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Mario Juric mjuric

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mjuric / gource
Created March 20, 2015 05:02
Using gource to visualize repository history
# Using gource to visualize a repository's git history
# You'll need gource and ffmpeg (available through homebrew on OS X)
# Run this frim within a repository
gource \
--key --background 000000 --logo MEDLogoBLK.jpg --file-idle-time 30 --max-file-lag 1 \
--title "lsst.afw: making of a library" --colour-images -a .1 --user-scale 1 \
--multi-sampling --bloom-multiplier 1 --bloom-intensity 0.75 --highlight-all-users \
mjuric /
Created June 29, 2015 23:04
The commands used in the demo to UW LSST group on 2015-06-25, of ipython_eups and Conda packaging of LSST stack
# Cleanup of the environment for the demo
rm -f ~/.eups/default
rm -rf ~/demo
rm -rf ~/miniconda
# Demo of miniconda
mjuric /
Last active May 31, 2017 18:37
Installing the LSST stack with conda

Conda packaged binaries of the LSST software stack

Video tutorial?

Click here.

Installing and using

No root privileges are required to install or use this code.

mjuric /
Created January 30, 2016 08:43
conda version resolution problems

Verify the ordering is not buggy:

In [1]: from conda.resolve import normalized_version as nv

In [2]: a = nv('master_gac1855abae.0125')

In [3]: b = nv('master.20150626170402.post157')

In [4]: c = nv('master.20150928224422.post8')
# From $EUPS_DIR, run as:
# (git reset --hard && git checkout master && ./configure --prefix=$PWD --with-eups=$PWD/stack) && ./
set -e
export EUPS_DIR=$(cd $(dirname $0); pwd)
rm -rf ~/.eups
mjuric /
Last active September 6, 2023 18:31
Setting up Docker with user namespaces on CentOS 7.4

Setting up Docker with user namespaces on CentOS 7.4

The procedure below has been tested on a Digital Ocean VM with CentOS 7.4

# Install docker from RHEL’s standard repos
yum install -y docker

# We’ll activate the ‘user namespaces’ feature that defends against
mjuric /
Last active May 24, 2024 14:06
Useful Kafka wrangling commands

Utilities you'll care about

All these are already installed on epyc.

  • kafkacat (conda install -c conda-forge kafkacat)

  • kt (grab it from

  • kafka-* (come with kafka, if you yum install if from Confluent's repo, or via Docker if you're so inclined). Warning -- JVM based and dreadfully slow.

  • jq (conda install -c conda-forge jq or use your favorite package manager)

mjuric /
Last active September 13, 2018 20:20
Setting up custom kernel on epyc, based on the SSSC environment and with access to the LSST stack

Making your own (editable) clone of the SSSC conda environment and Jupyter kernel

This gist describes how to clone the SSSC conda environment (and jupyter kernel) on epyc into your own directory where you can install your own packages into.

This will continue using the LSST stack from the SSSC directory, but you will be able to override (i.e., setup, in the EUPS sense) individual packages by editing your copy of (see below).

## make sure you're using bash, and bring conda to your path