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Dreaming about mountains and highlands.

Mladen Krivaćević mladen

Dreaming about mountains and highlands.
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There's no shortage of good resources for learning laravel. So instead of the usual introductory tutorial were just gonna learn Laravel by building a project from scratch and that's gonna be a User Management System.

I don't know if my definition of a User Management System is correct but here's my idea of what's it's capable of doing:

  • Register Roles
  • Register Users
  • Update Users
// Resizer and Image Manipulation
// Based on:
public function post_edit_logo($id)
$rules = array(
'image' => 'image',
//By David Keegan
$.fn.flipbook = function(options){
options = $.extend({
'start': 0, //start frame
'end': 100, //end frame, must be greater then start
'step': 1, //number of frames to step over while animating

Zero to Database with Laravel

Part 1: Seeding and Viewing

[Laravel][] is a PHP framework that's really a joy to work with -- though I did find the initial learning curve a bit steep.

This tutorial describes a minimum set of steps necessary to pull content from a database and dump it to a url using Laravel's Eloquent ORM. For me, that was the breakthrough moment.

Assuming you've got [Laravel installed][install] and the [database configured][configure], here are the steps needed to get your data from the database into a web browser:

  1. Create a migration

There's no shortage of good resources for learning laravel. So instead of the usual introductory tutorial were just gonna learn Laravel by building a project from scratch and that's gonna be a User Management System.

I don't know if my definition of a User Management System is correct but here's my idea of what's it's capable of doing:

  • Register Roles
  • Register Users
  • Update Users
mladen / cs.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:07 — forked from blasten/cs.js
// Build a tree using a compacted object with no pointer for the left/right children
function buildTree(A) {
// Shuffle the array. so we gain a more balance search tree
A.sort(function() { return parseInt(Math.random()*3) - 1; });
var tree = {'0': A[0]}, current = 1;
var inserted, node, treeSize = 1;
// This will take O(N * log N) if we have a balanced tree
// the worst case cost will be O(N^2)
// by d whyte
int[][] result;
float t;
float ease(float p) {
return 3*p*p - 2*p*p*p;
float ease(float p, float g) {
This example show how do a simple MVVM code with html+js
You can change the data in design and the object person will be changed, you can too make the change by the console(js) of the property from the object and the visual will be changed.
Esse exemplo mostra como fazer um simples MVVM framework com HTML e JS
Você pode alterar os dados visualmente e o objeto pessoa vai ser alterado e também se você fizer a alteração via console da propriedade o visual será modificado.
<!DOCTYPE html>
// backbone.js continues to impress, I needed to get data from a jsonp api
// I really wanted to do this the "right" backbone.js way and create a model and call fetch.
// But the default backbone synch is not jsonp
// Turns out you can override a synch on a per model basis (thanks stackoverflow)
// whats nice is backbone.js continue to work as expected with the override
// here's a snippet (some changes to protect our privacy). An improvement could be to create a jsonp model class which MyModel inherits
// the synch function is most important below, that's what tells backbone it's jsonp
MyModel = Backbone.Model.extend({