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meagar /
Last active December 18, 2015 00:49

##JavaScript isn't threaded

  • Synchronous code locks up the browser
  • Asynchronous code frees up the browser but leads to...

##Async callback hell

"Return" values are no longer available to our synchronous code

This is a really fast way to restore a large Postgres database by omiting the indexes and restoring them later (if necessary).

  1. Dump database.

     pg_dump -Fc --no-owner my_db -f ~/my_db.dump
  2. Create the summary files. One for the indexes and another for everything else.

pg_restore -l ~/my_db.dump | grep -v 'INDEX public' > ~/my_db.list

This is a really fast way to restore a large Postgres database by omiting the indexes and restoring them later (if necessary).

  1. Dump database.

    pg_dump -Fc --no-owner my_db -f ~/my_db.dump

  2. Create the summary files. One for the indexes and another for everything else.

pg_restore -l ~/my_db.dump | grep -v 'INDEX public' > ~/my_db.list

meagar / Psycho MiWay bus
Last active December 26, 2015 08:08
Psycho MiWay bus driver

At 9:45am, Wednesday October 23rd, I was turning right from Skymark Ave to Explorer Drive.

There was a bus, 35AW, parked on Skymark with its hazard lights on, approximately 3 meters back from the intersection.

I passed the bus on the left, intending to turn right on Explorer, but before I could complete the pass, the bus started moving.

I was ahead of the bus, forward of its front left corner, and couldn’t get back into the right lane; further I believed the driver hadn’t seen me, as I could clearly see him and he showed no signs of acknowledging my presence, and I believed that I was in danger of being struck unless I made my presence known. I called “Hello!” to the window, which I could see was partially open.

The bus slammed on its brakes, and the driver blasted the horn at me while giving me the middle finger. I returned the gesture over my shoulder.

meagar /
Last active December 26, 2015 22:09
A simply way of DRYing up promise-returning functions
# There's an incredibly common pattern when using promises:
# myFunction: ->
# dfd = $.Deferrred()
# $.ajax "wherever"
# .done() ->
# dfd.resolve("yep")
# .fail() ->
# dfd.reject("nope")
meagar /
Last active December 29, 2015 08:09
Allow Backbone's `get` to return multiple values

Improving Backbone's get to accept multiple arguments

CoffeeScript makes this work well:

[name, age] = user.get('name', 'age')

It would be trivially easy to allow Pam.Model's get to override Backbone's get to support this

meagar / CoffeeScript
Last active December 29, 2015 11:19
CoffeeScript gotcha - implicit objects on multiple lines

A short list of CoffeeScript gotcha's I've encountered writing CoffeeScript professionally.

These are not problems with CoffeeScript, rather they are strange one-off situations where, especially coming from Ruby, differences in CoffeeScript's syntax have led to unexpected JavaScript.

meagar /
Last active December 30, 2015 09:09
Managing JavaScript Complexity
meagar / gist:8027073
Created December 18, 2013 18:14
Simple rake progress bar
# Use:
# # Pass an emuerable to #new
# users =
# do |user|
# user.do_something_amazing
# end
MyModule.configure do |config| 
#stuff inside 