53 294.513 2085.97 294.513 Q2080.39 294.513 2077.22 290.902 Q2074.07 287.268 2074.07 280.902 Q2074.07 274.513 2077.22 270.902 Q2080.39 267.291 2085.97 267.291 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip450)\" d=\"M2104.93 257.823 L2109.19 257.823 L2109.19 293.842 L2104.93 293.842 L2104.93 257.823 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip450)\" d=\"M2134.63 268.68 L2134.63 272.707 Q2132.82 271.781 2130.88 271.319 Q2128.93 270.856 2126.85 270.856 Q2123.68 270.856 2122.08 271.828 Q2120.51 272.8 2120.51 274.744 Q2120.51 276.226 2121.64 277.082 Q2122.78 277.916 2126.2 278.68 L2127.66 279.004 Q2132.2 279.976 2134.1 281.758 Q2136.02 283.518 2136.02 286.689 Q2136.02 290.3 2133.15 292.406 Q2130.3 294.513 2125.3 294.513 Q2123.22 294.513 2120.95 294.096 Q2118.7 293.703 2116.2 292.892 L2116.2 288.494 Q2118.56 289.721 2120.85 290.346 Q2123.15 290.948 2125.39 290.948 Q2128.4 290.948 2130.02 289.93 Q2131.64 288.888 2131.64 287.013 Q2131.64 285.277 2130.46 284.351 Q2129.3 283.425 2125.35 282.568 L2123.86 282.221 Q2119.91 281.388 2118.15 279.675 Q2116.39 277.939 2116.39 274.93 Q2116.39 271.272 2118.98 269.282 Q2121.57 267.291 2126.34 267.291 Q2128.7 267.291 2130.78 267.638 Q2132.87 267.985 2134.63 268.68 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /></svg>\n"
"execution_count": 7,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"pl = plot(size=(600,600), xlim=(-1.5, 1.5), ylim=(-1.5, 1.5))\n",
"for (j, p) in enumerate(ps)\n",
" plot!(\n",
" pl,\n",
" [tuple(p...), tuple(xs[attend_school[j]]...)],\n",
" label= j==1 ? \"local school\" : nothing,\n",
" c = \"navy\",\n",
" ls = :dash\n",
" )\n",
"scatter!(pl, [tuple(p...) for p in ps], m=:square, c=:black, msc=:auto, label=\"families\")\n",
"scatter!(pl, [tuple(x...) for x in xs], c=:crimson, msc=:auto, ms=7, label=\"schools\")\n",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"id": "1ae4cdf6-d220-4868-abd9-3feae229eae1",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Evaluating the model\n",
"The output above suggests that this model finds intuitive \"neighborhoods\" in the input data and produces a school for each. In this regard, the problem is very similar to [$k$-means clustering]( However, the $k$-means clustering solution minimizes the *sum* (equivalently, average) Euclidean distance between families and schools, and therefore differs from our model. For example, if there is an outlier student who lives very far from the others, our model will place a school halfway between her family and the population center, whereas the $k$-means clustering solution will not be as drastically swayed. This means that the school location problem is not very *robust* to outliers. Such is the cost of fairness.\n",
"Because of its integrality constraints, the school location problem is very difficult to solve. This is another commonality with $k$-means clustering, which is known to be NP-hard. \n",
"## Comparison with $k$-means\n",
"Let's try using a heuristic algorithm for the $k$-means clustering problem (which, confusingly, is often called the \"$k$-means algorithm\") to produce an alternative solution and see how it differs from that above. "
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 8,
"id": "rational-sensitivity",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"image/svg+xml": [
