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Michael Kumm mkumm

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google-site-verification: google8b24f2f0ba9c79bd.html
-export([hyp/2, perimeter/2, area/2]).
-import(first, [square/2,mult/2]).
% Just to show I know what a comment is ;)
hyp(A,B) ->
math:sqrt(first:square(A) + first:square(B)).
perimeter(A,B) ->
A + B + hyp(A,B).
[{"id":"1","image_url":"","map":"250","msrp":"725","name":"Really early version of a thing","sku":"173434"},{"id":2,"image_url":"","map":270,"msrp":750,"name":"Really early version of a thing 2","sku":"173488"}]
"id": 1,
"name": "Adeline Table Lamp",
"sku": "13-1284",
"image_url": "s3://research-at-amber-engine/13-1284.png",
"map": 555.0,
"msrp": 750.0,
"sources": [
mkumm / ch2.rkt
Created March 8, 2021 18:54
Scheme for Chapter 2 - The Little Schemer
#lang Scheme
(define atom?
(λ (x)
(and (not (pair? x)) (not (null? x)))))
(define lat?
(λ (l)
((null? l) #t)
((atom? (car l)) (lat? (cdr l)))
mkumm / config-AlpineJS-3-phx-live.js
Created July 9, 2021 13:11
AlpineJS 3 with Phoenix Live
import "../css/app.scss"
import "phoenix_html"
import {Socket} from "phoenix"
import topbar from "topbar"
import {LiveSocket} from "phoenix_live_view"
import Alpine from 'alpinejs'
window.Alpine = Alpine
let csrfToken = document.querySelector("meta[name='csrf-token']").getAttribute("content")
mkumm / sample_benchee.livemd
Created February 17, 2024 15:01
Livebook - Sample Benchee

Sample Benchee

  {:benchee, "~> 1.3"}


// Zed settings
// .config/zed/settings.json
// For information on how to configure Zed, see the Zed
// documentation:
// To see all of Zed's default settings without changing your
// custom settings, run the `open default settings` command
// from the command palette or from `Zed` application menu.
mkumm / producer.livemd
Created May 10, 2024 11:38
Sample RabbitMQ Producer in Elixir Livebook


  {:amqp, "~> 3.3"}


mkumm / consumer.js
Created May 10, 2024 11:41
A simple RabbitMQ consumer in JavaScript
#!/usr/bin/env node
var amqp = require('amqplib/callback_api');
amqp.connect('amqp://localhost:5675', function(_, connection) {
connection.createChannel(function(_, channel) {
var queue = 'sneakers';
channel.assertQueue(queue, {
durable: false