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Analyzing a UNFAIR Coin
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"## Probability Of An Unfair Coin\n",
"Let's say, we have a coin that is **biased** in such a way to generate **5 heads for every 2 tails**\n",
"### Investigte Sample Space\n",
"1. The sample space of an FAIR or UNFAIR coin is the set of all the possible outcomes. \n",
"- With a **Fair coin**, the coin will land on either heads or tails. Thus, the coin flip will produce one of two measurable outcomes: _Heads_ or _Tails_.\n",
"- With a sample space: *sample_space = {'H', 'T'}*\n",
"2. With an **UNFAIR coin** the sample space (can?) be changed to relfect the biased outcome. \n",
"- For example, If a coin were **biased** in such a way to generate **5 heads for every 2 tails**, we should be able to change the sample space to reflect that. **NO?**"
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"# Create a sample space of UNFAIR Coin-Flips\n",
"sample_space = ['H','H','H','H','H','T','T'] # 5 to 2 odds\n",
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"The outcome of Heads in our `sample_space` should produce\n",
"Probability('H') = (Count when head occurs) / len(sample_space)"
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"Pr(H) = 0.7142857142857143\n"
"source": [
"# Computing the probability of heads\n",
"prob_head = sample_space.count('H') / len(sample_space)\n",
"print('Pr(H) = ', prob_head)"
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"Pr(T) = 0.2857142857142857\n"
"source": [
"# Computing the probability of tails\n",
"prob_tail = sample_space.count('T') / len(sample_space)\n",
"print('Pr(T) = ', prob_tail)"
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"Pr(H): 0.7142857142857143 + Pr(T): 0.2857142857142857 = 1.0\n"
"source": [
"print('Pr(H):', prob_head, '+', 'Pr(T):', prob_tail, '=', prob_head+prob_tail)\n"
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"- BUT, we’ll need to define the concept of an *event*. \n",
"- Where an event is the subset of those elements within sample_space that satisfy some event condition. \n",
"- An *event condition* is a simple Boolean function whose input is a single sample_space element. \n",
"**Define All EVENT CONDITIONS** \n",
"- **NOTE**: This should not change for a fair coin and an unfair coin. NO?"
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"# Condition 1\n",
"def is_heads(outcome):\n",
" return outcome == 'H'\n",
"# Condition 2\n",
"def is_tails(outcome):\n",
" return outcome == 'T'\n",
"# Condition 3\n",
"def is_hd_or_tl(outcome):\n",
" return outcome in {'H', 'T'}\n",
"# Condition 4\n",
"def is_neither(outcome):\n",
" return not is_hd_or_tl(outcome)"
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"is_hd_or_tl('H') # Same for tail=>True"
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"is_neither('A') "
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"- *For the sake of being complete*, let's define event conditions for the two events where the coin satisfies exactly **one of our four potential outcomes**.\n",
"- We can pass event conditions into a generalized `get_matching_event` function. The function iterates through our defined `sample_space` and returns the set (OR should this be a list?) of outcomes where `event_condition(outcome)` is `True`.\n",
"**Defining an event detection function**\n",
"- Our list comprehension of outcomes =\n",
" - *[outcome for outcome in sample_space if event_condition(outcome)]*\n",
"time: 27:30"
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"def get_matching_event(event_condition, sample_space):\n",
" return [outcome for outcome in sample_space if event_condition(outcome)]"
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"- Execute *get_matching_event* on all 4 event conditions.\n",
"**At mark 30:30, he discusses strategy to find prob of finding 21 for six rolled dices.**\n",
"**Listing & Detecting events using event conditions**\n",
"Find all the events that occur\n",
"time: 34:34"
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"text": [
"Event Condition: is_hd_or_tl\n",
"Event: ['H', 'H', 'H', 'H', 'H', 'T', 'T']\n",
"Event Condition: is_neither\n",
"Event: []\n",
"Event Condition: is_heads\n",
"Event: ['H', 'H', 'H', 'H', 'H']\n",
"Event Condition: is_tails\n",
"Event: ['T', 'T']\n",
"source": [
"# In TOTAL, there are 4 conditions that can occur.\n",
"event_conditions = [is_hd_or_tl, is_neither, is_heads, is_tails]\n",
"# NOW we can test for any one of these conditions\n",
"for event_condition in event_conditions:\n",
" print(f'Event Condition: {event_condition.__name__}')\n",
" event = get_matching_event(event_condition, sample_space)\n",
" print(f'Event: {event}\\n')\n"
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"Now we are ready to calculate Prob of events by: \n",
"Pr = $\\Large\\frac{len(event)}{len(sample~space)}$\n",
"**Computing Event Probabilities** \n",
"time 37 min"
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"def compute_prob(event_condition, sample_space):\n",
" event = get_matching_event(event_condition, sample_space)\n",
" return len(event)/len(sample_space)"
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"Probability of event for is_hd_or_tl: 1.0\n",
"Probability of event for is_neither: 0.0\n",
"Probability of event for is_heads: 0.7142857142857143\n",
"Probability of event for is_tails: 0.2857142857142857\n"
"source": [
"for event_condition in event_conditions:\n",
" prob = compute_prob(event_condition, sample_space)\n",
" name = event_condition.__name__\n",
" print(f'Probability of event for {name}: {prob}')\n",
" \n",
"# see lecture time = 41:54 "
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