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167.222 1856.16 169.861 Q1853.87 172.476 1853.87 177.222 Q1853.87 181.967 1856.16 184.606 Q1858.45 187.222 1862.59 187.222 Q1864.44 187.222 1866.25 186.736 Q1868.08 186.226 1869.88 185.231 L1869.88 189.166 Q1868.1 190 1866.18 190.416 Q1864.28 190.833 1862.13 190.833 Q1856.27 190.833 1852.82 187.152 Q1849.37 183.472 1849.37 177.222 Q1849.37 170.879 1852.85 167.245 Q1856.34 163.611 1862.41 163.611 Q1864.37 163.611 1866.25 164.027 Q1868.12 164.421 1869.88 165.231 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip490)\" d=\"M1889.07 177.129 Q1883.91 177.129 1881.92 178.31 Q1879.93 179.49 1879.93 182.338 Q1879.93 184.606 1881.41 185.949 Q1882.92 187.268 1885.49 187.268 Q1889.03 187.268 1891.16 184.768 Q1893.31 182.245 1893.31 178.078 L1893.31 177.129 L1889.07 177.129 M1897.57 175.37 L1897.57 190.162 L1893.31 190.162 L1893.31 186.226 Q1891.85 188.587 1889.68 189.722 Q1887.5 190.833 1884.35 190.833 Q1880.37 190.833 1878.01 188.611 Q1875.67 186.365 1875.67 182.615 Q1875.67 178.24 1878.59 176.018 Q1881.53 173.796 1887.34 173.796 L1893.31 173.796 L1893.31 173.379 Q1893.31 170.439 1891.36 168.842 Q1889.44 167.222 1885.95 167.222 Q1883.73 167.222 1881.62 167.754 Q1879.51 168.287 1877.57 169.351 L1877.57 165.416 Q1879.91 164.514 1882.11 164.074 Q1884.3 163.611 1886.39 163.611 Q1892.01 163.611 1894.79 166.527 Q1897.57 169.444 1897.57 175.37 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip490)\" d=\"M1906.34 154.143 L1910.6 154.143 L1910.6 190.162 L1906.34 190.162 L1906.34 154.143 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip490)\" d=\"M1951.11 165 L1951.11 169.027 Q1949.3 168.101 1947.36 167.639 Q1945.42 167.176 1943.33 167.176 Q1940.16 167.176 1938.56 168.148 Q1936.99 169.12 1936.99 171.064 Q1936.99 172.546 1938.12 173.402 Q1939.26 174.236 1942.68 175 L1944.14 175.324 Q1948.68 176.296 1950.58 178.078 Q1952.5 179.838 1952.5 183.009 Q1952.5 186.62 1949.63 188.726 Q1946.78 190.833 1941.78 190.833 Q1939.7 190.833 1937.43 190.416 Q1935.18 190.023 1932.68 189.212 L1932.68 184.814 Q1935.05 186.041 1937.34 186.666 Q1939.63 187.268 1941.87 187.268 Q1944.88 187.268 1946.5 186.25 Q1948.12 185.208 1948.12 183.333 Q1948.12 181.597 1946.94 180.671 Q1945.79 179.745 1941.83 178.888 L1940.35 178.541 Q1936.39 177.708 1934.63 175.995 Q1932.87 174.259 1932.87 171.25 Q1932.87 167.592 1935.46 165.602 Q1938.05 163.611 1942.82 163.611 Q1945.18 163.611 1947.27 163.958 Q1949.35 164.305 1951.11 165 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip490)\" d=\"M1977.94 165.231 L1977.94 169.213 Q1976.13 168.217 1974.3 167.731 Q1972.5 167.222 1970.65 167.222 Q1966.5 167.222 1964.21 169.861 Q1961.92 172.476 1961.92 177.222 Q1961.92 181.967 1964.21 184.606 Q1966.5 187.222 1970.65 187.222 Q1972.5 187.222 1974.3 186.736 Q1976.13 186.226 1977.94 185.231 L1977.94 189.166 Q1976.16 190 1974.23 190.416 Q1972.34 190.833 1970.18 190.833 Q1964.33 190.833 1960.88 187.152 Q1957.43 183.472 1957.43 177.222 Q1957.43 170.879 1960.9 167.245 Q1964.4 163.611 1970.46 163.611 Q1972.43 163.611 1974.3 164.027 Q1976.18 164.421 1977.94 165.231 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip490)\" d=\"M2006.9 174.513 L2006.9 190.162 L2002.64 190.162 L2002.64 174.652 Q2002.64 170.972 2001.2 169.143 Q1999.77 167.314 1996.9 167.314 