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Mohd Sanad Zaki Rizvi mohdsanadzakirizvi

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plt.figure(figsize: [12, 8])
let accuracyAxes = plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
accuracyAxes.set_ylabel("Train Accuracy")
accuracyAxes.plot(trainAccuracyResults, color: "blue")
let lossAxes = plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
lossAxes.set_ylabel("Test Accuracy")
lossAxes.plot(testAccuracyResults, color: "yellow")
print("Beginning training...")
struct Statistics {
var correctGuessCount: Int = 0
var totalGuessCount: Int = 0
var totalLoss: Float = 0
// Store accuracy results during training
var trainAccuracyResults: [Float] = []
// Using Gradient Descent as the optimizer
let optimizer = SGD(for: classifier, learningRate: 0.1)
import TensorFlow
let epochCount = 100
let batchSize = 128
// The LeNet-5 model
var classifier = Sequential {
Conv2D<Float>(filterShape: (5, 5, 1, 6), padding: .same, activation: relu)
AvgPool2D<Float>(poolSize: (2, 2), strides: (2, 2))
Conv2D<Float>(filterShape: (5, 5, 6, 16), activation: relu)
# Display first 5 images
for img in imgs{
%include "/content/swift-datascience/MNIST.swift"
// Load dataset
let dataset = MNIST(batchSize: 128)
// Get first 5 images
let imgs = dataset.trainingImages.minibatch(at: 0, batchSize: 5).makeNumpyArray()
%include "EnableIPythonDisplay.swift""inline")
import Foundation
import Python
let os = Python.import("os")
let plt = Python.import("matplotlib.pyplot")
os.system("git clone")
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
print(accuracy_score(y_val, pred_bert))
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
# LR model
model_bert = LogisticRegression()
# train
model_bert =, y_tr)
# predict
pred_bert = model_bert.predict(X_val_bert)
from bert_serving.client import BertClient
# make a connection with the BERT server using it's ip address
bc = BertClient(ip="YOUR_SERVER_IP")
# get the embedding for train and val sets
X_tr_bert = bc.encode(X_tr.tolist())
X_val_bert = bc.encode(X_val.tolist())