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mohssineAboutaj / index.html
Created April 4, 2019 16:19
Row Separator
<div class="row">
<div class="row red">
<svg id="" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMax meet" class="svg-separator sep1" viewBox="0 0 1600 100" style="" data-height="100">
<path class="" style="opacity: 1;fill: #bc4565;" d="M1040,56c0.5,0,1,0,1.6,0c-16.6-8.9-36.4-15.7-66.4-15.7c-56,0-76.8,23.7-106.9,41C881.1,89.3,895.6,96,920,96
<path class="" style="opacity: 1;fill: #bc4565;" d="M1699.8,96l0,10H1946l-0.3-6.9c0,0,0,0-88,0s-88.6-58.8-176.5-58.8c-51.4,0-73,20.1-99.6,36.8
mohssineAboutaj / password_strength.php
Created April 6, 2019 15:45 — forked from bmcculley/password_strength.php
Check for password strength, password should be at least n characters, contain at least one number, contain at least one lowercase letter, contain at least one uppercase letter, contain at least one special character.
$password_length = 8;
function password_strength($password) {
$returnVal = True;
if ( strlen($password) < $password_length ) {
$returnVal = False;
mohssineAboutaj / countdown-timer-pure-javascript.markdown
Created June 10, 2019 16:33
Countdown Timer - pure javaScript