Q1993.45 167.314 1991.46 169.514 Q1989.47 171.713 1989.47 175.509 L1989.47 190.162 L1985.18 190.162 L1985.18 154.143 L1989.47 154.143 L1989.47 168.264 Q1990.99 165.926 1993.05 164.768 Q1995.14 163.611 1997.85 163.611 Q2002.31 163.611 2004.61 166.389 Q2006.9 169.143 2006.9 174.513 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip490)\" d=\"M2025.44 167.222 Q2022.01 167.222 2020.02 169.907 Q2018.03 172.569 2018.03 177.222 Q2018.03 181.875 2020 184.56 Q2021.99 187.222 2025.44 187.222 Q2028.84 187.222 2030.83 184.537 Q2032.82 181.851 2032.82 177.222 Q2032.82 172.615 2030.83 169.93 Q2028.84 167.222 2025.44 167.222 M2025.44 163.611 Q2030.99 163.611 2034.17 167.222 Q2037.34 170.833 2037.34 177.222 Q2037.34 183.588 2034.17 187.222 Q2030.99 190.833 2025.44 190.833 Q2019.86 190.833 2016.69 187.222 Q2013.54 183.588 2013.54 177.222 Q2013.54 170.833 2016.69 167.222 Q2019.86 163.611 2025.44 163.611 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip490)\" d=\"M2054.44 167.222 Q2051.02 167.222 2049.03 169.907 Q2047.04 172.569 2047.04 177.222 Q2047.04 181.875 2049 184.56 Q2050.99 187.222 2054.44 187.222 Q2057.85 187.222 2059.84 184.537 Q2061.83 181.851 2061.83 177.222 Q2061.83 172.615 2059.84 169.93 Q2057.85 167.222 2054.44 167.222 M2054.44 163.611 Q2060 163.611 2063.17 167.222 Q2066.34 170.833 2066.34 177.222 Q2066.34 183.588 2063.17 187.222 Q2060 190.833 2054.44 190.833 Q2048.86 190.833 2045.69 187.222 Q2042.54 183.588 2042.54 177.222 Q2042.54 170.833 2045.69 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1874.21 267.291 Q1878.68 267.291 1880.97 270.069 Q1883.26 272.823 1883.26 278.193 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip490)\" d=\"M1901.8 270.902 Q1898.38 270.902 1896.39 273.587 Q1894.4 276.249 1894.4 280.902 Q1894.4 285.555 1896.36 288.24 Q1898.36 290.902 1901.8 290.902 Q1905.21 290.902 1907.2 288.217 Q1909.19 285.531 1909.19 280.902 Q1909.19 276.295 1907.2 273.61 Q1905.21 270.902 1901.8 270.902 M1901.8 267.291 Q1907.36 267.291 1910.53 270.902 Q1913.7 274.513 1913.7 280.902 Q1913.7 287.268 1910.53 290.902 Q1907.36 294.513 1901.8 294.513 Q1896.23 294.513 1893.05 290.902 Q1889.91 287.268 1889.91 280.902 Q1889.91 274.513 1893.05 270.902 Q1896.23 267.291 1901.8 267.291 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip490)\" d=\"M1930.81 270.902 Q1927.38 270.902 1925.39 273.587 Q1923.4 276.249 1923.4 280.902 Q1923.4 285.555 1925.37 288.24 Q1927.36 290.902 1930.81 290.902 Q1934.21 290.902 1936.2 288.217 Q1938.19 285.531 1938.19 280.902 Q1938.19 276.295 1936.2 273.61 Q1934.21 270.902 1930.81 270.902 M1930.81 267.291 Q1936.36 267.291 1939.54 270.902 Q1942.71 274.513 1942.71 280.902 Q1942.71 287.268 1939.54 290.902 Q1936.36 294.513 1930.81 294.513 Q1925.23 294.513 1922.06 290.902 Q1918.91 287.268 1918.91 280.902 Q1918.91 274.513 1922.06 270.902 Q1925.23 267.291 1930.81 267.291 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip490)\" d=\"M1949.77 257.823 L1954.03 257.823 L1954.03 293.842 L1949.77 293.842 L1949.77 257.823 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip490)\" d=\"M1979.47 268.68 L1979.47 272.707 Q1977.66 271.781 1975.72 271.319 Q1973.77 270.856 1971.69 270.856 Q1968.52 270.856 1966.92 271.828 Q1965.35 272.8 1965.35 274.744 Q1965.35 276.226 1966.48 277.082 Q1967.61 277.916 1971.04 278.68 L1972.5 279.004 Q1977.04 