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Mapping the Internet, one router at a time.

Maxime Mouchet maxmouchet

Mapping the Internet, one router at a time.
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from ipaddress import ip_address
import mmap
from sys import argv
import sys
DATA_SECTION_SEP = b"\x00" * 16
META_SECTION_SEP = b"\xab\xcd\"
if __name__ == "__main__":
import mmap
from collections import defaultdict
from sys import argv
# cb: control byte
# cs: control byte size
# dt: data type
# ps: payload size (or pointer size if ptr)
# pv: pointer value
def penalty(β):
L: log-likelihood
n: number of data points
k: number of parameters
return lambda L, n, k: β(n)*k - 2*L
AIC = penalty(lambda n: 2)
BIC = penalty(lambda n: np.log(n))