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micstr / isdate.R
Last active May 25, 2021 11:40
Testing dates in R - an IsDate() function
# Trying to find a basic test for dates in R. was looking for a is.Date like as.Date vibe
IsDate <- function(mydate, date.format = "%d/%m/%y") {
# Check if field is a date using as.Date that looks for unambiguous dates
# Assumes date format so NA returned not Character error.
# Why? with no date format, R tries two defaults then gives error.
# BUT With a dateformat R returns NA
# Args
# Suspected date and optional date format string
# Returns
micstr / dateloopexamples.R
Created March 19, 2015 08:44
Looping through dates in R - examples of issues with indexing with dates.
# examples of issues with indexing with dates for will turn to number
# Solution
# - DONT use dates as elements of your index
# - DO index alonmg length of your date list
date.list <- c(as.Date("2015/3/1"), as.Date("2015/3/2"))
# 1 loop through dates?
for ( in unique(date.list)){
micstr / identifymachine.R
Created March 20, 2015 08:16
identify machine name to adapt server connections or directories
# Identify what machine you are running on in R
# Use [[ to get the name out of entry
# Help from <-[["nodename"]]
k.dir.proj = "C:/Users/Michael/GitHub/FVCA" #ALIEN
if (identical(, "FVCA-BLOOMBERG")) {
k.dir.proj <- "C:/Users/Info/Documents/GitHub/FVCA" #FVCA-BLOOMBERG OVERRIDE
micstr / comparedatatable.R
Created March 27, 2015 13:48
Compare Data Tables in R
# Comparing data tables examples
# Examples from
# page 14
dt1 <- data.table(A = letters[1:10], X = 1:10, key = "A") # a to j
dt2 <- data.table(A = letters[5:14], Y = 1:10, key = "A") # e to n
identical(all.equal(dt1, dt1), TRUE)
micstr / rbindnewcols.R
Created March 30, 2015 14:07
Bind new rows to a log if columns added in R
# Test rbind
# Kudos to
# old log
dt.1 <- data.table(message = c("A-ok", "no", "yes"),
date = c("Feb", "Mar", "Mar"))
# new log more columns
dt.2 <- data.table(message = c("watch"),
rows.added = c(100),
micstr / droprowdatatable.R
Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
Drop row in data table
dt <- data.table(name = c("M","P","S"),
pet = c("dog","cat","fish"))
# famous question can be simple
dt <- dt[-c(1:2),]
# Note it is called subsetting
micstr / fixTZinShinyTables.R
Created July 4, 2017 14:19
Fix TZ showing in Shiny tables
# Fix TZ showing in tables : drawdown Shiny example
# micstr 4 July 2017
# shiny 0.12. broke the perfapp drawdown tables now showing dates with Timezone e.g.
# 2016-04-30T00:00:00Z
#"POSIXt objects are now serialized to JSON in UTC8601 format (like
#"2015-03-20T20:00:00Z"), instead of as seconds from the epoch. If you
#have a Shiny app which uses sendCustomMessage() to send datetime
#(POSIXt) objects, then you may need to modify your Javascript code to
#receive time data in this format."
micstr / test-chartlabels-mcve-app.R
Created July 25, 2017 09:35
missing chart labels MCVE example
# Test app chartlabels missing fixes
# (mcve Smaller subset version with no source)
suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(googleVis)) # else get startup msg
# Simplifying output
drawGraphAndTable <- function(title, name)
# Logging use of tictoc notes
# See
# When log = TRUE, toc() pushes the measured timing to a list
# quiet = TRUE prevents from printing the timing
micstr / dateRangeShowMonthlyOnly.R
Created May 15, 2020 05:27
Shiny inptDateRange setting min view to only show months for example not days
# Thanks to David
# date range input set to month with minview
dateInput2 <- function(inputId, label, minview = "days", maxview = "decades", ...) {
d <- shiny::dateInput(inputId, label, ...)
d$children[[2L]]$attribs[["data-date-min-view-mode"]] <- minview
d$children[[2L]]$attribs[["data-date-max-view-mode"]] <- maxview