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# This will give all the ICSE2015/2016 papers filenames extracted from the titles of the PDF metadata,
# and put them in a folder on your desktop. It's been tested on OSX and depends on wget and pdfinfo,
# available via the macports xpdf package on pre-Yosemite OSX, and here for Yosemite users:
# It's a manual install, unfortunately, but I trust you're geared up for that.
# The username and password are available from these public-facing pdfs:
# (2015 - icse15/conf15)
#!/usr/bin/env python
from mercurial import ui, hg, cmdutil, match
from collections import defaultdict
import json
import sys
if len (sys.argv) == 1:
print( "\nThis script determines contributor numbers between a certain range of commits." +
"\nOrder of arguments is important:" +
mhoye / gist:6465743
Created September 6, 2013 15:46 — forked from jdm/gist:6465718
from mercurial import ui, hg, cmdutil, match
from collections import defaultdict
import json
import sys
repo = hg.repository(ui.ui(), sys.argv[1])
from_rev = sys.argv[2]
to_rev = sys.argv[3]
employees = {}