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Created December 5, 2022 08:18
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"import os\n",
"import numpy as np\n",
"import scipy.sparse\n",
"import faiss\n",
"from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool\n",
"from faiss.contrib import clustering\n",
"from faiss.contrib.datasets import SyntheticDataset"
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"This script demonstrates how to cluster vectors that are composed of a dense\n",
"part of dimension d1 and a sparse part of dimension d2 where d2 >> d1. \n",
"The centroids are represented as full dense vectors. \n",
"The implementation relies on the `clustering.DatasetAssign` object, that abstracts\n",
"away the representation of the vectors to cluster. The `clustering` module contains \n",
"a pure Python implementation of `kmeans` that can consume this `DatasetAssign`. "
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"## Sparse-dense assignment class"
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"def sparse_dense_assign_to_dense(xdense, xsparse, xb, xq_norms, xb_norms):\n",
" \"\"\" assignment function for hstack(xdense, xsparse), xdense and xb are dense, \n",
" xsparse is a CSR matrix. It uses uses a matrix multiplication. \n",
" The squared norms can be provided if available.\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" nq, ddense = xdense.shape\n",
" assert nq == xsparse.shape[0]\n",
" dsparse = xsparse.shape[1]\n",
" assert ddense + dsparse == xb.shape[1]\n",
" nb = xb.shape[0]\n",
" d2 = xb_norms - 2 * xdense @ xb[:, :ddense].T \n",
" d2 -= 2 * xsparse @ xb[:, ddense:].T\n",
" I = d2.argmin(axis=1)\n",
" D = d2.ravel()[I + np.arange(nq) * nb] + xq_norms.ravel()\n",
" return D, I\n",
"def sparse_dense_assign_to_dense_blocks(\n",
" xdense, xsparse, xb, xq_norms=None, xb_norms=None, qbs=16384, bbs=16384, nt=None): \n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" decomposes the sparse_assign_to_dense function into blocks to avoid a\n",
" possible memory blow up. Can be run in multithreaded mode, because scipy's\n",
" sparse-dense matrix multiplication is single-threaded.\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" nq = xdense.shape[0]\n",
" assert nq == xsparse.shape[0]\n",
" nb = xb.shape[0]\n",
" assert xq_norms is not None\n",
" # prepare result arrays\n",
" D = np.empty(nq, dtype=\"float32\")\n",
" D.fill(np.inf)\n",
" I = -np.ones(nq, dtype=int)\n",
" if xb_norms is None:\n",
" xb_norms = (xb ** 2).sum(1)\n",
" def handle_query_block(i):\n",
" xdense_block = xdense[i : i + qbs]\n",
" xsparse_block = xsparse[i : i + qbs]\n",
" xq_norms_block = xq_norms[i : i + qbs]\n",
" Iblock = I[i : i + qbs]\n",
" Dblock = D[i : i + qbs]\n",
" for j in range(0, nb, bbs):\n",
" Di, Ii = sparse_dense_assign_to_dense(\n",
" xdense_block, xsparse_block,\n",
" xb[j : j + bbs],\n",
" xq_norms=xq_norms_block,\n",
" xb_norms=xb_norms[j : j + bbs],\n",
" )\n",
" if j == 0:\n",
" Iblock[:] = Ii\n",
" Dblock[:] = Di\n",
" else:\n",
" mask = Di < Dblock\n",
" Iblock[mask] = Ii[mask] + j\n",
" Dblock[mask] = Di[mask]\n",
" if nt == 0 or nt == 1 or nq <= qbs:\n",
" list(map(handle_query_block, range(0, nq, qbs)))\n",
" else:\n",
" pool = ThreadPool(nt)\n",
", range(0, nq, qbs))\n",
" \n",
" return D, I \n",
"execution_count": 16,
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"source": [
"class DatasetAssignDenseSparse(clustering.DatasetAssign):\n",
" \"\"\"Wrapper for a matrix that is the concatenation of a dense and\n",
" a sparse set of columns.\"\"\"\n",
" def __init__(self, xdense, xsparse):\n",
" assert xsparse.__class__ == scipy.sparse.csr_matrix\n",
" self.xsparse = xsparse\n",
" self.xdense = xdense\n",
" self.squared_norms = (xdense**2).sum(1)[:, None] + np.array(\n",
" xsparse.power(2).sum(1)\n",
" )\n",
" def get_subset(self, indices):\n",
" return np.hstack(\n",
" (self.xdense[indices], np.array(self.xsparse[indices].todense()))\n",
" )\n",
" def count(self):\n",
" return self.xdense.shape[0]\n",
" def dim(self):\n",
" return self.xdense.shape[1] + self.xsparse.shape[1]\n",
" def perform_search(self, centroids):\n",
" return sparse_dense_assign_to_dense_blocks(\n",
" self.xdense, self.xsparse, centroids, xq_norms=self.squared_norms, nt=None\n",
" )\n",
" def assign_to(self, centroids, weights=None):\n",
" D, I = self.perform_search(centroids)\n",
" I = I.ravel()\n",
" D = D.ravel()\n",
" n = self.xdense.shape[0]\n",
" if weights is None:\n",
" weights = np.ones(n, dtype=\"float32\")\n",
" nc = len(centroids)\n",
" m = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix((weights, I, np.arange(n + 1)), shape=(nc, n))\n",
" sum_per_centroid = np.hstack((\n",
" np.array(m @ self.xdense),\n",
" np.array((m * self.xsparse).todense())\n",
" ))\n",
" return I, D, sum_per_centroid"
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"## Test"
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"# generate the dense data \n",
"ds = SyntheticDataset(64, 100000, 0, 0, seed=123)\n",
"# generate the sparse data (higher dimensional)\n",
"ds2 = SyntheticDataset(1000, 100000, 0, 0, seed=234)"
"execution_count": 18,
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"# dense part \n",
"xdense = ds.get_train()"
"execution_count": 5,
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"source": [
"# sparse part: make sure that less than 1% of the data is non-zero\n",
"xsparse = ds2.get_train()\n",
"mask = (np.abs(xsparse) < 0.9997)\n",
"xsparse[mask] = 0\n",
"# xsparse = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(xsparse[mask])"
"execution_count": 20,
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"### reference run"
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"Reference run where the sparse part is just treated as dense and concatenated to the dense part "
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"source": [
"data = clustering.DatasetAssign(np.hstack((xdense, xsparse))) # this is the normal dense DatesetAssign\n",
"clusters, iteration_stats = clustering.kmeans(100, data, niter=10, return_stats=True)"
"execution_count": 7,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "stream",
"name": "stdout",
"text": [
"compute centroids\r",
" Iteration 9 (2.18 s, search 2.16 s): objective=3.44424e+06 imbalance=1.050 nsplit=0\n"
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"executionStopTime": 1669987940448
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"execution_count": 8,
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"### Run with real sparse support\n",
"Use the `DatasetAssignDenseSparse` object to handle the dense + sparse clustering."
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"executionStopTime": 1669989124370
"source": [
"xsparse_csr = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(xsparse)\n",
"data = DatasetAssignDenseSparse(xdense, xsparse_csr)\n",
"clusters, iteration_stats = clustering.kmeans(100, data, niter=10, return_stats=True)"
"execution_count": 14,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "stream",
"name": "stdout",
"text": [
"compute centroids\r",
" Iteration 9 (8.44 s, search 8.42 s): objective=3.44421e+06 imbalance=1.049 nsplit=0\n"
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"executionStopTime": 1669989129238
"source": [
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"text/plain": "3444213.0"
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"execution_count": 15
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