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Last active December 21, 2019 11:24
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Blockless SLyDIFi
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
@import: slydifi-blockless
let-inline ctx \gray it =
let ctx2 = ctx |> set-text-color (SlydifiColor.html-color 0xAAAAAA) in
read-inline ctx2 it
draft-mode = false;
fonts = (|
frame-title-cjk = `mplus-sans-b`; % 自分が持っているフォントに変えること
normal-text-cjk = `mplus-sans-r`; % 自分が持っているフォントに変えること
frame-title-latin = `mplus-sans-b`; % 自分が持っているフォントに変えること
normal-text-latin = `mplus-sans-r`; % 自分が持っているフォントに変えること
mono-text-latin = `mplus-mono-r`; % 自分が持っているフォントに変えること
font-ratio-cjk = 1.0;
frame-anime(5){Overlay 機能のテスト}[
p-switch(Range(2, 4)){☆★★★☆:2–4のとき有効.}{\gray{☆★★★☆:2–4のとき有効.}};
p-switch(Only(3) ){☆☆★☆☆:3 枚目だけ有効.}{\gray{☆☆★☆☆:3 枚目だけ有効.}};
p-switch(Before(2) ){★★☆☆☆:2 枚目まで有効.}{\gray{★★☆☆☆:2 枚目まで有効.}};
p-switch(After(3) ){☆☆★★★:3 枚目以降有効.}{\gray{☆☆★★★:3 枚目以降有効.}};
p-switch(GeneralRange(fun i -> (i mod 2) == 1))
% vim: foldmethod=marker
@require: gr
@require: math
@require: list
@require: annot
@require: satysfi-base/block
@import: slydifi-color
type block = context -> block-boxes
type cel = int -> block
type celRange =
| Always of unit
| Only of int
| Before of int
| After of int
| Range of int * int
| GeneralRange of int -> bool
let phantom-block bb = block-skip (get-natural-length bb)
let-inline ctx \SLyDiFi =
let size = get-font-size ctx in
let f = read-inline ctx in
let fd = ctx |> set-manual-rising (0pt -' (size *' 0.25)) |> read-inline in
let fI = ctx |> set-font-size (size *' 0.72)
|> set-manual-rising (size *' 0.2)
|> read-inline
let ib =
f {SL} ++ kern(size *' 0.05) ++ fd{Y} ++ kern(size *' 0.03) ++ f{DIF}
++ kern(size *' 0.05) ++ fd{I}
script-guard Latin (no-break ib)
module Slydifi : sig
% Signature {{{
val document: 'a -> block list -> document
constraint 'a :: (|
fonts: (|
frame-title-cjk : string;
normal-text-cjk : string;
frame-title-latin : string;
normal-text-latin : string;
mono-text-latin : string;
font-ratio-cjk : float;
draft-mode : bool;
val paper-width : length
val paper-height : length
direct \emph : [inline-text] inline-cmd
direct \textbf : [inline-text] inline-cmd
direct \text-color : [color; inline-text] inline-cmd
direct \br : [] inline-cmd
direct \link : [inline-text?; string] inline-cmd
val frame-anime : int -> inline-text -> cel list -> block
val frame : inline-text -> cel list -> block
val p-ghost : celRange -> inline-text -> cel
val p-switch : celRange -> inline-text -> inline-text -> cel
val p : inline-text -> cel
% }}}
end = struct
% blockless satysfi
let block-list-to-block-boxes ctx b =
b |> (fun b -> b ctx)
|> Block.concat
let cel-list-to-block-boxes ctx c cel-num =
c |> (fun c -> c cel-num ctx)
|> Block.concat
% 文書設定 {{{1
let font-size-normal = 20pt
let font-size-frame-title = 28pt
let font-size-header-footer = 12pt
let font-size-title = 32pt
let font-size-author = 20pt
let font-size-date = 18pt
let font-size-institute = 20pt
let font-size-section = 28pt
let font-size-footnote = 12pt
% PowerPoint の文書サイズに合わせる
% let paper-width = 12.8cm
% let paper-height = 9.6cm
let paper-width = 25.4cm
let paper-height = 14.29cm
% let header-height = 12pt
let header-height = 24pt
let footer-height = 24pt
let text-horizontal-margin = 30pt
let text-vertical-margin = font-size-normal *' 1.0
let text-height = paper-height -' text-vertical-margin *' 2.
let text-width = paper-width -' text-horizontal-margin *' 2.
let relwid relx = paper-width *' relx
let relht rely = paper-height *' rely
let relpt relx rely = (relwid relx, relht rely)
let font-ratio-latin = 1.
