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  1. SSH into staging instance and cd into current deployment
    cd ~/nyu_geoblacklight/current
  2. Clear out records if already cloned
    mkdir -p tmp/opengeometadata && rm -rf tmp/opengeometadata/edu.nyu/
  3. Clone records from staging repo where sdr-cli will expect NYU records

Using NYU Identity API via Library Deprovisioning Application Access Token


Prerequisite Info

Variable What it is / How to find it
SERVICE_NET_ID NetID for service user SSO; ask Marii
SERVICE_PW Password for service user SSO; same as SERVICE_NET_ID ^
CLIENT_ID For the registered "application" aka the deprovisioning script; you can find this by logging into with the service user SSO (above) > "My applications" tab > "library_deprovisioning_request"
mnyrop /
Created September 21, 2023 20:37
ssh into and/or deploy to sdr rails ec2 2023

SSH & Cap Notes

Set up SSH access

  1. Check spreadsheet for up-to-date IP & key info from dlts devops
  2. Request copy of correct pem file from dlts dev ops (in our case dlts-aws-sdr.pem) and download it.
  3. Copy the pem key from its current location (e.g., Downloads) to the path Capistrano (our deploy tool) expects using the following command:
    cp ~/Downloads/dlts-aws-sdr.pem ~/.ssh/dlts-aws-sdr.pem

check stuff

  • brew doctor # check that you're ready to brew
  • which openssl # see what openssl you have

if not openssl isn't v1 via brew (current is 3 but incompatible)

  • brew install openssl@1.1 # install it
  • echo 'export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl@1.1/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc # configure it
  • export LDFLAGS="-L/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl@1.1/lib"
  • export CPPFLAGS="-I/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl@1.1/include"

Marii and Alex meet to plan the future of Wax…

Here are some of the ideas that surfaced

Note: Checkboxes designate if a tangible issue has been created and added to project board.

  • wax_tasks#91 > Produce separate JSON file instead of adding to data CSV #tasks
  • Namespace wax-protected fields (e.g., wax:full_image wax:largest_image wax:thumbnail wax:iiif_manifest) #tasks #theme
  • Allow config of metatada dictionary in item layout without having to edit layout directly #theme
  • Make variables configurable for OpenSeadragon #theme
XE: Experimental Humanities (GSAS)
XE: Experimental Humanities and Social Engagement
XE: Experimental Humanities and Social Engagement
GSAS Hebrew and Judaic Studies
Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies



  • Created IAM group sam-service-access with permissions to manage IAM, S3, Lambda, CloudFormation, and CloudFront.
  • Created user aperitiiif-sam-deploy within sam-service-access to inherit policies.
  • Created an NYU Web Hosting Bitwarden account w/ credentials in Box
  • Added aperitiiif-sam-deploy credentials to NYU Web Hosting Bitwarden account
  • Downloaded Bitwarden CLI client locally via npm and logged in for programmatic access to aperitiiif-sam-deploy AWS credentials.
  • Made sure AWS-CLI, SAM-CLI, and Docker were installed.
  • Made sure Docker was running.