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Submitting your work

The workflow for submitting this will be a little different than last time. After recording your video:

Module 3 Assessment

This assessment is a recorded assessment. Before you start, please remember to start recording your screen. Please only submit your video and gist once you have completely finished your solutions!

Time limit: 1 hour

Part 1

Write a function that takes 3 words and returns a single count of all their letters.

Module 2 Assessment

Sales Team

You are managing a sales team and you are interested is analyzing some data related to their age and total sales. Take a moment to review the following data structure you will be analyzing:

var salesTeam = [{name: {first: 'Aleen', last: 'Atkins'}, age: 26, sales: '$2314'},
 		{name: {first: 'Alvaro', last: 'Angelos'}, age: 55, sales: '$1668'},
 		{name: {first: 'Denese', last: 'Dossett'}, age: 29, sales: '$9248'},
mmeigooni /
Created April 17, 2017 14:29 — forked from nathansmith/
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  1. Write a function called billTotal that can be used to calculate the total to be paid at a restaurant -- including tip and tax -- given the subtotal (i.e. cost of food and drinks). We can assume that the tip will be 15% and tax will be 9.5%. Make sure that the tip does not include the tax!

  2. Complete the below function called range that takes two integers as parameters, start and end, and returns an array containing all the whole numbers between them starting with start and up to end (you can use a any loop. The function

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describe("sumDigits", function() {
it("should return a number", function() {
expect(typeof sumDigits(2002)).toBe("number");
it("should sum the digits of a positive number", function() {
it("should sum the digits of a negative number", function() {