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Ducunt volentem fata - nolentem trahunt.

G. Martin Butz mbutz

Ducunt volentem fata - nolentem trahunt.
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mbutz / 038-2021-06-28.tidal
Created June 28, 2021 18:40
#38 of my 100-Patterns-with-TidalCycles exercise.
-- Pattern #38 from 100
-- 038-2021-06-28.tidal
$ jux rev
$ degradeBy <0.125>
$ sometimesBy "<0.125 0.25>" (|* 8)
$ s "{ hi*16, hi:2*8, 808hc:0(<5 7 9>,16, <2 4 6>) }"
# gain 1
# room 0.3
mbutz / 037-2021-06-21.tidal
Created June 21, 2021 15:12
#37 of my 100-Patterns-with-TidalCycles exercise.
-- Pattern #37 from 100
-- 037-2021-06-21.tidal
$ every 2 (# triode 24)
$ hpf (segment "<8 4 2>" $ range 50 3000 sine)
# n "<c4'minor7'iii c4'minor7'ii c4'minor7'iiii>"
# s "superfm(<9 11>,16)"
# gain 0.575
# legato 0.75
mbutz / 036-2021-05-23.tidal
Created May 23, 2021 11:36
#36 of my 100-Patterns-with-TidalCycles exercise.
-- Pattern #36 from 100
-- 036-2021-05-23.tidal
d1 $ degradeBy 0.75 $ n "[[0 2 3] 6*2 8, 5 10*4 8 10 [~] 5]" # s "yeah"
d2 $ n "[~ 5]*4" # s "linnhats" # gain 0.9 # begin 0 # end 0.175
d3 $ "3 3 3 [~ 3, 4]" # s "stomp"
d4 $ slow 4 $ n "<[g3, c4, f4] [g4, c4, bf3]>" # s "supersquare" # gain 0.5
mbutz / 035-2021-05-13.tidal
Created May 13, 2021 15:21
#35 of my 100-Patterns-with-TidalCycles exercise.
-- Pattern #35 from 100
-- 035-2021-05-13.tidal
$ segment 16 $ struct "t(<3 5 7 9>,16)" $ shuffle 6
$ n (scale "ionian" "0 . 2 4 . 7 0 2") # s "tides" |+ "c5"
# legato 4
# gain (range 0.75 1.25 rand)
# room 0.5
# size 0.85
mbutz / 034-2021-04-30.tidal
Created April 30, 2021 09:57
#34 of my 100-Patterns-with-TidalCycles exercise.
-- Pattern #34 from 100
-- 034-2021-04-30.tidal
-- the following is appropriated from Allison Walker
$ fast 2
$ often
(off 0.25 (|+ gain 0.75) . (|+ speed 1.5) . (# room 0.85) . (# sz 0.75))
mbutz / 033-2021-04-15.tidal
Created April 15, 2021 16:52
#33 of my 100-Patterns-with-TidalCycles exercise.
-- Pattern #33 from 100
-- 033-2021-04-15.tidal
d1 $
slow 2 $ chop 4 $ n "4(2,4)" # up "0 0 -2" # s "lc" # begin 0 # end 0.25
-- slow 2 $ striate 2 $ n "4(5,8)" # up "0 0 -2" # s "lc" # begin 1.0 # end 0.5
# cut 1
# room 0.75
# sz 0.75
# gain 1
mbutz / 032-2021-04-10.tidal
Created April 10, 2021 10:56
#32 of my 100-Patterns-with-TidalCycles exercise.
-- Pattern #32 from 100
-- 032-2021-04-10.tidal
d1 $ ifp ((== 0).(flip mod 2))
(striate 4)
(# coarse "24 48")
$ s "psr [psr:3 psr:2]"
d3 $ fast 2 $ iter 4 $ n "c4 <g4 bf3 d4> <c5 f5 d4> [g5, bf5]"
# s "superhoover"
mbutz / 031-2021-03-30.tidal
Created March 30, 2021 14:31
#31 of my 100-Patterns-with-TidalCycles exercise.
-- Pattern #31 from 100
-- 031-2021-03-30.tidal
$ fast 4
$ sometimes (off 0.25 (rev))
$ rarely (off 0.75 (rev))
$ sometimes (0.75 ~>)
$ (|+ n "<12 7 -12>")
$ n (scale "mixolydian" "0? 2 [4] 7?") # "supersquare"
mbutz / 030-2021-03-28.tidal
Created March 28, 2021 18:08
#30 of my 100-Patterns-with-TidalCycles exercise.
-- Pattern #30 from 100
-- 030-2021-03-28.tidal
$ n "[a3 e3 e4 d5 c3 g4 g3 d4]*2?" # "superhammond"
# lpf 750
# resonance (range 0.025 0.5 $ slow 2 $ sine)
# octer (range 0 1 $ sine)
# octersub (range 0 1 $ cosine)
# gain (range 0.6 1 rand)
mbutz / 029-2021-03-23.tidal
Created March 23, 2021 20:10
#29 of my 100-Patterns-with-TidalCycles exercise.
-- Pattern #29 from 100
-- 029-2021-03-23.tidal
$ jux rev
$ stutWith 3 (0.25) (# voice "2")
$ stutWith 2 (0.5) (# room 0.75)
$ n "[g2 bf2 f3 f4, c d e [g bf]]" # s "superhammond"
# gain 0.75
# legato 2