let font-latin-roman = (`Junicode` , font-ratio-latin, 0.)
let font-latin-italic = (`Junicode-it`, font-ratio-latin, 0.)
let font-latin-sans = (`lmsans` , font-ratio-latin, 0.)
let font-latin-mono = (`lmmono` , font-ratio-latin, 0.)
let font-cjk-mincho = (`ipaexm` , 1.0 , 0.)
let font-cjk-gothic = (`ipaexg` , 1.0 , 0.)
let set-cjk-font font ctx =
ctx |> set-font HanIdeographic font
|> set-font Kana font
% grid
let main-grid-size = 50pt
let sub-grid-size = 10pt
% page
let-mutable is-first-page <- true
% colors
let color-title = SlydifiColor.html-color 0x076678
let color-bg = SlydifiColor.html-color 0xF9F5D7
let color-fg = SlydifiColor.html-color 0x282828
let color-emph = SlydifiColor.html-color 0xCC241D
let color-link = SlydifiColor.html-color 0x8F3F71
let color-footer = SlydifiColor.inner-color color-bg color-fg 0.5
let main-grid-color = SlydifiColor.inner-color color-bg color-fg 0.7
let sub-grid-color = SlydifiColor.inner-color color-bg color-fg 0.9
% options {{{
let-mutable fonts-frame-title-cjk <- ` `
let-mutable fonts-frame-title-latin <- ` `
let-mutable fonts-normal-text-cjk <- ` `
let-mutable fonts-normal-text-latin <- ` `
let-mutable fonts-mono-text-latin <- ` `
let-mutable fonts-font-ratio-cjk <- 1.0
let-mutable draft-mode <- false
% }}}
% }}}
% document command {{{
let clear-page-or-nil is-first-page =
match !is-first-page with
| true ->
let () = is-first-page <- false in
| false -> clear-page
let get-standard-context wid =
get-initial-context wid (command \math)
|> set-dominant-wide-script Kana
|> set-language Kana Japanese
|> set-language HanIdeographic Japanese
|> set-dominant-narrow-script Latin
|> set-language Latin English
|> set-font Kana font-cjk-mincho
|> set-font HanIdeographic font-cjk-mincho
|> set-font Latin font-latin-roman
|> set-font-size font-size-normal
|> set-math-font `lmodern`
|> set-hyphen-penalty 100
|> set-leading (font-size-normal *' 1.4)
|> set-paragraph-margin (font-size-normal *' 0.6) (font-size-normal *' 0.6)
|> set-text-color color-fg
let document record inner =
let page = UserDefinedPaper (paper-width, paper-height) in
let () = fonts-frame-title-cjk <- record#fonts#frame-title-cjk in
let () = fonts-frame-title-latin <- record#fonts#frame-title-latin in
let () = fonts-normal-text-cjk <- record#fonts#normal-text-cjk in
let () = fonts-normal-text-latin <- record#fonts#normal-text-latin in
let () = fonts-font-ratio-cjk <- record#fonts#font-ratio-cjk in
let () = fonts-mono-text-latin <- record#fonts#mono-text-latin in
let () = draft-mode <- record#draft-mode in
let ctx-doc = (get-standard-context text-width)
|> set-font Kana (record#fonts#normal-text-cjk, !fonts-font-ratio-cjk, 0.)
|> set-font HanIdeographic (record#fonts#normal-text-cjk, !fonts-font-ratio-cjk, 0.)
|> set-font Latin (record#fonts#normal-text-latin, font-ratio-latin, 0.)
let bb-main = block-list-to-block-boxes ctx-doc inner in
let pagecontf _ =
text-origin = (text-horizontal-margin, text-vertical-margin);
text-height = text-height;
let pagepartsf pbinfo =
let footer =
let ctx = get-standard-context paper-width
|> set-font Latin (record#fonts#normal-text-latin, font-ratio-latin, 0.)
