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Milan Gardian milang

  • Calgary, Alberta, Canada
  • 05:56 (UTC -06:00)
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<title>Event cancel test</title>
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private static int[] SelectionSort(int[] value)
if (value != null && value.Length > 1)
for (var targetIndex = 0; targetIndex < value.Length - 1; ++targetIndex)
var minIndex = targetIndex;
for (var index = targetIndex + 1; index < value.Length; ++index)
if (value[index] < value[minIndex])
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace SelectionSort
public static class Program
private static int[] SelectionSort(int[] value)
@echo off
rem | Remove old npm and bower modules, then install them from scratch.
rem | Intended to be used in TeamCity as a preparation step when building
rem | any node projects.
rem |
rem | Source-controlled in
@echo off
rem | Source-controlled in
echo ##teamcity[blockOpened name='nuget install']
call build\NuGet\NuGet.exe install .nuget\Packages.config -ConfigFile build\NuGet\NuGet.config -ExcludeVersion || goto :failed-install
echo ##teamcity[blockClosed name='nuget install']
echo ##teamcity[blockOpened name='clientconfiggen']
call build\NuGet\nuget_modules\Pandell.Pli.Tools\tools\ClientConfigGen.exe ^
/*jslint indent: 2, vars: true, browser: true */
/*global indexedDB: false */
(function () {
"use strict";
function changeStoreName(oldName, newName, db) {
if (oldName) {
window.console.log("DB upgrade: renaming '" + oldName + "'' to '" + newName + "'");
milang / TeamCityProperties.ps1
Last active May 5, 2016 21:08
TeamCity artifact properties
#Requires -version 3
$errorActionPreference = 'Stop'
function UnzipProperties($zipName) {
$zipName = (Resolve-Path $zipName).Path
$zipOutName = $zipName -replace '\.gz$', ''
try {
$in = New-Object System.IO.FileStream $zipName, ([IO.FileMode]::Open), ([IO.FileAccess]::Read), ([IO.FileShare]::None)
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Input data
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
let stringToDigits = (Char.GetNumericValue >> int)
let data = stringToDigits "525544371475555531777715244182678432191828599959422153163624294499836371611929484583857994356254324723996955579177239268156788344983798211923953632534126352441539712382435846789196376294872332777454571585154242983211917913991447152351533224731744171918455689136217926736832548664237668565775962387685495872163657421987124964577373859775142995943746687616627375552487335145295141162847935252236771426971851483893328386142598256285484547151265255563392287812855892612393594185853244637881592957345277534859969398283469975773471418783133754647451567857715872175192156214559116663427969929941826915855755799658388164246827461819633526734289749848686992526289612514686712459658798953149589164668152825962467479272814652684971113914626879943633461897454753956158758126888644929181733523285939149383916711124637649319198514584853
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Input data
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
let parse filename =
|> (fun line ->
line.Split('\t') |> Int32.Parse)
let data = parse "queries/Advent/Advent2017-day02.txt"
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Problem A
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
let rec positionCounterSimple posX posY diffX diffY count =
seq { for i in 1..count do yield (posX + (i * diffX), posY + (i * diffY)) }
let rec positionCounter posX posY count =
seq {
yield! positionCounterSimple posX posY 1 0 count