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Min RK minrk

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minrk /
Created January 17, 2011 08:34 — forked from amacleod/
zmq_cli - 0MQ Server interruptability test case, client module.
import zmq
# override ioloop.IOLoop with zmq's IOLoop
import sys
import tornado.ioloop
from zmq.eventloop import ioloop
tornado.ioloop.IOLoop = ioloop.IOLoop
import trombi
loop = ioloop.IOLoop.instance()
# check that tornado's ioloop instance is actually zmq's
minrk /
Created January 9, 2012 03:32 — forked from wesm/
Count all function lengths under a directory
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pandas import DataFrame
from pandas.util.testing import set_trace
dirs = []
minrk /
Created April 3, 2012 23:24 — forked from m0sa/
Example of the ZeroMQ XPUB socket, that shows how the producer can be controlled by the number of subscribers
import thread
import time
import zmq
# global zmg context
context = zmq.Context()
endpoint = "tcp://*:8888"
# the subscriber thread function
def subscriber(name, address, cnt, subscriptions):
A test forking server
To start a single kernel by forking, do::
python -i
The kernel object will be in the ``a`` variable. When you close the
python session, the forked kernel will be killed.
from IPython.frontend.qt.console.qtconsoleapp import IPythonQtConsoleApp
a = IPythonQtConsoleApp()
# load the sympyprinting extension in the kernel before starting
a.kernel_manager.shell_channel.execute("%load_ext sympyprinting", silent=True)
minrk / gist:3213317
Created July 31, 2012 03:43 — forked from spenthil/gist:3211707
pyzmq: ioloop in separate thread
import zmq
from zmq.eventloop import zmqstream, ioloop
import threading
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger()
# run ioloop in separate thread
def threaded_loop():
import json, time, threading
import zmq
from zmq.eventloop import ioloop, zmqstream
class Logger( threading.Thread ):
def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ):
threading.Thread.__init__( self )
self.rtrSocket = None = None
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
import os
from IPython.frontend.qt.console.rich_ipython_widget import RichIPythonWidget
from IPython.frontend.qt.kernelmanager import QtKernelManager
from IPython.frontend.qt.inprocess_kernelmanager import QtInProcessKernelManager
from IPython.kernel.zmq.ipkernel import Kernel
from IPython.kernel.inprocess.ipkernel import InProcessKernel
from IPython.lib import guisupport