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Chris-ZA / Delete Obsolete WSUS Updates.sql
Last active February 6, 2018 20:53
Script to Delete Obsolete WSUS Updates
-- This script deletes all obsolete WSUS updates from a WSUS database.
-- For more information, visit
DECLARE @message varchar(1000)
CREATE TABLE #ObsoleteUpdatesToCleanup (UpdateID INT)
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
(Get-ADGroup -Identity $ShadowGroup -properties members).Members | Get-ADUser | Where-Object {$_.distinguishedName –NotMatch $OU} | ForEach-Object {Remove-ADPrincipalGroupMembership –Identity $_ –MemberOf $ShadowGroup –Confirm:$false}
Get-ADUser –SearchBase $OU –SearchScope OneLevel –LDAPFilter "(!memberOf=$ShadowGroup)" | ForEach-Object {Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership –Identity $_ –MemberOf $ShadowGroup}
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
(Get-ADGroup -Identity $ShadowGroup -properties members).Members | Get-ADUser | Where-Object {$_.distinguishedName –NotMatch $OU} | ForEach-Object {Remove-ADPrincipalGroupMembership –Identity $_ –MemberOf $ShadowGroup –Confirm:$false}
Get-ADUser –SearchBase $OU –SearchScope OneLevel –LDAPFilter "(!memberOf=$ShadowGroup)" | ForEach-Object {Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership –Identity $_ –MemberOf $ShadowGroup}
meoso /
Last active December 3, 2020 17:45
Shotcut launcher bash script
#assumes new downloads of shotcut is always in ~/Downloads
cd ~/Downloads
chmod +x ./[Ss]hotcut-*.AppImage
#always choose the latest Shotcut-*.AppImage download
shotcut=$(ls -Art [Ss]hotcut-*.AppImage | tail -n 1 | cut -d' ' -f 9-)
cd "${currpath}"
broestls / Remove_VMwareTools.ps1
Last active June 4, 2024 11:39
Force removal of VMware Tools, Program Files, and Windows Services
# This script will manually rip out all VMware Tools registry entries and files for Windows 2008-2019
# Tested for 2019, 2016, and probably works on 2012 R2 after the 2016 fixes.
# This function pulls out the common ID used for most of the VMware registry entries along with the ID
# associated with the MSI for VMware Tools.
function Get-VMwareToolsInstallerID {
foreach ($item in $(Get-ChildItem Registry::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Products)) {
If ($item.GetValue('ProductName') -eq 'VMware Tools') {
return @{
reg_id = $item.PSChildName;