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<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 486.93 210.4"><defs><style>.cls-1,.cls-3,.cls-5,.cls-6,.cls-8{fill:#d9d8d0;}.cls-2{fill:#e83331;}.cls-3{font-size:76px;font-family:HGPSoeiKakugothicUB;letter-spacing:0em;}.cls-4{letter-spacing:0.24em;}.cls-5,.cls-6,.cls-8{font-size:11px;font-family:HGPGothicM;}.cls-5{letter-spacing:-0.01em;}.cls-6{letter-spacing:0.2em;}.cls-7{letter-spacing:0.24em;}.cls-8{letter-spacing:-0.33em;}</style></defs><title>自らの感性でシャッターを切る</title><g id="レイヤー_2" data-name="レイヤー 2"><g id="レイヤー_2-2" data-name="レイヤー 2"><polygon class="cls-1" points="283.57 187.27 275.77 198.97 257.75 184.23 253.77 206.73 237.03 183.55 223.44 209.38 217 186.17 199.15 207.17 194.5 185.11 177.37 199.54 171.94 185.97 153.24 205.77 148.57 185.94 131 198.89 123.2 178.85 93.78 191.93 91.08 168.52 78.02 177.56 76.25 161.66 57.4 178.3 57.4 150.84 33.69 163.88 38.38 141.96 11.9 141.96 27.29 121.44 0 111.2 22.62 92.89 4.65 83.21 32.47 72.39 24.14 45.03 54.07 47.33 55.25 32.09 81.13 40.37 85.07 16.73 106.17 35.81 110.08 13.28 130.99 31.2 135.05 6.86 154.17 35.55 159.29 14.24 179.44 35.51 194.1 3.73 207.86 35.17 220.15 6.8 231.57 28.48 242.87 10.59 256.4 31.85 274.1 0 283.54 30.23 292.57 11.27 299.53 28.67 313.22 6.56 319.37 25 331.9 11.21 334.3 29.18 351.17 15.28 354 35.05 373.4 16.79 373.4 39.2 405.4 27.2 405.4 43.58 424.97 30.53 423.17 50.37 449.65 51.58 441.05 67.91 464.89 64.8 451.92 87.2 485.49 90.25 465.79 102.79 486.93 113.98 463.46 122.36 470.37 137.55 447.52 136.56 455.51 153.67 436.11 150.25 442.19 170.03 416.4 155.84 416.4 184.04 401.73 165.36 395.83 196.04 380.79 168.97 364.28 190.68 353.45 181.65 345.71 196.02 335.17 184.52 325.05 205.89 312.87 187.06 297.65 210.4 283.57 187.27"/><polygon class="cls-2" points="35.9 54.46 42.9 77.46 24.9 84.46 37.9 91.46 16.9 108.46 40.9 117.46 28.9 133.46 48.9 133.46 45.9 147.46 65.9 136.46 65.9 159.46 82.9 144.46 84.9 162.46 97.9 153.46 100.9 179.46 127.9 167.46 134.9 185.46 153.9 171.46 157.9 188.46 174.9 170.46 180.9 185.46 199.9 169.46 203.9 188.46 220.9 168.46 225.9 186.46 235.9 167.46 248.9 185.46 251.9 168.46 273.9 186.46 283.9 171.46 297.9 194.46 312.9 171.46 323.9 188.46 332.9 169.46 343.9 181.46 350.9 168.46 362.9 178.46 381.9 153.46 391.9 171.46 396.9 145.46 407.9 159.46 407.9 141.46 427.9 152.46 423.9 139.46 440.9 142.46 433.9 127.46 456.9 128.46 451.9 117.46 465.9 112.46 448.9 103.46 459.9 96.46 437.9 94.46 448.9 75.46 425.9 78.46 435.9 59.46 413.9 58.46 414.9 47.46 396.9 59.46 396.9 39.46 364.9 51.46 364.9 36.46 347.9 52.46 344.9 31.46 327.9 45.46 325.9 30.46 315.9 41.46 310.9 26.46 297.9 47.46 291.9 32.46 281.9 53.46 271.9 21.46 256.9 48.46 242.9 26.46 230.9 45.46 220.9 26.46 207.9 56.46 193.9 24.46 181.9 50.46 163.9 31.46 157.9 56.46 139.9 29.46 136.9 47.46 115.9 29.46 111.9 52.46 90.9 33.46 87.9 51.46 62.9 43.46 61.9 56.46 35.9 54.46"/></g><g id="レイヤー_3" data-name="レイヤー 3"><text class="cls-3" transform="translate(58.72 118.27) scale(0.37 1)">自らの感性でシャッターを切<tspan class="cls-4" x="865.5" y="0">る</tspan><tspan x="948.24" y="0">!</tspan></text><text class="cls-5" transform="translate(93.36 141.81) scale(1.56 1)">思い</text><text class="cls-6" transform="translate(125.36 141.81)">、</text><text class="cls-5" transform="translate(134.87 141.81) scale(1.56 1)">美意識</text><text class="cls-6" transform="translate(186.09 141.81)">、</text><text class="cls-5" transform="translate(195.6 141.81) scale(1.56 1)">イメージを形にする表現者<tspan x="-47.92" y="11">ファインダーを通して世界を創</tspan><tspan class="cls-7" x="85.37" y="11">る</tspan></text><text class="cls-8" transform="translate(346.72 152.81)">!</text></g></g></svg>
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