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I'm probably napping

Matt Moriarity mjm

I'm probably napping
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(in-package :hax0r.fork)
(defgame fork-game
(:start-in mansion-foyer)
(:welcome "=== FORK: the cool person's game ===")
(defloc mansion-foyer "a creepy mansion foyer"
(door west other-room))
(defloc other-room "a room inside the creepy mansion"
(ns structures.avl-tree)
(defn height [tree]
(if (nil? tree)
(inc (max (height (:left tree))
(height (:right tree))))))
(defn balance [tree]
(- (height (:left tree))
fatal: bad object 92ab867c4a7049548545ea4b2a8d80c38abebb1d
error: pack-objects died with strange error
error: failed to push some refs to ''
;;; A date library that follows principle of least surprise
(import 'java.util.Calendar)
(import 'java.util.TimeZone)
(def #^{:doc "Conversion of Calendar weekdays to keywords"}
{Calendar/SUNDAY :sunday
Calendar/MONDAY :monday
mjm / date.clj
Created January 20, 2009 20:43
;;; A date library that follows principle of least surprise
;;; A few usage examples:
;;; user> (now)
;;; {:second 24, :minute 10, :hour 0, :type
;;;, :year 2009, :month 1, :day 23
;;; :zone "America/New_York"}
;;; user> (today)