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meddle meddle0x53

Working from home
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/usr/bin/rsync -r -t -p -o -g -x --delete --size-only -l -s --exclude-from=/home/guda/bin/ssd_backup_exclude.txt /home/guda/ /home/guda/external/backup
meddle0x53 / functions_all_the_way.exs
Last active January 14, 2018 14:16
Church booleans and numbers in Elixir
# Basic combinators #
id = fn(x) -> x end
kestrel = fn (x) -> fn (y) -> x end end
starling =
fn (x) ->
meddle0x53 / flatten.ex
Created February 5, 2018 11:21
Simpler flatten
def flatten([head | tail], result) when is_list(head), do: flatten(head, flatten(tail, result))
def flatten([head | tail], result), do: [head | flatten(tail, result)]
def flatten([], result), do: result