|> set-font-size font-size-header-footer
|> set-text-color color-footer
let it-pageno = embed-string (arabic pbinfo#page-number) in
let it-count = match get-cross-reference `pagecount` with
| None -> {??}
| Some(i) -> embed-string i
line-break true true ctx (inline-fil ++ (read-inline ctx {#it-pageno;/#it-count;}) ++ inline-skip 20pt)
header-origin = (0pt, 0pt);
header-content = block-nil;
footer-origin = (0pt, paper-height -' footer-height);
footer-content = footer;
let hook = line-break false false (get-standard-context 0pt)
(hook-page-break (fun pbInfo _ -> (
let numpages = pbInfo#page-number in
register-cross-reference `pagecount` (arabic numpages)
page-break page pagecontf pagepartsf (bb-main +++ hook)
% }}}
% common function in slides {{{
let-rec range n1 n2 =
let-rec aux min max =
if min == max then [min] else min :: (aux (min + 1) max)
if n1 < n2 then (aux n1 n2) else (aux n2 n1)
let ib-bg =
let rect-bg =
fill color-bg (Gr.rectangle (0pt, 0pt) (paper-width, paper-height))
inline-graphics 0pt 0pt 0pt (fun _ -> [rect-bg])
let bg-grids grid-wid grid-ht grid-color =
let n-grid-vertical = round(paper-width /' grid-wid) in
let n-grid-horizontal = round(paper-height /' grid-ht) in
let vlines = (
fun n -> Gr.line (grid-wid *' float(n), 0pt) (grid-wid *' float(n), paper-height)
) (range 1 n-grid-vertical) in
% [Gr.line (grid-wid, 0pt) (grid-wid, paper-height)] in
let hlines = (
fun n -> Gr.line (0pt, grid-ht *' float(n)) (paper-width, grid-ht *' float(n))
) (range 1 n-grid-horizontal) in
% let hlines = [Gr.line (0pt, grid-ht) (paper-width, grid-ht)] in
let lines = List.append vlines hlines in
let grid = (stroke 1pt grid-color) lines in
let ib = inline-graphics 0pt 0pt 0pt (fun _ -> grid) in
let make-grids dmode =
let main-grid = bg-grids main-grid-size main-grid-size main-grid-color in
let sub-grid = bg-grids sub-grid-size sub-grid-size sub-grid-color in
if dmode then (sub-grid ++ main-grid) else inline-nil
let bb-bg ctx dmode =
let ctx-phantom =
ctx |> set-font-size 0pt
|> set-paragraph-margin 0pt 0pt
|> set-leading 0pt
(line-break true true ctx-phantom (ib-bg ++ (make-grids dmode) ++ inline-fil))
% Overlay
% celRange 型を,
% layer 番号 i が, celRange で定まる範囲に入っているかどうかを表す
% int -> bool 型に変換する.
let-rec is-in-range : celRange -> int -> bool | cel-range i =
match cel-range with
| Always() -> true
| Only(n) -> (i == n)
| Before(n) -> (i <= n)
| After(n) -> (i >= n)
| Range(m, n) -> (i >= m) && (i <= n)
| GeneralRange(f) -> (f i)
% cel-num (cel number) が crange (cel range) に入っているときだけ
% 具現化され,それ以外は phantom となる block-box.
let ghost-block crange cel-num bb =
if is-in-range crange cel-num then bb else phantom-block bb
% cel-num が crange に入っているときだけ bb-true が使われ,
% それ以外は bb-false に擬態する block-box.
let block-switch crange cel-num bb-true bb-false =
if is-in-range crange cel-num then bb-true else bb-false
% }}}
% frame{} function {{{
let placeholder height (origX, origY) =
[fill Color.white (Gr.rectangle (origX, origY) (origX, origY +' height))]
let make-frame-title ctx =
ctx |> set-font-size font-size-frame-title
|> set-font Latin (!fonts-frame-title-latin, 1.0, 0.)
|> set-cjk-font (!fonts-frame-title-cjk, !fonts-font-ratio-cjk, 0.)
