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Created July 18, 2012 21:47
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Working with images in python/matplotlib
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
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"# Working with Images"
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"attempt at Notebook transcript of Py4Science meeting, during interactive demos\n",
"Includes working with image data, and automatic display of PIL Image objects."
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"imgpath = matplotlib.cbook.get_sample_data('stinkbug.png', False)\n",
"print \"loading image from: %s\" % imgpath\n",
"img = plt.imread(imgpath)"
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"Information about the image:"
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"Let's view the image:"
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"I want to pull out just one color, how would I throw away the other two?"
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"imgg = img[:,:,0]\n",
"print \"shape:\", imgg.shape\n",
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"Why does it have those colors?\n",
"Because imshow(2d array) shows a colormap."
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"Now we have a color image that appears grey, and a grey image that has color!"
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"Images can have 1 (bw), 3 (rgb), or 4 (rgba) colors, but 2 is invalid:"
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"We can set the color map with `implot_.set_cmap(name)`"
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"implot = imshow(imgg)\n",
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"matplotlib has a `plt.hist` function for doing a histogram"
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"But that doesn't look right for a luminosity histogram.\n",
"If we *flatten* the image, the our luminosity will look more sensible, \n",
"because the data will be 1D, and use just 256 bins for the histogram."
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"plt.hist(imgg.flat, 256, range=(0,1));"
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"## Now let's have a look at dynamic range"
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"matplotlib has a very useful little module called `` for all the color maps. \n",
"So you can tab-complete on them, and see all the (many) options.\n",
"You can also set the cmap by name with the `cmap` kwarg (we called `set_cmap()` previously)"
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"from matplotlib import cm\n",
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"The colorbar reveals that we don't actually have any data in the top 15% of the range (1.0 is white).\n",
"We can clip the color bar at any point, for instance, let's cut off at 70%:"
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"p2 = imshow(imgg,\n",
"p2.set_clim(0, 0.7)"
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"Now the highlights stand out more (they are white, because they are off scale).\n",
"Setting the color limits are a common operation, \n",
"often setting the min and max for each plot to a *global* min and max, across all your data.\n",
"That way, all your plots are on the same scale, and are more easily comparable."
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"## Now the PIL\n",
"The [Python Imaging Library](\n",
"provides more traditional *image* manipulation. It imports as `Image`.\n",
"The PIL has very good support for a vast array of image formats, and provides\n",
"standard 'filter-style' image manipulation operations."
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"import Image"
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"we open an image with ``"
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"img =\n",
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"We can register PIL Images for automatic display:"
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"from io import BytesIO\n",
"def display_image(img, format='PNG'):\n",
" fp = BytesIO()\n",
", format=format)\n",
" return fp.getvalue()\n",
"ip = get_ipython()\n",
"png_formatter = ip.display_formatter.formatters['image/png']\n",
"png_formatter.for_type_by_name('Image', 'Image', display_image)"
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"We can do common image operations, like resize:"
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"rsize = img.resize((img.size[0]/10, img.size[1]/10))"
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"we can load the new small image into an array:"
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"rsize_arr = np.asarray(rsize)"
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"print img.size\n",
"print rsize_arr.shape\n",
"print rsize_arr.dtype"
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"We can use `np.asarray(img)` because PIL Image objects provide something called the Python buffer interface,\n",
"which lets various different containers to talk to each other."
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"imshow(rsize_arr, interpolation='nearest')"
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"nearest-neighbor interpolation just draws big square pixels, since the output is larger than the input.\n",
"But if we use bicubic interpolation, it will look smooth (and blurry):"
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"imshow(rsize_arr, interpolation='bicubic')"
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"To get an Image back from an array, you can use `Image.fromarray(arr)`"
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"# Moon Landing and denoising\n",
"We have an image with lots of high frequency noise:"
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"imgpath = matplotlib.cbook.get_sample_data('moonlanding.png', False)\n",
"print \"loading image from: %s\" % imgpath\n",
"img = imread(imgpath)\n",
"imshow(img, cmap=cm.Greys_r)"
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"So let's try a super-simple band-pass, simply chopping off the high-frequency elements.\n",
"It might be blurry, but we might be able to recover some low-frequency information.\n",
"For this, we need to take [Fast Fourier Transform]( of the image:\n",
"$X_k = \\sum_{n=0}^{N-1} x_n e^{-{i 2\\pi k \\frac{n}{N}}}\n",
"k = 0,\\dots,N-1.$"
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"First thing, we need to understand how numpy organizes the frequencies in the FFT.\n",
"In a 2d FFT, numpy puts the high frequency data in the *center* of the image array,\n",
"so the low-frequency data is focused at the corners of the array."
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"F = np.fft.fft2(img)"
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"it's complex!"
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"weird, and kind of useless. Let's put a colorbar on it."
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"Wow, dynamic range is an issue, because we have a few pixels dominating everything).\n",
"Let's try a log to smooth it out:"
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"That's better, but let's try a cutoff, like we did before, but this time\n",
"cut off everything but the very bottom:"
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"ax = imshow(abs(F))\n",
"ax.set_clim(None, 1500)\n",
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"Cut off *even lower*:"
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"ax = imshow(abs(F))\n",
"ax.set_clim(None, 300)\n",
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"let's look at the histogram"
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"hist(abs(F).flat, 256);"
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"see, there's nothing anywhere but the first bin.\n",
"So what if we only look at the histogram of the most recent"
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"hist(abs(F).flat, 256, range=(0,200));"
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"The high frequency information is in the *center* of the FFT array.\n",
"If we want to eliminate high frequency noise, we can simply discard (set to zero)\n",
"the high frequency region.\n",
"So how do we do that?"
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"Let's copy our FFT, so we don't destroy the array, and define the fraction we want to keep:"
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"Fc = F.copy()\n",
"keep = 0.1 # 10%"
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"Get our number of rows and number of columns:"
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"nrow, ncol = img.shape"
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"Now zero out everything but the *outer* band, defined by `keep`"
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"input": [
"# zero out the rows\n",
"Fc[keep*nrow : (1-keep)*nrow, :] = 0\n",
"# zero out the columns\n",
"Fc[:, keep*ncol : (1-keep)*ncol] = 0"
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"Now let's look at what we have done:"
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"ax = imshow(abs(Fc))\n",
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"Now let's look at the resulting image, with almost all of the frequency information thrown away.\n",
"(just take the real part, because we know we have a real signal, but will get some imaginary part,\n",
"due to "
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"input": [
"img_new = np.fft.ifft2(Fc).real\n",
"imshow(img_new, cmap=cm.Greys_r)"
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"Not bad for fingerpainting with Fourier Transforms."
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