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michaellwest / UpdateExternalLink.ps1
Last active April 13, 2020 18:25
Update external links to open in a new tab using Sitecore PowerShell Extensions.
michaellwest / CleanupTickets.ps1
Last active April 27, 2020 01:44
Remove SC_TICKET entries from the Core database using Sitecore PowerShell Extensions.
There is an issue with the authentication ticket cleanup for certain versions of Sitecore. Run this script as a scheduled task.
$ticketIds = [Sitecore.Web.Authentication.TicketManager]::GetTicketIDs() |
ForEach-Object { $_.Replace("_", "") }
michaellwest / FindItemsWithSpecialCharacter.ps1
Last active March 30, 2020 19:47
Finds items in the database with a special character using Sitecore PowerShell Extensions.
Import-Function -Name Invoke-SqlCommand
$connection = [Sitecore.Configuration.Settings]::GetConnectionString("master")
$text = '%' + 'Ã' + '%'
$query = @"
select [ItemID], [FieldID], LEN([Value]) AS [FieldLength] from [SharedFields] WITH (NOLOCK) where [Value] like @0
$shared = Invoke-SqlCommand -Connection $connection -Query $query -Parameters @{"@0"=$text}
$query = @"
michaellwest / Validate-GeneralLink.ps1
Created March 20, 2020 18:22
Validate the xml stored in a GeneralLink field using Sitecore PowerShell Extensions.
michaellwest / RSAKeyTools.ps1
Last active January 6, 2020 17:07
Convert the certificate private key to a PKCS8 formatted file. Made use of this for Traefik.
Convert a PrivateKey from the certificate store into a PKCS8 formatted file.
Found C# version here
Michael West
michaellwest / FindLockedItemsInTheDatabase-Report.ps1
Last active October 22, 2019 19:07
Find locked items by user using Sitecore PowerShell Extensions. This takes into account which language and version of the items are locked.
Lists all the items locked by the specified user.
Adam Najmanowicz, Michael West
Import-Function -Name Invoke-SqlCommand
michaellwest / SharePoint-AddSelectAll
Created September 25, 2019 22:04
Adds a select all option to a SharePoint list of checkboxes.
<script src="" integrity="sha256-WpOohJOqMqqyKL9FccASB9O0KwACQJpFTUBLTYOVvVU=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
var statesTable = $('table[id^="State"');
var selectAll = $('<a href="#" id="select-all-states">Select All</a>').insertBefore(statesTable);
selectAll.on('click', function(e) {
statesTable.find('.ms-RadioText :checkbox').prop('checked', true);
michaellwest / CleanupBlobData.sql
Created September 24, 2019 16:03
Cleanup orphaned blob data using SSMS. When Sitecore runs this process it may timeout otherwise.
DECLARE @BlobID uniqueidentifier;
SELECT @BlobID = '{FF8A2D01-8A77-4F1B-A966-65806993CD31}';
WITH [BlobFields] ([fieldid])
AS (SELECT [sharedfields].[itemid]
FROM [sharedfields]
WHERE [sharedfields].[fieldid] = @BlobID
AND [sharedfields].[value] = 1
SELECT [versionedfields].[itemid]
michaellwest / SitecoreRenderingStats.ps1
Created September 10, 2019 19:12
Duplicates the functionality seen in the Sitecore stats.aspx admin page using Sitecore PowerShell Extensions.
$items = [Sitecore.Diagnostics.Statistics]::RenderingStatistics
$props = @{
Property = @(
@{Label="Rendering"; Expression={$_.TraceName} },
@{Label="Site"; Expression={$_.SiteName} },
@{Label="Count"; Expression={$_.RenderCount} },
@{Label="From cache"; Expression={$_.UsedCache} },
@{Label="Avg. time (ms)"; Expression={$_.AverageTime.TotalMilliseconds} },
@{Label="Avg. items"; Expression={$_.AverageItemsAccessed} },
@{Label="Max. time"; Expression={$_.MaxTime.TotalMilliseconds} },
michaellwest / Remove-Multiple-Sessions.ps1
Created July 15, 2019 18:53
Remove duplicate user sessions during login using Sitecore PowerShell Extensions. Solution for
# Solution for
# Cannot login in Sitecore CMS due to multiple same users already logged in
# Saved to /sitecore/system/Modules/PowerShell/Script Library/[CUSTOM_MODULE_NAME]/Pipelines/LoggedIn/Remove Multiple Sessions
$pipelineArgs = Get-Variable -Name pipelineArgs -ValueOnly
$username = $pipelineArgs.UserName
if(!$username) { return }
$sessionId = [System.Web.HttpContext]::Current.Session.SessionID
Write-Log "The current session Id is $($sessionId) for user $($username)"