279.976 1978.93 281.758 Q1980.86 283.518 1980.86 286.689 Q1980.86 290.3 1977.98 292.406 Q1975.14 294.513 1970.14 294.513 Q1968.05 294.513 1965.79 294.096 Q1963.54 293.703 1961.04 292.892 L1961.04 288.494 Q1963.4 289.721 1965.69 290.346 Q1967.98 290.948 1970.23 290.948 Q1973.24 290.948 1974.86 289.93 Q1976.48 288.888 1976.48 287.013 Q1976.48 285.277 1975.3 284.351 Q1974.14 283.425 1970.18 282.568 L1968.7 282.221 Q1964.74 281.388 1962.98 279.675 Q1961.23 277.939 1961.23 274.93 Q1961.23 271.272 1963.82 269.282 Q1966.41 267.291 1971.18 267.291 Q1973.54 267.291 1975.62 267.638 Q1977.71 267.985 1979.47 268.68 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip490)\" d=\"M2012.94 257.87 Q2009.84 263.194 2008.33 268.402 Q2006.83 273.61 2006.83 278.957 Q2006.83 284.305 2008.33 289.559 Q2009.86 294.791 2012.94 300.092 L2009.23 300.092 Q2005.76 294.652 2004.03 289.397 Q2002.31 284.143 2002.31 278.957 Q2002.31 273.795 2004.03 268.564 Q2005.74 263.332 2009.23 257.87 L2012.94 257.87 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip490)\" d=\"M2021.04 257.823 L2025.32 257.823 L2025.32 279.096 L2038.03 267.916 L2043.47 267.916 L2029.72 280.045 L2044.05 293.842 L2038.49 293.842 L2025.32 281.18 L2025.32 293.842 L2021.04 293.842 L2021.04 257.823 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip490)\" d=\"M2083.91 272.893 Q2085.51 270.022 2087.73 268.657 Q2089.95 267.291 2092.96 267.291 Q2097.01 267.291 2099.21 270.138 Q2101.41 272.962 2101.41 278.193 L2101.41 293.842 L2097.13 293.842 L2097.13 278.332 Q2097.13 274.606 2095.81 272.8 Q2094.49 270.994 2091.78 270.994 Q2088.47 270.994 2086.55 273.194 Q2084.63 275.393 2084.63 279.189 L2084.63 293.842 L2080.35 293.842 L2080.35 278.332 Q2080.35 274.582 2079.03 272.8 Q2077.71 270.994 2074.95 270.994 Q2071.69 270.994 2069.77 273.217 Q2067.85 275.416 2067.85 279.189 L2067.85 293.842 L2063.56 293.842 L2063.56 267.916 L2067.85 267.916 L2067.85 271.944 Q2069.3 269.559 2071.34 268.425 Q2073.38 267.291 2076.18 267.291 Q2079 267.291 2080.97 268.726 Q2082.96 270.161 2083.91 272.893 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip490)\" d=\"M2132.08 279.814 L2132.08 281.897 L2112.5 281.897 Q2112.78 286.295 2115.14 288.61 Q2117.52 290.902 2121.76 290.902 Q2124.21 290.902 2126.5 290.3 Q2128.82 289.698 2131.09 288.494 L2131.09 292.522 Q2128.79 293.494 2126.39 294.004 Q2123.98 294.513 2121.5 294.513 Q2115.3 294.513 2111.66 290.902 Q2108.05 287.291 2108.05 281.133 Q2108.05 274.768 2111.48 271.041 Q2114.93 267.291 2120.76 267.291 Q2125.99 267.291 2129.03 270.67 Q2132.08 274.027 2132.08 279.814 M2127.82 278.564 Q2127.78 275.069 2125.85 272.985 Q2123.96 270.902 2120.81 270.902 Q2117.24 270.902 2115.09 272.916 Q2112.96 274.93 2112.64 278.587 L2127.82 278.564 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip490)\" d=\"M2150.85 280.809 Q2145.69 280.809 2143.7 281.99 Q2141.71 283.17 2141.71 286.018 Q2141.71 288.286 2143.19 289.629 Q2144.7 290.948 2147.27 290.948 Q2150.81 290.948 2152.94 288.448 Q2155.09 285.925 2155.09 281.758 L2155.09 280.809 L2150.85 280.809 M2159.35 279.05 L2159.35 293.842 L2155.09 293.842 L2155.09 289.906 Q2153.63 292.267 2151.46 293.402 Q2149.28 294.513 2146.13 294.513 Q2142.15 294.513 2139.79 292.291 Q2137.45 290.045 2137.45 286.295 Q2137.45 281.92 2140.37 279.698 Q2143.31 277.476 2149.12 277.476 L2155.09 