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mcmillhj / junction.p6
Last active April 30, 2018 18:52
Why does the below junction differ in result to the loop?
my @dates = <May 15>, <May 16>, <May 19>, <June 17>, <June 18>, <July 14>, <July 16>, <August 14>, <August 15>, <August 17>;
sub day (@date) { @date[1] }
sub month (@date) { @date[0] }
sub tell($data) {
@dates.grep({ day($_) eq $data or month($_) eq $data });
mcmillhj / stack.p6
Last active May 4, 2018 20:07
Missing Block error on line 20
class Stack {
has Int @!store;
method push(Int:D $elem --> Nil) {
push @!store, $elem;
method pop(--> Int) {
multi sub floyds-triangle(1 --> List) { 1 .. 1, }
multi sub floyds-triangle(Int:D $n where * > 1 --> List) {
my $nth-triangle-number = $n * ($n + 1) div 2;
return floyds-triangle2($n - 1), $nth-triangle-number - $n ^.. $nth-triangle-number;
say floyds-triangle(5);
# (((((1..1) 1^..3) 3^..6) 6^..10) 10^..15
mcmillhj / logic-gates.js
Created November 11, 2019 19:07
casidoo interview question: logic gates
"use strict";
// Using De Morgan's Law each of these logic gates can be implemented using one or more NAND gate.
const nand = (p, q) => !(p && q);
const not = p => nand(p, p);
const and = (p, q) => not(nand(p, q));
const or = (p, q) => nand(nand(p, p), nand(q, q));
const nor = (p, q) => not(or(p, q));
const xor = (p, q) => nand(nand(p, nand(p, q)), nand(q, nand(p, q)));
mcmillhj / is-factorial.p6
Created January 22, 2020 15:43
Solution to casidoo's weekly interview question: is-factorial
use experimental :cached;
sub postfix:<!>(Int:D $n) {
[*] 2..$n;
multi sub is-factorial(0) { True }
multi sub is-factorial(1) { True }
multi sub is-factorial(Int:D $n where * >= 2 --> Bool) {
sub is-factorial-recursive(Int:D $n, Int:D $d --> Bool) is cached {
mcmillhj / sets.raku
Created December 9, 2021 04:45
Raku set question
my @sets = <ab bc cd>.map: { .comb.Set };
my $first = @sets.first({ $_ (==) <a b>.Set });
my $second = @sets.first({ $_ (==) <b c>.Set });
my $last = @sets.first({ $_ != <a b>.Set && $_ != <b c>.Set });
say [$first, $second, $last];
# outputs
# [Set(a b) Set(b c) (Any)]
mcmillhj / overwrite-array-from-sub.p6
Created December 23, 2021 15:56
Extra layer of nesting added after return
sub modify-copy-and-return(@a is copy, @b is copy) {
my @buffer;
@buffer.append: @a;
@buffer.append: @b;
@buffer.push: [1,2];
dd @buffer;
# Array @buffer = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [3, 4], [5, 6], [1, 2]]
True, @buffer;