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/** uses the initialize-on-demand holder class idom. */
public class Thunk {
public T get() {
return ComputeHolder.result;
private static class ComputeHolder {
static final T result = doCompute();
class Thunk
def initialize(&block)
@block = block
def method_missing(m, *args, &block)
result =
define_method(m) { result }
mikewadhera / MongoSFnotes.txt
Created May 1, 2010 19:49
my notes from mongosf
I. Map/Reduce, GeoSpatial Indexing & other cool features
* Client features
Safe Inserts - Batches a subsequent write and read together to ensure order preservation when using connection pooling in a multi-threaded client
Replication ACK - Can configure minimum acknowledgment level of slave writes. Client will raise exception if replication level not met during a write
GetMore operation - receive data from server in chunks
<target depends="init,compile-test,-pre-test-run" if="have.tests" name="-do-test-run">
<scalaProject1:java classname="">
<path path="${javac.test.classpath}"></path>
<arg line=" -p ${build.test.classes.dir}" />
# Seen lots of code that uses === in favor of is_a? to do type checking
# Just discovered a subtle bug from the lack of symmetry of this method
irb(main):001:0> String === "Foo"
=> true
irb(main):002:0> "Foo" === String
=> false
# May not seem intuitive at first but the ordering is significant because === is a method!
# The first uses Class#=== and the second uses String#===, only the former has the type checking semantics
mikewadhera / time_client.rb
Created December 14, 2009 03:59
ruby on netty
# Purely experimental exercise in exploring ideas for a JRuby gem for Netty --
# Based on TimeClient example in Netty docs
require "java"
require "netty"
require "unix_time"
TimeClient = do |pipeline|
pipeline.insert :frame_decoder do
>> s =
=> #<Satisfaction:0x25d90559 @options={:root=>"", :autoload=>false, :request_token_url=>"", :access_token_url=>"", :authorize_url=>""}, @identity_map=#<Sfn::IdentityMap:0x59e4abb6 @pages={}, @records={}>, @loader=#<Sfn::Loader:0x33c567d5 @options={:cache=>:hash}, @cache=#<Sfn::Loader::HashCache:0x193a5460 @cached_responses={}>>>
>> s.set_consumer("f96r2nvoer7m", "trqk9ktsw7rdy8h7l1t8s0a1v2htg37t")
=> #<OAuth::Consumer:0xeac2918 @key="f96r2nvoer7m", @options={:signature_method=>"HMAC-SHA1", :request_token_path=>"/oauth/request_token", :authorize_path=>"/oauth/authorize", :access_token_path=>"/oauth/access_token", :proxy=>nil, :scheme=>:header, :http_method=>:post, :oauth_version=>"1.0"}, @secret="trqk9ktsw7rdy8h7l1t8s0a1v2htg37t">
>>, :facebook_id => "1234").load
=> [:unauthorized, "Access Denied
Taken from:
Letters of Recommendation: Please have your recommender write candidly about your
qualifications, potential to carry on advanced study in the field specified, intellectual
independence, capacity for analytical thinking, ability to organize and express ideas clearly,
and potential for teaching. In describing such attributes as motivation, intellect,
and maturity, specific examples are more useful than generalizations.
~/Documents/Involver/logs/9_30_2009/app1 ➔ pl_analyze production.log
Request Times Summary: Count Avg Std Dev Min Max
ALL REQUESTS: 5782 311.692 1365.725 0.000 14965.000
FacebookTabsController#twitter_feed: 1276 198.113 1107.842 2.000 14476.000
FacebookTabsController#coupon: 662 164.992 933.120 0.000 13507.000
FacebookTabsController#rss_feed: 623 399.506 1694.646 29.000 14399.000
FacebookTabsController#you_tube_config: 583 359.669 1313.025 31.000 13855.000
FacebookTabsController#signup_config: 410 75.054 130.416 25.000 2301.000
FacebookTabsController#cross_promotion: 257 298.339 1432.134 27.000 13849.000
~/Documents/Involver/logs/9_30_2009/app1 ➔ pl_analyze production.log
Request Times Summary: Count Avg Std Dev Min Max
ALL REQUESTS: 5782 311.692 1365.725 0.000 14965.000
FacebookTabsController#twitter_feed: 1276 198.113 1107.842 2.000 14476.000
FacebookTabsController#coupon: 662 164.992 933.120 0.000 13507.000
FacebookTabsController#rss_feed: 623 399.506 1694.646 29.000 14399.000
FacebookTabsController#you_tube_config: 583 359.669 1313.025 31.000 13855.000
FacebookTabsController#signup_config: 410 75.054 130.416 25.000 2301.000
FacebookTabsController#cross_promotion: 257 298.339 1432.134 27.000 13849.000