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Michael Douglas mikedouglas

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/* blob.h */
struct blob {
struct object object;
/* object.h */
struct object {
unsigned parsed : 1;
unsigned used : 1;
unsigned type : TYPE_BITS;
(require (planet plai/plai:1:6))
(require srfi/1)
(require srfi/19)
(require web-server/servlet-env)
(require web-server/dispatch)
(require web-server/servlet/web)
(require web-server/formlets)
(ns parser.core)
(declare bind)
;; succeeds w/o consuming input
(defn result [v]
(fn [inp] [[v inp]]))
;; always fails
(defn zero []
;; The first three lines of this file were inserted by DrScheme. They record metadata
;; about the language level of this file in a form that our tools can easily process.
(require (planet plai/plai:1:3))
;#reader(lib "" "plai" "lang")
;; Lecture XX : Type Checking
; Note: The code in this file may be used as starter code for
;; (let [a 1, b 2] (named-map a b)) => {:a 1, :b 2}
(defmacro named-map
[& keys]
`(zipmap (map keyword '~keys) (list ~@keys)))
(defmacro named-map* [keys]
`(zipmap (map keyword '~keys) (list ~@keys)))
(defmacro define-method [method map args]
(let [default {:integration_point_name "notifications_per_day"}
named (named-map* args)]
`(defn ~method ~args
(call-method ~(format "facebook.%s" map) (merge default named)))))
calling with: class clojure.lang.PersistentList
({:op :=,
:exp1 {:val 5},
:exp2 {:val 4},
:t {:lbl #<Label L_94>},
:f {:lbl #<Label L_95>}}
{:lbl #<Label L_94>}
{:src {:val 1}, :dst {:reg #<Temp t36>}}
{:lbl #<Label L_96>}
{:lbl #<Label L_95>}
(not (= {#:LABEL{:lbl #:Label{:id 1}} nil, ;; <== actual
#:addl{:src #:CONST{:value 3}, :dst #:Temp{:id 4}}
#{#:Temp{:id 4}},
#:addl{:src #:CONST{:value 5}, :dst #:Temp{:id 3}}
#{#:Temp{:id 3} #:Temp{:id 4}},
#:addl{:src #:Temp{:id 3}, :dst #:Temp{:id 4}}
#{#:Temp{:id 3} #:Temp{:id 4}}
#:movl{:src #:Temp{:id 4}, :dst #:Temp{:id 2}}
#{#:Temp{:id 3} #:Temp{:id 2} #:Temp{:id 4}}
#:jmp{:dst #:Label{:id 1}} #{}}
mjd@eames CPSC 411/MiniJava.sam % lein test
[null] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Must supply at least one argument for 'this' in: toString (temp.clj:12)
[null] at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyzeSeq(
[null] at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyze(
[null] at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyze(
[null] at clojure.lang.Compiler.eval(
[null] at clojure.lang.Compiler.eval(
[null] at clojure.lang.Compiler.load(
[null] at clojure.lang.RT.loadResourceScript(
(defn lookup-lbl [prog]
(into {}
(for [lbl (-> prog count range)
:when (isit? (prog lbl) :minijava.gas/LABEL)]
[(:lbl (prog lbl)) lbl])))
(defn flow [prog]
(let [lookup (lookup-lbl prog)]
(for [i (range (count prog))]
(let [instr (prog i)]