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Avatar,"['Sam Worthington', 'Zoe Saldana', 'Sigourney Weaver', 'Stephen Lang', 'Michelle Rodriguez', 'Giovanni Ribisi', 'Joel David Moore', 'CCH Pounder', 'Wes Studi', 'Laz Alonso', 'Dileep Rao', 'Matt Gerald', 'Sean Anthony Moran', 'Jason Whyte', 'Scott Lawrence', 'Kelly Kilgour', 'James Patrick Pitt', 'Sean Patrick Murphy', 'Peter Dillon', 'Kevin Dorman', 'Kelson Henderson', 'David Van Horn', 'Jacob Tomuri', 'Michael Blain-Rozgay', 'Jon Curry', 'Luke Hawker', 'Woody Schultz', 'Peter Mensah', 'Sonia Yee', 'Jahnel Curfman', 'Ilram Choi', 'Kyla Warren', 'Lisa Roumain', 'Debra Wilson', 'Chris Mala', 'Taylor Kibby', 'Jodie Landau', 'Julie Lamm', 'Cullen B. Madden', 'Joseph Brady Madden', 'Frankie Torres', 'Austin Wilson', 'Sara Wilson', 'Tamica Washington-Miller', 'Lucy Briant', 'Nathan Meister', 'Gerry Blair', 'Matthew Chamberlain', 'Paul Yates', 'Wray Wilson', 'James Gaylyn', 'Melvin Leno Clark III', 'Carvon Futrell', 'Brandon Jelkes', 'Micah Moch', 'Hanniyah Muhammad', 'Christophe
#lang typed/racket
(require typed/rackunit)
(define-type ExprC (U Real Symbol String LamC AppC IfC SetC))
(struct LamC ([params : (Listof Symbol)] [body : ExprC]) #:transparent)
(struct AppC ([fun : ExprC] [args : (Listof ExprC)]) #:transparent)
(struct IfC ([test : ExprC] [thn : ExprC] [els : ExprC]) #:transparent)
(struct SetC ([var : Symbol] [newval : ExprC]) #:transparent)
(define-type Value (U Real Boolean String CloV PrimV ArrayV))
// A* pseudocode from the wikipedia article
function A*(start, goal)
// The set of nodes already evaluated
closedSet := {}
// The set of currently discovered nodes that are not evaluated yet.
// Initially, only the start node is known.
openSet := {start}
// For each node, which node it can most efficiently be reached from.
1 systemd INT
2 kthreadd INT
3 rcu_gp OTHER
4 rcu_par_gp OTHER
5 kworker/0:0 OTHER
6 kworker/0:0H OTHER
7 kworker/u4:0 OTHER
8 mm_percpu_wq OTHER
9 ksoftirqd/0 INT
;; Test parse
(check-equal? (parse 10) (vc 10))
(check-equal? (parse -10) (vc -10))
(check-equal? (parse '{+ 10 5}) (appC (idC '+) (list (valueC (realV 10)) (valueC (realV 5)))))
(check-equal? (parse '{+ 10 {+ 2 3}}) (appC (idC '+) (list (valueC (realV 10)) (appC (idC '+)
(list (valueC (realV 2))
(valueC (realV 3)))))))
(check-equal? (parse '{* 10 5}) (appC (idC '*) (list (valueC (realV 10)) (valueC (realV 5)))))
(check-equal? (parse '{* 10 {+ 2 3}}) (appC (idC '*) (list (valueC (realV 10)) (appC (idC '+)
(list (valueC (realV 2))
mcclane / gist:24ebc184f3d9c6a8c6f6fbcc92f6c972
Last active October 17, 2020 23:29
possible let desugaring
;; Turn an s-expression in to an AST using the ExpressionC elements defined above.
(define (parse [expression : Sexp]) : ExprC
(match expression
[(? real? value) (numC (realV value))]
[(list 'ifleq0 condition if-block else-block)
(ifleq0C (parse condition) (parse if-block) (parse else-block))]
[(? symbol? value) (idC value)]
[(list 'fn (list (? symbol? arguments) ...) body) (lambdaC (cast arguments (Listof Symbol)) (parse body))]
[(list 'let (? list? arguments) ... 'in (? list? body))
(appC (lambdaC (get-let-arg-symbols (cast arguments (Listof Sexp))) (parse body))
import unittest
import filecmp
from concordance import *
class TestList(unittest.TestCase):
def test_01(self):
conc = Concordance()
import unittest
from hash_quad import *
class TestList(unittest.TestCase):
def test_01a(self):
ht = HashTable(7)
self.assertEqual(ht.get_table_size(), 7)
def test_01b(self):
import unittest
import random
from heap import *
class TestHeap(unittest.TestCase):
def test_01_enqueue(self):
"""Test simple enqueue operations and build heap"""
test_heap = MaxHeap(7)
test_heap.build_heap([2, 9, 7, 6, 5, 8])
insert = test_heap.enqueue(10)