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Focusing on landing a Web3 Job

Sachin Sagar Rai millisami

Focusing on landing a Web3 Job
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Building a Facebook application with Rails and hosting it in Heroku


Facebook has given a big step in simplicity with its Graph API and the creation of the Open Graph protocol, now more than ever it's easier to read and write data from and to the socalled social graph.

You could turn your webpage into a fully-featured Facebook-like page, just like if you were inside Facebook, you can give your users the ability to sign in with their Facebook credentials, customize your users' experience with parameters taken from their Facebook profiles, you could add a Like button to every object in your page as images, songs, articles, etc., tell your users which friends of theirs have liked your content, and a lot of things more, oh, I forgot to mention something, all of this with total ease. Yes, I know you could do it with Facebook Connect, but I said "with ease".

(posted at
Hi Guys,
I'm the author of pickle, and despite this I broadly agree with Jonas' point of view.
The power of capybara is best realised when you do away with web_steps.rb, and start writing your own steps using capybara's dsl.
In my opinion, pickle is likewise. pickle_steps.rb is a general set of steps to both introduce the dev to the dsl, and enable rapid cuke writing in the early stages of a project.
I agree with Nick - the main point of pickle is to provide a general way of storing models for the lifetime of a scenario, and also to provide a general way of referring to them, so that you don't have to have step defs littered with variable names
mislav /
Created July 21, 2010 18:25
"livereload" server replacement for working with Rails

A replacement for "livereload" gem on OS X

This script is a replacement for livereload server component designed for working with Rails. It watches the filesystem with FS Events (Mac OS X) rather than with EventMachine. This is better for large projects for wich EventMachine fails with "too many open files" exception.

Sass is supported; .sass files can also be stored in "app/styles/" directory. Compass is detected if "config/compass.rb" file exists.


Download this script to somewhere in your PATH and make it executable. You can name it something different than "livereload" if you want to try this and the official gem executable in parallel.

# Mongoid association matchers for RSpec 2.x and 1.x
# Save this file to your spec/support directory
# Usage:
# describe User do
# it { should reference_one :profile }
# end