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(describe-variable 'evil-emacs-state-map)
#("evil-emacs-state-map is a variable defined in `evil-states.el'.
Its value is shown below.
This variable may be risky if used as a file-local variable.
Keymap for Emacs state.
Value: (keymap
if Rails.env.test?
# Setup test indexes with 'test' prefix and run synchronously by waiting for index updates
Chewy.settings = Chewy.settings.reverse_merge(
prefix: 'test',
wait_for_status: 'yellow'
require 'chewy/rspec'
# Configure rspec to work with chewy
# By default, all chewy requests are ignored. This is important in case
# models (or factories by extension) contain after_commit hooks
# If a test or example group has chewy: true set on its metadata, then
# the example is run within the update strategy which immediately
# updates the index. Also, the index is purged before every test
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
require "spec_helper"
RSpec.describe SchoolsIndex, chewy: true do
describe 'school model obersavation' do
it 'updates the index when a school is saved' do
school =
expect {! }.to update_index('schools')
Initial state: object count: 362012
Memory allocated outside heap (bytes): 55869045
GC Stats:
count : 49
heap_allocatable_pages : 977
Total allocated: 8516317 bytes (74187 objects)
Total retained: 258945 bytes (1785 objects)
allocated memory by gem
3030171 sprockets-3.5.2
2549709 2.3.0/lib
1143768 binding_of_caller-0.7.2
605151 activesupport-
375346 actionview-
ObjectSpace stats:
TOTAL: 891027
FREE: 422031
T_STRING: 174702
T_ARRAY: 114902
T_IMEMO: 80413
T_HASH: 61383
T_DATA: 11324
T_OBJECT: 10590
Initial state: object count: 368347
Memory allocated outside heap (bytes): 57326518
GC Stats:
count : 57
heap_allocatable_pages : 505
Total allocated: 7829546 bytes (71706 objects)
Total retained: 260544 bytes (1806 objects)
allocated memory by gem
3030171 sprockets-3.5.2
2549693 2.3.0/lib
604926 activesupport-
571117 binding_of_caller-0.7.2
375394 actionview-
ObjectSpace stats:
TOTAL: 1210591
FREE: 719993
T_STRING: 186938
T_ARRAY: 116441
T_IMEMO: 82989
T_HASH: 62044
T_DATA: 13054
T_OBJECT: 12891