|> set-text-color color-title
let make-placeholder ctx glue-height =
let ht = length-max 0pt glue-height in
let ctx2 = ctx |> set-paragraph-margin 0pt 0pt in
line-break true false ctx2 (inline-graphics 0pt ht 0pt (placeholder ht) ++ inline-fil)
let frame-anime max-frame title inner ctx =
let ctx-title = make-frame-title ctx in
let title-padding = 12pt in
let deco (x, y) wid hgt dpt =
let path1 =
let xL = x -' text-horizontal-margin +' title-padding in
let yT = y +' text-vertical-margin in
let xR = xL +' paper-width -' title-padding *' 2.0 in
let yB = yT -' 3pt in
Gr.rectangle (xL, yT) (xR, yB)
(fill color-title path1);
let bb-title cel-num =
let it-number =
if max-frame == 1 then {}
let it-cel-num = embed-string(arabic cel-num) in
let it-max-frame = embed-string(arabic max-frame) in
{ (#it-cel-num;/#it-max-frame;)}
let ib-title = read-inline ctx-title {#title;#it-number;} in
(ctx |> set-paragraph-margin 0pt 0pt)
(title-padding -' text-horizontal-margin, title-padding,
title-padding -' text-vertical-margin, title-padding +' text-vertical-margin)
(deco, deco, deco, deco)
(fun ctx ->
line-break true true (make-frame-title ctx) (ib-title ++ inline-fil)
let ib-inner cel-num = embed-block-top ctx text-width (fun ctx -> cel-list-to-block-boxes ctx inner cel-num) in
let bb-inner cel-num = line-break false false ctx (ib-inner cel-num) in
let-rec content n =
if n == 0
then block-nil
(content (n - 1)) +++
(clear-page-or-nil is-first-page) +++
(bb-bg ctx !draft-mode) +++ (bb-title n) +++ (bb-inner n)
content max-frame
let frame = frame-anime 1
let frame-anime-nt max-frame inner ctx =
let ib-inner cel-num = embed-block-top ctx text-width (fun ctx -> cel-list-to-block-boxes ctx inner cel-num) in
let bb-inner cel-num = line-break false false ctx (ib-inner cel-num) in
let-rec content n =
if n == 0
then block-nil
(content (n - 1)) +++
(clear-page-or-nil is-first-page) +++
(bb-bg ctx !draft-mode) +++ (bb-inner n)
content max-frame
let frame-nt = frame-anime-nt 1
% }}}
% 文書構造 {{{
let p-ghost crange it cel-num ctx =
ghost-block crange cel-num
(line-break true true ctx (read-inline ctx it ++ inline-fil))
let p-switch crange it1 it2 cel-num ctx =
let ib-paragraph it =
line-break true true ctx (read-inline ctx it ++ inline-fil)
block-switch crange cel-num (ib-paragraph it1) (ib-paragraph it2)
let p = p-ghost (Always())
% }}}
% インラインテキスト装飾 {{{
let-inline ctx \emph it =
let ctx2 = ctx |> set-text-color color-emph
|> set-font Latin (!fonts-frame-title-latin, 1.0, 0.)
|> set-cjk-font (!fonts-frame-title-cjk, !fonts-font-ratio-cjk, 0.)
(read-inline ctx2 it)
let-inline ctx \text-color clr it =
let ctx2 = ctx |> set-text-color clr in
(read-inline ctx2 it)
let-inline ctx \textbf it =
let ctx2 = ctx |> set-font Latin (!fonts-frame-title-latin, 1.0, 0.)
|> set-cjk-font (!fonts-frame-title-cjk, !fonts-font-ratio-cjk, 0.)
(read-inline ctx2 it)
let-inline ctx \link ?:it url =
let ctx2 = ctx |> set-text-color color-link in
let ctx-link = match it with
| None -> ctx2 |> set-font Latin (!fonts-mono-text-latin, 1.0, 0.)
| Some(v) -> ctx2
let text = match it with
| None -> (embed-string url)
| Some(v) -> v
read-inline ctx-link {\href(url){#text;}}
let-inline ctx \br =
discretionary (- 1000) inline-nil inline-fil inline-nil
% }}}
let frame-anime = Slydifi.frame-anime
let frame = Slydifi.frame
let p-ghost = Slydifi.p-ghost
let p-switch = Slydifi.p-switch
let p = Slydifi.p
@require: color
module SlydifiColor : sig
val gray : float -> color
val rgb : float -> float -> float -> color
val html-color : int -> color
val black : color
val white : color
val red : color
val yellow : color
val orange : color
val blue : color
% val are : color * color -> color
val rgb-value : color -> (float * float * float)
val inner-color : color -> color -> float -> color
end = struct
let gray x = Gray(x)
let rgb r g b = RGB(r, g, b)
let html-color rgb =
let r = rgb / 65536 in
let g = (rgb - r * 65536) / 256 in
let b = rgb mod 256 in
RGB(float r /. 255. , float g /. 255. , float b /. 255.)
let rgb-value clr =
match clr with
| RGB(r, g, b) -> (r, g, b)
| Gray(z) -> (z, z, z)
| CMYK(c, m, y, k) -> (0., 0., 0.)
let inner-color clr1 clr2 r =
let (r1, g1, b1) = rgb-value clr1 in
let (r2, g2, b2) = rgb-value clr2 in
let inner-division f1 f2 r = f1 *. r +. f2 *. (1. -. r) in
RGB(inner-division r1 r2 r, inner-division g1 g2 r, inner-division b1 b2 r)
let black = gray 0.
let white = gray 1.
let red = rgb 1. 0. 0.
let yellow = rgb 1. 1. 0.
let orange = rgb 1. 0.5 0.
let blue = rgb 0. 0. 1.
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