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$$ \operatorname{I}x(a,b)=\dots, d{2n}=\dots $$


$$ \operatorname{I}_x(a,b)=\dots, d_{2n}=\dots $$
mizar /
Last active March 6, 2022 03:15



graph LR;
flowstart((start)) --> A((基本<br>start)) --> At{手番の記号を出力するか} --> |手番の記号なし| Atn["手番の記号を出力しない"] --> As{直前の相手の駒の到達地点と<br>同じ地点か} --> A1[/"到達地点の筋を出力<br>算用数字"/] --> A2[/"到達地点の段を出力<br>新聞・本・雑誌などでは漢数字<br>日本将棋連盟の棋譜記録では算用数字"/] --> A3[/"駒の種類を出力"/] --> Az((基本<br>end)) --> B{持ち駒を打つ<br>置き駒を動かす};
At --> |先手番を明記| Atb[/"先手番の記号を出力<br>例:「☗」「⛊」「▲」「▼」"/] --> As;
At --> |後手番を明記| Atw[/"後手番の記号を出力<br>例:「☖」「⛉」「△」「▽」"/] --> As;
As --> |同じ| As0[/"「同」を出力<br>新聞・本などでは改頁などの都合で<br>「7六同歩」のような表記をする場合あり"/] --> A3;
FROM ubuntu:20.04
SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"]
# mirror://
touch /etc/apt/mirrorlist.txt &&\
echo "" >> /etc/apt/mirrorlist.txt &&\
echo "" >> /etc/apt/mirrorlist.txt &&\
echo "" >> /etc/apt/mirrorlist.txt &&\
FROM AS builder
SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"]
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive &&\
sed -i.bak -r 's!(deb|deb-src) http://archive\.ubuntu\.com/\S+!\1 mirror://!' /etc/apt/sources.list &&\
apt-get update &&\
apt-get -y -o DPkg::options::="--force-confdef" -o DPkg::options::="--force-confold" install \
curl gpg &&\
mizar / qrcode_br.ps1
Last active March 21, 2021 21:13
QR Code display with Powershell
# QR Code display with Powershell
# License: MIT
# usage example:
# powershell.exe -Exec bypass -File qrcode.ps1 -Payload -EccLevel Q
# powershell.exe -Exec bypass -File qrcode.ps1 -Payload "日本語SJIS" -EccLevel Q -Encoding SJIS
# powershell.exe -Exec bypass -File qrcode.ps1 -Payload "日本語UTF8" -EccLevel Q -Encoding UTF-8
# String to be embedded in QR Code
[String]$Payload = "",
mizar / qrcode.ps1
Last active November 16, 2023 16:36
QR Code display with Powershell
# QR Code display with Powershell
# License: MIT
# usage example:
# powershell.exe -Exec bypass -File qrcode.ps1 -Payload -EccLevel Q
# powershell.exe -Exec bypass -File qrcode.ps1 -Payload "日本語SJIS" -EccLevel Q -Encoding SJIS
# powershell.exe -Exec bypass -File qrcode.ps1 -Payload "日本語UTF8" -EccLevel Q -Encoding UTF-8
# String to be embedded in QR Code
[String]$Payload = "",
diff --git a/cppshogi/Makefile b/cppshogi/Makefile
index 064d40c..f381095 100644
--- a/cppshogi/Makefile
+++ b/cppshogi/Makefile
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ PYTHON_PREFIX=/usr
CC = g++
CFLAGS = -std=c++17 -Wextra -Ofast -MMD -MP -fopenmp -DNDEBUG -DHAVE_SSE4 -DHAVE_SSE42 -DHAVE_BMI2 -msse4.2 -mbmi2 -DHAVE_AVX2 -mavx2 -fPIC
LDFLAGS = -lpthread -lz -flto
-INCLUDE = -I$(PYTHON_PREFIX)/include/python3.7m -I$(PYTHON_PREFIX)/include
-LIB = -L$(PYTHON_PREFIX)/lib -lpython3.7m -lboost_python -lboost_numpy -lpthread -ldl -lutil -lm -Xlinker -export-dynamic
startpos moves 1g1f
startpos moves 2g2f 3c3d 2f2e 2b3c 7g7f 4a3b 8h3c+
startpos moves 2g2f 3c3d 2f2e 2b3c 7g7f 4c4d 3g3f 3a3b 3i4h 3b4c 5i6h
startpos moves 2g2f 3c3d 2f2e 2b3c 7g7f 4c4d 3g3f 3a4b 5i6h 4a3b 3i4h 4b4c 4h3g
startpos moves 2g2f 3c3d 2f2e 2b3c 7g7f 4c4d 3g3f 3a4b 5i6h 4a3b 3i4h 4b4c 4i5h 8c8d 7i7h
startpos moves 2g2f 3c3d 2f2e 2b3c 7g7f 4c4d 3g3f 3a4b 5i6h 4a3b 4i5h
startpos moves 2g2f 3c3d 2f2e 2b3c 7g7f 4c4d 3g3f 4a3b
startpos moves 2g2f 3c3d 2f2e 2b3c 7g7f 4c4d 3g3f 9c9d 3i4h
startpos moves 2g2f 3c3d 2f2e 2b3c 7g7f 4c4d 3g3f 9c9d 5i6h 3a4b 3i4h 4b4c 4i5h 4a3b 5g5f 5c5d 6h7h
startpos moves 2g2f 3c3d 2f2e 2b3c 7g7f 4c4d 3g3f 9c9d 5i6h 3a4b 3i4h 4b4c 4i5h 4a3b 5g5f 6a5b 4h3g 5c5d 6h7h
mizar / test1.svg
Created March 17, 2020 07:18
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mizar / test1.svg
Created March 4, 2020 13:48
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