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# Source: | |
################################################################ | |
# How To Apply GitOps For Everything Using Crossplane And Flux # | |
# # | |
################################################################ | |
# Additional Info: | |
# - eksctl - How to Create and Manage AWS EKS clusters: | |
# - Flux CD v2 With GitOps Toolkit - Kubernetes Deployment And Sync Mechanism: |
class FetchDataFromRSSFeed extends Component { | |
constructor() { | |
super(); | |
this.state = { | |
recentBlogPost: { | |
name: '', | |
url: '' | |
} | |
} | |
} |
{"lastUpload":"2021-07-17T01:04:57.045Z","extensionVersion":"v3.4.3"} |
const { buildASTSchema } = require("graphql"); | |
const { mergeTypeDefs } = require("@graphql-tools/merge"); | |
// schema | |
const mutationOutput = require("./mutationOutput"); | |
const book = require("./types/book"); | |
const chapter = require("./types/chapter"); | |
const genre = require("./types/genre"); | |
const blog = require("./types/blog"); |
exports.idGenerator = () => { | |
return ( | |
Math.random() | |
.toString(32) | |
.substr(2) + | |
Math.random() | |
.toString(32) | |
.substr(2) | |
); | |
}; |
from pdf2image import convert_from_path | |
pdf_file_path = "path/to/pdf" | |
first_page = 16 | |
last_page = 24 | |
pages = convert_from_path(pdf_file_path, dpi=200, first_page=first_page, last_page=last_page, size=(3000, None)) | |
page_count = first_page | |
for page in pages: |
/** | |
* A mixin which helps you to add depth to elements according to the Google Material Design spec: | |
* | |
* | |
* Please note that the values given in the specification cannot be used as is. To create the same visual experience | |
* the blur parameter has to be doubled. | |
* | |
* Author: Florian Kutschera (@gefangenimnetz), Conceptboard GmbH (@conceptboardapp) | |
* | |
* Example usage: |
# -*- mode: ruby -*- | |
# vi: set ft=ruby : | |
# All Vagrant configuration is done below. The "2" in Vagrant.configure | |
# configures the configuration version (we support older styles for | |
# backwards compatibility). Please don't change it unless you know what | |
# you're doing. | |
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| | |
# The most common configuration options are documented and commented below. | |
# For a complete reference, please see the online documentation at |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object: