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Example with Code: A/B Test Sample Size Estimation - Evan's Calculator
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"from scipy.stats import norm\n",
"def get_sample_size_with_power(mu_1, std_1, mde, is_absolute_mde, alpha=0.05, beta = 0.2):\n",
" '''\n",
" get_sample_size_with_power(...) takes in two sample statistics (mu_1, std_1) of the control group (as baselines) \n",
" and two manually-determined inputs (alpha, mde), returns the minimum required sample size, as demonstrated in Figure 6.\n",
" \n",
" Note that get_sample_size_with_power(...) calculates the sample size that gives us the statistical power (1-beta) we specify. \n",
" Meanwhile, it assumes the standard deviations are the same in the two groups. \n",
" However, it is easy to release this assumption by replacing 2*variance with variance_1+variance_2\n",
" \n",
" Input:\n",
" mu_1: float, the sample mean of the control group (group 1)'s metric\n",
" std_1: float, the standard deviation of the control group (group 1)'s metric\n",
" mde: float, the minimal detectable effect (MDE), often set by the analyst using domain knowledge \n",
" is_absolute_mde: bool, True means the mde input is absolute MDE, False means it is relative MDE\n",
" alpha: float, the significance level and set as 0.05 by default (assuming 5% significance level) \n",
" beta: float, the type II error rate and set as 0.2 by default (assuming 80% statistical power)\n",
" Output:\n",
" n: int, the minimum required sample size (based on the single-tail hypothesis testing), determined by the formula in Figure 6. \n",
" '''\n",
" if is_absolute_mde:\n",
" # Absolute MDE\n",
" dmin = mde\n",
" else:\n",
" # Relative MDE\n",
" dmin = mu_1*mde\n",
" stat_power = 1-beta\n",
" # Calculate the minimum required sample size \n",
" n = np.ceil(\n",
" 2*(pow(norm.ppf(1-alpha/2)+norm.ppf(stat_power),2))*pow(std_1,2) # Numerator \n",
" / pow(mde,2) # Denominator\n",
" )\n",
" \n",
" print(('In order to detect a change of {0:f} between groups with the SD of {1},'.format(mde, std_1)))\n",
" print(('with significance {0} and statistical power {1}, we need in each group at least {2:d} subjects.'.format(alpha, stat_power, int(n))))\n",
" return n\n"
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"# ----------------\n",
"# ----- TEST -----\n",
"# ----------------\n",
"base_cvr = 0.2\n",
"N = get_sample_size_with_power(\n",
" mu_1 = base_cvr, \n",
" std_1 = np.sqrt(base_cvr*(1-base_cvr)),\n",
" mde = 0.01, \n",
" is_absolute_mde = True,\n",
" alpha=0.05, \n",
" beta = 0.2\n",
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"execution_count": 37,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "stream",
"name": "stdout",
"text": [
"In order to detect a change of 0.010000 between groups with the SD of 0.4,\n",
"with significance 0.05 and statistical power 0.8, we need in each group at least 25117 subjects.\n"
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