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We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: Unclosed quoted field in line 2.
Distinguish between the broad view and the narrow view of employee benefits.,"The broad view considers employee benefits to be virtually any form of compensation other than direct wages paid to employees. It includes both government-mandated benefits and private plans. Thus, such things as the employer’s share of Social Security tax on behalf of an employee, paid vacations and pension plans are considered to be employee benefits under the broad view. The narrow view, on the other hand, can be summarized as any type of plan sponsored or initiated unilaterally or jointly by employers and employees and engaged in providing benefits that result from the employment relationship and that are not underwritten or paid directly by government. Although this textbook and course are primarily concerned with the narrow definition of employee benefits, such emphasis does not imply that legally required benefits are unimportant. On the contrary, these benefits are extremely important and must be considered
"question": "There can be great variability in employer spending to sponsor a workplace wellness program. However, the cost of these programs per employee per year typically ranges from:",
"choices": [
"$0- $450",
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: Unclosed quoted field in line 3.
"Which of the following is true about the broad view of employee benefits?
1. It only includes government-mandated benefits.
2. It considers employee benefits to be virtually any form of compensation other than direct wages paid to employees.
3. It does not include the employer’s share of Social Security tax on behalf of an employee.
4. It only includes benefits that are not underwritten or paid directly by government.",2. It considers employee benefits to be virtually any form of compensation other than direct wages paid to employees.
"Which of the following are characteristics of the narrow view of employee benefits? (Choose two)
I. It includes any type of plan sponsored or initiated unilaterally or jointly by employers and employees.
II. It includes benefits that are underwritten or paid directly by government.
III. It includes benefits that result from the employment relationship.
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: Unclosed quoted field in line 2.
Distinguish between the broad view and the narrow view of employee benefits.,"The broad view considers employee benefits to be virtually any form of compensation other than direct wages paid to employees. It includes both government-mandated benefits and private plans. Thus, such things as the employer’s share of Social Security tax on behalf of an employee, paid vacations and pension plans are considered to be employee benefits under the broad view. The narrow view, on the other hand, can be summarized as any type of plan sponsored or initiated unilaterally or jointly by employers and employees and engaged in providing benefits that result from the employment relationship and that are not underwritten or paid directly by government. Although this textbook and course are primarily concerned with the narrow definition of employee benefits, such emphasis does not imply that legally required benefits are unimportant. On the contrary, these benefits are extremely important and must be considered
{"prompt":"Distinguish between the broad view and the narrow view of employee benefits.","completion":"The broad view considers employee benefits to be virtually any form of compensation other than direct wages paid to employees. It includes both government-mandated benefits and private plans. Thus, such things as the employer’s share of Social Security tax on behalf of an employee, paid vacations and pension plans are considered to be employee benefits under the broad view. The narrow view, on the other hand, can be summarized as any type of plan sponsored or initiated unilaterally or jointly by employers and employees and engaged in providing benefits that result from the employment relationship and that are not underwritten or paid directly by government. Although this textbook and course are primarily concerned with the narrow definition of employee benefits, such emphasis does not imply that legally required benefits are unimportant. On the contrary, these benefits are extremely important and must be co
mikewadhera /
Last active June 21, 2017 03:26
Android Things Bluetooth Audio Test
// None of these 3 methods currently produce any sound, but all work under Android N smartphone
// * Board: Raspberry Pi Model 3 | OS: Android Things DP41
// * Android shows BT speaker as "connected" under: $ am start -a android.settings.BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS (seen via Vysor)
// * No active HDMI or audio jack connection (just ethernet and power)
// * Example file encoded as WAV stored in raw resource directory
// 1. Using MediaPlayer API
MediaPlayer mediaPlayer = MediaPlayer.create(this, R.raw.chime);
mikewadhera / master-worker.go
Created December 18, 2011 03:40
example of master/worker pattern in Go (
~/code/go/master-worker % ./master-worker
Sat Dec 17 19:43:08 PST 2011
Sat Dec 17 19:43:08 PST 2011
Sat Dec 17 19:43:08 PST 2011
Sat Dec 17 19:43:08 PST 2011
Sat Dec 17 19:43:08 PST 2011
Sat Dec 17 19:43:08 PST 2011
Sat Dec 17 19:43:08 PST 2011
Sat Dec 17 19:43:08 PST 2011
Sat Dec 17 19:43:08 PST 2011
# [] #=> []
# [:a] #=> []
# [:a, :b] #=> [:a] or [:b]
# [:a, :b, :c] #=> [:a, :b] or [:b, :c] or [:a, :c]
# [:a, :b, :c, :d] #=> [:b, :c] or [:a, :c] or [:b, :d] or [:c, :d]
def recommend_siblings_for(item, list)
case list.size
when 0,1
ree-1.8.7-2011.03 :001 > [nil, nil].all?
=> false
ree-1.8.7-2011.03 :002 > [nil].all?
=> false
ree-1.8.7-2011.03 :003 > [].all?
=> true
mikewadhera / combinations.rb
Last active December 20, 2015 13:58
Enumerable#combinations - returns an array of arrays with all permutations of enumerable (order doesn't matter)
module Enumerable
def combinations
case self.size
when 0 then []
when 1 then self.to_a
(1..self.size).reduce([]) { |combined, choose| combined + self.combination(choose).to_a }