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milin / django.test.client import proble,
Created January 28, 2011 18:09
django.test.client import Client gives django_settings_module not specified problem
import django
import httplib2
import time,urlparse,urllib
from django.conf import settings
import oauth2 as oauth
from django.test.client import Client
We couldn’t find that file to show.
ciphertext = encrypted_key + "#"
ciphertext += encrypted_message
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
sock.sendto(ciphertext + "\n",(HOST, PORT))
encrypted_message = ""
for letter in temp:
if letter in alphabets: #if letter in temp lies in alphabet store itshash value in encypted message
encrypted_message += encrypt_table[letter]
#else store the letter as it is
encrypted_message += letter
# encrypt the key
path = raw_input()
f = open(path) # open the file from the given path using open
temp = "" #let temp be an empty string
for line in f: # add the contents of the file in temp
temp += line
for alphabet in alphabets:
encrypt_table[alphabet] = chr(ord(alphabet) + 3)
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Check and see if the system has the latest MySql, PHP and APACHE
Unzip and untar the file Epiware-***.tar.gz tar xvfz Epiware-***.tar.gz
Change into the Epiware-*** directory cd Epiware*
Login as root su
Run the install script ./install
** After the installation copy or move the extracted Epiware directory to your /var/www in the system.
export path=$1:$path