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Working from home

Mateusz Łoskot mloskot

Working from home
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mloskot /
Last active January 5, 2024 20:52
Quo Vadis SWDT?
Author E-mail
Mateusz Loskot (aka mloskot)

Quo Vadis SWDT?

Follow-up to SIG-Windows weekly meeting from Jan 2, 2024, this is my brainstorm of ideas and issues about the state and future of SWDT. It turned out to be not as structured and systematic as I wished, apologies

mloskot /
Last active December 28, 2023 19:28
Learning CNI and Kubernetes Networking

Learning CNI and Kubernetes Networking

Apparently, after a while of using Kubernetes, everyone comes to the point realisation there is a need to dive into CNI and the overall networking deeper. So, here is my diving kit:

mloskot /
Last active December 21, 2023 12:39
Learning libvirt

Learning libvirt

Random list of resources I've found informative during my learning of libvirt and related technologies from a software developer perspective and Go learner too as prep for an exciting git using libvirt and Go.

mloskot /
Created November 26, 2023 14:04

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am mloskot on github.
  • I am mloskot ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASB6U39K8N-0OmDBs5m6z45gfB8-OHEADHJC4bb44rwiogo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

mloskot / run-swdt-master-windows-native.log
Last active April 29, 2023 13:12
Test run of with current default settings.yaml in master-windows-native branch
$▶ mage | tee.exe x.log
Running dependency: main.Config.Settings
Running dependency: Fetch
[swdt-mage] --- Begin of configuration from settings.yaml ------------
calico_version: 3.25.0
kubernetes_build_from_source: false
kubernetes_version: "1.26"
mloskot / mage-run-swdt-with-custom-boxes.log
Last active April 27, 2023 10:09
master-nowsl: initial run with mage and custom updated vagrant boxes
$ mage | tee mage.log
Running dependency: Fetch
Running dependency: startup
2023/04/27 06:56:05 main.go:71: [swdt] Setting environment variable VAGRANT_VARIABLES=variables.local.yaml
2023/04/27 06:56:05 fetch.go:35: [swdt] Downloading manifest
Running dependency: Run
2023/04/27 06:56:06 fetch.go:41: [swdt] Downloading binaries of Kubernetes v1.27.1-13+6494bc61297cd0
Running dependency: checkVagrant
2023/04/27 06:56:06 fetch.go:50: [swdt] Downloading sync\linux\bin\kubeadm from
2023/04/27 06:56:06 fetch.go:55: [swdt] File exists. Skipping.
name: 'upgrade-cluster-flux'
# Every Monday at 3 AM UTC
- cron: "0 3 * * 1"
mloskot /
Last active May 12, 2022 07:51
Boost.GIL changes that will be merged from current develop into master for release with Boost 1.80


git log origin/master..origin/develop --pretty=format:"1. [%h]( - %s"

| # | Date | Hash | Subject |

mloskot / test_sqlserver_cast_bit_bug_report.cpp
Created April 15, 2020 19:57
Conversion with CAST(? AS BIT) only works for 0 or 1 when using ODBC API. 22003: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server]Numeric value out of rang
// MWE for bug report submitted to SQL Server:
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#define NOMINMAX
#include <windows.h>
#include <sql.h>
mloskot /
Last active November 26, 2019 13:41
IncrediBuild non-Benchmark

Running BuildConsole.exe of IncrediBuild 9.4 to build a large project using Visual Studio 2017:

  • Machine 1: Intel Xeon E-2670v3 with 24 physical cores
  • Machine 2: Intel Xeon Gold 6230 with 40 physical cores
  • RAM 64 GB on both
  • HDD: SSD on both

The source code tree git clean-ed, IncrediBuild history and cache cleaned and machine restarted before every build.

  1. Machine 1 with IB on 16 cores of 48 logical cores (Hyper-Threading enabled)