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mindcrash /
Last active December 19, 2015 16:19
Aral Balkan's design manifesto as presented in his talk "Superheroes and villains of design" at ThinkingDigital 2013 (

Details matter. The little things matter. Because they are a reflection of our own attention to detail, which itself is a symptom of caring about the time, the effort and the experiences of the people who use the things that we make.

We all have a tiny amount of time in this world and then we die. And we spend that time having experiences. Experiences with people and experiences with things. The quality of those experiences determine the quality of our lives.

We as designers, as the people who craft experiences, have a profound responsibility. A responsibility to not take for granted the limited time that people have on this earth. A responsibility to make that time as painless, as empowering, as enjoyable, and as delightful as we can.

mindcrash /
Last active December 28, 2015 05:39
The TPP and the Fight for our Global Future (by @dymaxion)

In shocking news, TPP is everything bad ACTA was and more, and we can assume TAFTA will be yet worse.

Any state signing a binding international trade agreement without a vote of informed representatives and an open text is not a democracy.

I don't say that as a rhetorical position. It's not. It's a statement about the basic definition of democracy.

No member of the TPP negotiations can be considered a democratic country. They're all states captured by the interests of the wealthy.

If we continue operating on the pretense that we're dealing with democratic governments and give credence to those tools, we'll keep losing.

This is what intelligence policy oversight is designed to do:

If you believe policy will stop this, you're a fool.

The US intelligence community oversight system has been comprehensively and robustly designed to prevent oversight from occurring.

They have a very careful playbook for dealing with exactly the problems they currently have, and are executing it well.

The Church Committee was an utter scam, and folks who waste their breath on policy would have us fall for this again.