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mipearson / rubocop.rb
Last active July 7, 2018 13:26
Run Rubocop against all files that are different from upstream's master
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
changed = `git diff --numstat origin/master | awk '{ print $3 }' | grep -E '(\\.rb|\\.rake)$'`
changed = changed.split("\n").select { |c| File.exist?(c) }
if changed.length > 0
system "rubocop #{ARGV.join(' ')} #{changed.join(' ')}"
puts "No changes."
# include this mixin (or put the code directly) into your application_controller.rb
module Shared
module DevelopmentViewResolveCaching
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
# Speeds up development view rendering by about ~300ms as we don't need
# to call the slow view resolver more than once per partial.
# From
# Copyright 2018 Marketplacer under the MIT license.
class CapybaraTimers
class << self
attr_accessor :nesting, :total_time
def setup
# Wrap every DSL method and every matcher with our timing function
Capybara::Session::DSL_METHODS.each do |name|
setup_timer_on_method(Capybara::DSL, name)
"A" => 1, "B" => 3, "C" => 3, "D" => 2,
"E" => 1, "F" => 4, "G" => 2, "H" => 4,
"I" => 1, "J" => 8, "K" => 5, "L" => 1,
"M" => 3, "N" => 1, "O" => 1, "P" => 3,
"Q" => 10, "R" => 1, "S" => 1, "T" => 1,
"U" => 1, "V" => 4, "W" => 4, "X" => 8,
"Y" => 4, "Z" => 10
"A" => 1, "B" => 3, "C" => 3, "D" => 2,
"E" => 1, "F" => 4, "G" => 2, "H" => 4,
"I" => 1, "J" => 8, "K" => 5, "L" => 1,
"M" => 3, "N" => 1, "O" => 1, "P" => 3,
"Q" => 10, "R" => 1, "S" => 1, "T" => 1,
"U" => 1, "V" => 4, "W" => 4, "X" => 8,
"Y" => 4, "Z" => 10
mipearson / gist:1625073
Created January 17, 2012 05:57
Full stack integration testing with cucumber - is it worth it?

So far I've been part of four projects and witnessed one that have used Cucumber and automated browser testing (eg selenium). For one reason or another, this has always felt, in retrospect, a waste of time.

I'm going to list the details of the projects here and I'd like others to contribute with their own successes and failures.

I'm doing this as there's a significant contingent in the community who believe that this testing approach is the best way forward. I would like this to be true. Instead, I'm seeing that the toolsets and the knowledge in the community are not mature enough for anything other than simple projects.

This gist was previously about BDD. It's now purely about integration testing using cucumber and using integration tests to drive development. I like BDD as a concept. I have not yet seen it implemented in such a way that made me think the effort was worth the benefit. I think that the current approach and toolsets are to blame for this.

Project 1:

mipearson / lib__npm_check.rb
Last active September 1, 2016 07:21
Simple NPM version checker
class NpmCheck
# Checks package.json against the local node_modules directory
# to assert that every package specified in package.json is
# present in node_modules. If possible, it performs a basic
# "newer or equal than" check on the package's version. Without
# access to npm's semver primitizes & parsing it is a bit more difficult
# to perform proper version matching checks.
# Requires to parse versions.
mipearson / .rspec_parallel
Created December 10, 2013 22:33
Parallel rspec w/ re-run of failing specs.
--format ParallelTests::RSpec::SummaryLogger
--format ParallelTests::RSpec::RuntimeLogger --out tmp/parallel_runtime_rspec.log
--format ParallelTests::RSpec::FailuresLogger --out tmp/rspec_failures.log
mipearson / application_controller.rb
Last active December 26, 2015 22:49
Tracking default route usage with Rollbar
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
# ...
before_filter :check_for_default_route
class DefaultRouteException < Exception
# Placeholder exception so that we can report request & person data back
# to rollbar
def with_retries(timeout = 5.seconds, retry_delay: 0.1.seconds, &blk)
start =
if > start + timeout
sleep retry_delay