277.476 L2155.09 277.059 Q2155.09 274.119 2153.15 272.522 Q2151.22 270.902 2147.73 270.902 Q2145.51 270.902 2143.4 271.434 Q2141.29 271.967 2139.35 273.031 L2139.35 269.096 Q2141.69 268.194 2143.89 267.754 Q2146.09 267.291 2148.17 267.291 Q2153.79 267.291 2156.57 270.207 Q2159.35 273.124 2159.35 279.05 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip490)\" d=\"M2189.67 278.193 L2189.67 293.842 L2185.41 293.842 L2185.41 278.332 Q2185.41 274.652 2183.98 272.823 Q2182.54 270.994 2179.67 270.994 Q2176.22 270.994 2174.23 273.194 Q2172.24 275.393 2172.24 279.189 L2172.24 293.842 L2167.96 293.842 L2167.96 267.916 L2172.24 267.916 L2172.24 271.944 Q2173.77 269.606 2175.83 268.448 Q2177.91 267.291 2180.62 267.291 Q2185.09 267.291 2187.38 270.069 Q2189.67 272.823 2189.67 278.193 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip490)\" d=\"M2214.7 268.68 L2214.7 272.707 Q2212.89 271.781 2210.95 271.319 Q2209 270.856 2206.92 270.856 Q2203.75 270.856 2202.15 271.828 Q2200.58 272.8 2200.58 274.744 Q2200.58 276.226 2201.71 277.082 Q2202.84 277.916 2206.27 278.68 L2207.73 279.004 Q2212.27 279.976 2214.16 281.758 Q2216.09 283.518 2216.09 286.689 Q2216.09 290.3 2213.22 292.406 Q2210.37 294.513 2205.37 294.513 Q2203.28 294.513 2201.02 294.096 Q2198.77 293.703 2196.27 292.892 L2196.27 288.494 Q2198.63 289.721 2200.92 290.346 Q2203.22 290.948 2205.46 290.948 Q2208.47 290.948 2210.09 289.93 Q2211.71 288.888 2211.71 287.013 Q2211.71 285.277 2210.53 284.351 Q2209.37 283.425 2205.41 282.568 L2203.93 282.221 Q2199.97 281.388 2198.22 279.675 Q2196.46 277.939 2196.46 274.93 Q2196.46 271.272 2199.05 269.282 Q2201.64 267.291 2206.41 267.291 Q2208.77 267.291 2210.85 267.638 Q2212.94 267.985 2214.7 268.68 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /><path clip-path=\"url(#clip490)\" d=\"M2222.2 257.87 L2225.9 257.87 Q2229.37 263.332 2231.09 268.564 Q2232.82 273.795 2232.82 278.957 Q2232.82 284.143 2231.09 289.397 Q2229.37 294.652 2225.9 300.092 L2222.2 300.092 Q2225.28 294.791 2226.78 289.559 Q2228.31 284.305 2228.31 278.957 Q2228.31 273.61 2226.78 268.402 Q2225.28 263.194 2222.2 257.87 Z\" fill=\"#000000\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\" fill-opacity=\"1\" /></svg>\n"
"execution_count": 8,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"using Clustering\n",
"res = kmeans(hcat(ps...), n)\n",
"xs_kmeans = map(Vector{Float64}, eachcol(res.centers))\n",
"attend_school_kmeans = attend_school = map(ps) do p\n",
" argmin(i -> norm(p - xs_kmeans[i]), 1:n)\n",
"pl = plot(size=(600,600), xlim=(-1.5, 1.5), ylim=(-1.5, 1.5))\n",
"for (j, p) in enumerate(ps)\n",
" plot!(\n",
" pl,\n",
" [tuple(p...), tuple(xs_kmeans[attend_school_kmeans[j]]...)],\n",
" label= j==1 ? \"local school\" : nothing,\n",
" c = \"navy\",\n",
" ls = :dash\n",
" )\n",
"scatter!(pl, [tuple(p...) for p in ps], m=:square, c=:black, msc=:auto, label=\"families\")\n",
"scatter!(pl, [tuple(x...) for x in xs_kmeans], c=:crimson, msc=:auto, ms=7, label=\"schools (k means)\")\n",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"id": "5431e1e9-1ea8-4788-a2a3-ab7c450a15d8",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"As expected, this solution results in some students who have long commutes in service of the greater good. "
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