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describe('ConnectionIdentifierLabelFactory', () => {
// test cases declarations using gherkin syntax:
test('call pstn number', () => {
then_i_expect_label_to_be('+48 500 100 100');
test('call task by id with prefix', () => {
const id = uuid();
given_there_is_a_task(new Task(id, '+48500100100'));
then_i_expect_label_to_be('+48 500 100 100');
// scenario context preparation with defaults
// dependencies:
let workstationRepository: WorkstationRepository;
let taskRepository: TaskRepository;
let patientRepository: PatientRepository;
// result:
let label: string;
// reset to some defaults before each scenario:
beforeEach(() => {
label = '';
workstationRepository = new WorkstationRepositoryStub();
taskRepository = new TaskRepositoryStub();
patientRepository = new PatientRepositoryStub();
// region steps definitions: givens, whens and thens
function given_there_is_a_task(...tasks: Task[]): void {
taskRepository = new TaskRepositoryStub(tasks);
// create system under test with all the prepared dependencies
// and calculate the result for given input
function when_i_call(to: string) {
const sut = new ConnectionIdentifierLabelFactory(
label = sut.get(to);
// assert that the results match expectations
function then_i_expect_label_to_be(expected: string) {
export default class ConnectionIdentifierLabelFactory {
private readonly workstations: WorkstationRepository,
private readonly tasks: TaskRepository,
private readonly patients: PatientRepository
) {}
get(to: string): string {
const patient = this.patients.get(to);
if (patient) {
return patient.displayName;
const workstation = this.workstations.find(to);
if (workstation) {
return workstation.displayName;
const task = this.tasks.find(to);
if (task) {
return task.displayName(this.patients);
return phoneNumberFormatter(to);
// 1. Start out with a class having a global dependency
class GlobalDependencyApiClient {
items(page: number) {
return (new HttpClient).get(`/items?page=${page}`);
// 2. Expect the dependency from the outside
class DependencyInversionApiClient {
constructor(private readonly http: HttpClient) {}
items(page: number) {
return this.http.get(`/items?page=${page}`);
// 3. Extract the logic to a function
function ItemsFetcher(http: HttpClient, page: number) {
return http.get(`/items?page=${page}`);
class ApiClient {
constructor(private readonly http: HttpClient) {}
items(page: number) {
return ItemsFetcher(this.http, page);
// inject as an argument and use partial application to provide the dependency
const FunctionalApiApiClient = ItemsFetcher.bind(null, new HttpClient);
// inject using the constructor
const ObjectOrientedApiClient = new ApiClient(new HttpClient);
export const authorization = <Authorization>resolve(Authorization);
export type { Authorization };
export { default as BookVisit } from './ui/BookVisitProvider.vue';
export default class ServiceMother {
static getSome(): Service {
return new Service(numberId(), 'consultation online', numberId());
static getWithAddressId(addressId: string): Service {
return new Service(numberId(), 'consultation online', addressId);
describe('LoadMoreEvaluator', () => {
numberOfBookedSlots | numberOfFreeSlots | expected
${80} | ${80} | ${true}
${300} | ${80} | ${true}
${30} | ${101} | ${false}
${120} | ${120} | ${false}
'should return $expected if there is $numberOfBookedSlots booked slots and $numberOfFreeSlots free slots',
({ numberOfBookedSlots, numberOfFreeSlots, expected }) => {
const bookingSlots = BookingSlotsMother.createWith(numberOfFreeSlots, numberOfBookedSlots);
const sut = new LoadMoreEvaluator();
const fileRepository = {
uploadPublicFile: jest.fn(),
describe('MediaFileUploader', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
test('should not upload empty file', async () => {
const sut = new MediaFileUploader(fileRepository);
await sut.tryUpload(null);
export default class SsoProvider implements DpProvider {
register(container: DependencyContainer): void {
container.register<SsoFlowRepository>(SsoFlowRepositoryToken, SessionStorageSsoFlowRepository);
container.register<SsoFlowInitializer>(SsoFlowInitializer, {
useFactory: (c: DependencyContainer) =>
new SsoFlowInitializer(c.resolve(SsoFlowRepositoryToken), window),
export default class StaticSsoFlowRepository implements SsoFlowRepository {
readonly storage = new Map();
readonly tokens: string[] = [];
get(): never {
throw new Error('Method not implemented.');
save(token: string, value: SsoFlowState): void {
this.tokens.push(token);, value);
export default class StorePatientAdapter implements PatientRepository {
private readonly store: Store,
private readonly patientFactory: PatientFactory
) {}
async searchQuery(phrase?: string): Promise<Patient[]> {
const { items } = await
// map DTO to entities:
export default class TaskTileDisplayReminderBadge extends Vue {
@Prop({ type: Object, required: true })
readonly task: Task;
private readonly reminderFactory: ReminderFactory = resolve(ReminderFactory);
private readonly dateConverter: DateConverter = resolve(DateConverterToken);
get date(): DateInterface {
return {
formatted: this.reminder.getFormattedDate(this.dateConverter),
private get reminder(): Reminder {
return this.reminderFactory.make(, this.task.reminderAt);
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