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Mustafa Murat Arat mmuratarat

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#Data is from an online course taught by Andrew Ng of Stanford University
#provided by Coursea
############## Cevrimici (online) bir kaynaktan veri seti okutma ##############
URL_subs <-""
data <- read.table(URL_subs, header=FALSE, sep=",")
#Fonksiyonu yaratalim
WilcoxonSignedRankTest <- function(x,y){
diff <- c(x - y) #her gozlem ikilisi arasindaki farki tutan bir vektor hesaplayalim
diff.rank <- rank(abs(diff)) #farklarin mutlak degerini alarak siralayalim ve siralarini kaydedelim.
diff.rank.sign <- diff.rank * sign(diff) #her sira numarasini, karsilik gelen isaret ile etiketleyelim.
ranks.pos <- sum(diff.rank.sign[diff.rank.sign > 0]) #pozitif degerli siralamalarin sira degerlerini toplayalim.
ranks.neg <- -sum(diff.rank.sign[diff.rank.sign < 0]) #negatif degerli siralamalarin sira degerlerini toplayalim.
result<- c(ranks.pos,ranks.neg)
housing <- read.csv("",
header = TRUE,
sep = "," )
#'data.frame': 47 obs. of 3 variables:
# $ area : int 2104 1600 2400 1416 3000 1985 1534 1427 1380 1494 ...
# $ bedrooms: int 3 3 3 2 4 4 3 3 3 3 ...
# $ price : int 399900 329900 369000 232000 539900 299900 314900 198999 212000 242500 ...
normalized <- function(x) ( x - mean(x) ) / sd(x)
GradientDescent <- function(data, alpha, iteration, epsilon){
data <- matrix(unlist(data), ncol=ncol(data), byrow=FALSE)
# bagimli degiskeni ve bagimsiz degiskenleri ayiralim.
#Veridaki en son kolon, bagimli degiskene ait olmalidir.
independent.variable<- data[,1:ncol(data)-1]
dependent.variable<- data[,ncol(data)]
# girdi degiskenlerine z-değeri normalleştirmesi uygulayalim.
#Veriyi okutma
housing <- read.csv("",
header = TRUE,
sep = "," )
#Fonksyonu calistirma
results <- GradientDescent( data = housing, alpha = 0.05,
iteration = 500, epsilon = 0.001)
#Analiz sonuclari
housing <- read.csv("",
header = TRUE,
sep = "," )
normalized <- apply(housing[ , -3 ], 2, scale)
normalized_data <- data.frame(cbind(normalized, price = housing$price))
model <- lm( price ~ ., data = normalized_data)
#Her iterasyon sonrasi elde edilen maliyet fonksiyonu degerlerini cizdirelim.
costs_df <- data.frame( iteration = 1:nrow(results$costs),
costs = results$costs / 1e+8 )
plot(1:nrow(results$costs),costs_df$costs,xlab = "Iteration", ylab = "Cost")
URL_subs <-""
data <- read.table(URL_subs, header=FALSE, sep=",")
model <- lm(data$V2~ ., data = data)
# lm(formula = data$V2 ~ ., data = data)
# (Intercept) V1
from __future__ import print_function, division
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
num_epochs = 100
total_series_length = 50000
truncated_backprop_length = 15
state_size = 4
num_classes = 2