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mbourgon / EN_To_TFS_2
Last active December 24, 2015 22:39
EN_to_TFS_2 - SQL script to call the powershell script based off of your Event Notifications table which has the changes.
USE eventnotificationrec
Purpose - using Event Notifications, determines which objects have changed (sub-database-level, for now).
Once list has been generated, repeatedly call a custom powershell script that will
"get" and "checkout" the object from TFS if it exists, overwrite it with a current copy (scripted via SMO),
then "checkin" the new object with a comment based on the loginname
mbourgon / sp_server_diag_event_parser.sql
Created February 24, 2014 07:03
sp_server_diag_event_parser - Parses SQL Server 2012's sp_server_diagnostics, dynamically, and returns all result sets.
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_server_diag_event_parser
--SP_SERVER_DIAGNOSTICS Dynamic Parser for "events", v1.23
--You may use this at will, you may share it provided this header remains.
-- Copyright 2012 Michael Bourgon
-- Commercial use or sale prohibited without permission. Personal, Internal Company, or Private use is fine.
-- If you're just running this as your job as a DBA, enjoy.
-- Please feel free to share, and feel free to send corrections or enhancements -
-- Thanks to Marc_S on Stackoverflow for the help on parsing XML.
-- Thanks to Stack Overflow for forcing me to come up with a good question - so I found the flawed derived table slowdown.
mbourgon / EN_certificate_setup.sql
Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
Event Notifications - using certificates
--For the repository server I only have one cert and one key.
--For the new servers I have to create a new certificate and key for each one.
--Part 1, Run on new server adding to Event Notifications--
USE master
--Creating master key and an user which will be used by the certificate
mbourgon / rss_feed_SqlServer_Releases.ps1
Created June 26, 2014 21:34
RSS checker for SQL Release Services Blog (aka SQL Server patch release notifications) (powershell portion, 1/2)
Script downloads an rss feed of data about SQL Server service packs and cummulative updates.
Script downloads data into a staging table and is called by a job.
.PARAMETER <paramName>
There are no parameters.
Call from a job: powershell "& 'C:\Powershell_Scripts\rss_feed_SqlServer_Releases.ps1'"
mbourgon / EN_add_new_server.sql
Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
Event Notifications - add new server
--reminder, this runs on the central monitorING box, and uses xp_cmdshell and the like to connect to the "new" box.
Event Notification - add server to monitoring. Probably simpler to do by hand, but I like this.
See for more information, look for Event Notifications
Given a parameter of servername, WHEN RUN ON THE EN "repository", it will
a) try to determine the servername for the "sender"
mbourgon / T-SQL_A_More_Efficient_DELETE
Last active December 28, 2020 05:33
T-SQL: A more efficient delete (uses TOP, CTE, OUTPUT, etc)
--mdb 2016/08/18 v1.10. Added a few things to make it faster and not delete the entire table. And some docs!
--No idea where the idea to walk the table comes from (Bertrand? Strate?); the premise was that if you knew
-- what you were currently deleting, and it was ordered, you could tell the optimizer to skip the part you've already deleted.
-- The overall delete for the top 5k from a CTE is from Simon Sabin & the SQLCat team.
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#mydeleted') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #mydeleted
CREATE TABLE #mydeleted
mbourgon / XE_Dynamic_Shred__LongRunningQueries
Last active March 15, 2018 16:11
Using Extended Events to find long-running queries, with a dynamic XML shred and PIVOT to simplify the code
--written by MDB and ALM for TheBakingDBA.Blogspot.Com
-- basic XE session creation written by Pinal Dave
-- mdb 2015/03/13 1.1 - added a query to the ring buffer's header to get # of events run, more comments
-- mdb 2015/03/13 1.2 - added model_end events, filtering on hostname, using TRACK_CAUSALITY, and multiple events
-- mdb 2015/03/18 1.3 - changed header parse to dynamic, courtesy of Mikael Eriksson on StackOverflow
-- This runs on at 2008++ (tested on 2008, 2008R2, 2012, and 2014). Because of that, no NOT LIKE exclusion
-- Create the Event Session --
mbourgon / system_health_parser_one_table
Created April 13, 2015 16:11
System_Health dynamic parser - one table
if object_id('tempdb..#systemhealthsessiondata') is not null
DROP TABLE #systemhealthsessiondata
INTO #SystemHealthSessionData
FROM sys.dm_xe_session_targets xet
JOIN sys.dm_xe_sessions xe
ON (xe.address = xet.event_session_address)
WHERE = 'system_health'
mbourgon / system_health_parser_multi_table
Created April 13, 2015 16:12
System_Health dynamic parser - one table per event
if object_id('tempdb..#systemhealthsessiondata') is not null
DROP TABLE #systemhealthsessiondata
INTO #SystemHealthSessionData
FROM sys.dm_xe_session_targets xet
JOIN sys.dm_xe_sessions xe
ON (xe.address = xet.event_session_address)
WHERE = 'system_health'
mbourgon / Zenos_Arrow_Date_Search
Created April 16, 2015 20:05
Searching for a Date via PK ala Zeno's Arrow