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simtype buff rarity gem_id gem_hex gem_name buff_id buff_hex buff_name
07C959 499544 Infrequent 510297 07C959 Gem_Physical_01 499544 079F58 Prefix_Damage_Physical_02
07E911 1850755 Infrequent 518417 07E911 Gem_Poison_01 1850755 1C3D83 Prefix_Damage_Poison_02
07E912 502306 Infrequent 518418 07E912 Gem_Bleeding_01 502306 07AA22 Suffix_Damage_Bleeding_01
07E927 499549 Infrequent 518439 07E927 Gem_Piercing_01 499549 079F5D Prefix_Damage_Piercing_02
07E92F 499591 Infrequent 518447 07E92F Gem_Ice_01 499591 079F87 Prefix_Damage_Ice_02
07E937 499596 Infrequent 518455 07E937 Gem_Fire_01 499596 079F8C Prefix_Damage_Fire_02
07E93A 499741 Infrequent 518458 07E93A Gem_Lightning_01 499741 07A01D Prefix_Damage_Lightning_02
07E949 1289751 Rare 518473 07E949 Gem_LifeLeech_01 1289751 13AE17 Suffix_Damage_Lifesteal_01
07E94A 1289758 Rare 518474 07E94A Gem_ManaLeech_01 1289758 13AE1E Suffix_Damage_Manasteal_01
Suffix Display name
torso Shirt
head Cap
legs Bottoms
hands Gloves
feet Boots
Male Fab Female Fab In game name
public static class Utils
public static Func<Task<T>> Debounce<T>(Func<T> method, int ms = 250, CancellationTokenSource? src = null) => delegate
Interlocked.Exchange(ref src, new CancellationTokenSource())?.Cancel();
return Task.Delay(ms, src!.Token).ContinueWith(_ => method(), TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnRanToCompletion);
function save_to_file(filename, data)
if io then
id value
0138C2 tmp_na_combattest_region
013B05 tmp_na_pathing1_region
01EE7C audiotestregion
02194B dmo_na_dangerunibox_region
0270AD tmp_na_footstep_region
037B60 tmp_na_qaautomation_region
03CD90 tmp_na_clobberabletestregion
0695F8 out_dalentarth_region
069A3D dmo_m1
select dateadd(d,offset,eo_2_months)
from (
select last_day(dateadd(month,-2,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP),month)
) z(eo_2_months)
cross join (values(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7))o(offset)
where dayofweek(dateadd(d,offset,eo_2_months))=3
order by 1
offset 0 rows fetch next 1 row only
namespace Adapter
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System;
public class DbDataReaderAdapter : DbDataReader
create function fn_workday(@start datetime,@daysToAdd int)
returns table
with schemabinding as
return select workday=dateadd(d,@daysToAdd + ((abs(@daysToAdd)+d-2)/5)*2*sign(@daysToAdd)-d/7,@start)
from (select d= 4 - sign(@daysToAdd)*(4-datepart(dw,@start))) x;
declare @i varchar(max)='1'+replicate(',1',3999),@d datetime2 = sysdatetime(),@_ int
select @_=i.value('.','int')
from (
select a=convert(xml,'<i>'+replace(@i,',','</i><i>')+'</i>')
) a
cross apply a.nodes('./i') x(i)
select datediff(ms,@d,sysdatetime());
select @d=sysdatetime();
from typing import List
import functools
T9 = ['','','abc','def','ghi','jkl','mno','pqrs','tuv','wxyz']
def T9Words(word:int)->List[str]:
return functools.reduce(lambda results,elem: [r+d for r in results for d in T9[int(elem)]],str(word),[''])