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metamn / auth_form_user.html.haml
Created May 19, 2009 18:33
_Form User for Authlogic
= form.label :login
= form.text_field :login
= form.label :email
= form.text_field :email
metamn / auth_new_user.html.haml
Created May 19, 2009 18:34
New User for Authlogic
= content_for :content do
%h1 Register
- form_for @user, :url => account_path do |f|
= f.error_messages
= render :partial => "form", :object => f
= f.submit "Register"
metamn / auth_user_show.html.haml
Created May 19, 2009 18:35
Show User for Authlogic
= content_for :content do
%b Login
=h @user.login
%b Login count
=h @user.login_count
metamn / _header.haml
Created May 20, 2009 13:56
Header partial for the Application template
= link_to "Application Name", root_path
= render :partial => "shared/login"
metamn / _login_header.haml
Created May 20, 2009 13:57
Login partial for the App Template
Logged in:
= pluralize User.logged_in.count, "user"
- if !current_user
= link_to "Register", new_account_path
= link_to "Log In", login_path
- else
= link_to "My Account", account_path
metamn / code_quality_template.rb
Created May 20, 2009 16:17
metric_fu application template
# metric_fu based code analysis
if yes?("Load the Basic Rails template?")
run "wget"
run "mv 114140.txt base_template.rb"
load_template "base_template.rb"
if yes?("(Re)Install metric_fu? (with roodi, flay, flog, reek, ...) ")
run "sudo gem install jscruggs-metric_fu"
git :init
file ".gitignore", <<-END
script/generate mailer mailer
ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :sendmail
ActionMailer::Base.sendmail_settings = {
:location => '/usr/sbin/sendmail',
:arguments => '-i -t' }
ActionMailer::Base.perform_deliveries = true
ActionMailer::Base.raise_delivery_errors = true
ActionMailer::Base.default_charset = "iso-8859-1"
metamn / compass haml
Created August 29, 2009 13:59
compass haml
%html{:xmlns => "", "xml:lang" => "en", :lang => "en"}
= stylesheet_link_tag 'screen.css', :media => 'screen, projection'
= stylesheet_link_tag 'print.css', :media => 'print'
/[if IE]
= stylesheet_link_tag 'ie.css', :media => 'screen, projection'
= stylesheet_link_tag 'application', :media => 'screen, projection'
metamn / compass sass
Created August 29, 2009 13:59
compass sass
@import screen.sass
-# Theme
-# =====================================================
:background red