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Stanko Krtalić monorkin

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monorkin / data.csv
Created August 29, 2018 18:16
Data gathered for the "Licensing software" article
language agpl-3.0 apache-2.0 artistic-2.0 bsd-2-clause bsd-3-clause cc0-1.0 epl-1.0 gpl-2.0 gpl-3.0 isc lgpl-2.1 lgpl-3.0 mit mpl-2.0 unlicensed
Ruby 4513 42208 266 5463 13744 1682 533 20153 14975 797 1155 1617 269015 1878 2247
Rust 162 3188 21 328 714 83 8 665 1317 126 105 137 8108 492 297
C 3060 30281 468 8949 23247 996 802 71930 51125 1637 9981 6433 84365 1574 3057
Python 14102 79036 588 14517 46448 3891 1113 75928 82760 2503 5983 7923 209152 3630 6285
PHP 6205 29648 283 3141 23837 924 243 70814 36439 562 2209 4256 163556 1069 2306
C++ 3161 28707 387 7450 21009 909 584 64061 51985 877 8104 7311 83737 1599 3044
Java 4060 149147 550 3809 12911 1303 5360 32128 46739 609 4164 7993 98623 1753 3998
Kotlin 60 2722 12 51 139 21 14 141 597 26 13 60 2143 84 49
Elixir 76 740 18 126 363 13 9 496 328 93 34 70 4328 82 89
def justify(text, width)
return if text.nil? || width.nil? || width.negative?
words = text.split(' ')
rows = group_words_into_rows(words, width)
rows = pad_rows(rows, width)"\n")
def group_words_into_rows(words, width)
# return the array containing the tree levels, from root to last level.
def tree_by_levels(node)
return [] unless node
unpacked_tree = {}
breadth_first_search(node, unpacked_tree)
def breadth_first_search(node, hash = {}, depth = 0)
return unless node
-- Replace with your SQL query
to_date(, 'YYYY-MM-DD') AS date,
a.count AS count,
(count::float / lag(count) over (order by date) - 1) * 100,
) AS percent_growth
-- Replace with your SQL Query
a1.first_name || ' ' || a1.last_name AS first_actor,
a2.first_name || ' ' || a2.last_name AS second_actor,
film.title AS title
FROM film
JOIN film_actor AS fa1 ON fa1.film_id = film.film_id
JOIN film_actor AS fa2 ON fa2.film_id = film.film_id
AND fa1.actor_id <> fa2.actor_id
JOIN actor AS a1 ON fa1.actor_id = a1.actor_id
var evtSource = new EventSource('/stream');
evtSource.onmessage = function(e) {
monorkin / error_objects_builder.rb
Created November 19, 2018 08:46
A simple yet effective GraphQL error builder for Ruby
# frozen_string_literal: true
# BasicService implements `*args)` so that you can
# use `` instead of
# ``
class ErrorObjectsBuilder < BasicService
Error =, :index, :messages, :suberrors)
def initialize(errors, camelize_keys = true)
@errors = errors
# Wrapper around a HTTP library
class ApiClient; ... end
# Knows how to decode JSON responses from the API
class JSONApiClient < ApiClient; ... end
# Knows how to decode XML responses from the API
class XMLApiClient < ApiClient; ... end
# Exposes an API's endpoints as methods on an object
class MyAppApiClient
attr_reader :json_client
attr_reader :xml_client
def initialize(api_token)
@json_client =, JSON.method(:parse).to_proc)
@xml_client =, XML.method(:parse).to_proc)
def current_account
array = [1,2,3,4,5] # => #<Enumerator: ...> { |i| i * 2 } # => [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]